The Death Knell

Chapter 4379 Yellow Sun

In an empty dark environment, there were several figures standing on the ruins. Among them, a white-haired man wearing a green robe finally spoke after a period of suffocating silence:

"In short, the current situation is like this. The Yongjia people have lost contact, and the last 52 coalition forces also encountered an ambush in Gotham. We must launch a plan in advance."

"I told you, you can't ignore the death knell. You were wrong from the beginning when you regarded him as an ordinary human being."

An old voice said this, but this man was hiding his head and covering his face with a white cloth.

"Ahem...I'm going to deal with that myself." Deathstroke, who was leaning on a ruined wall, sat up with difficulty, and his armor made a piercing scream: "Only Deathstroke can deal with Deathstroke, You are all trash."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to respond, he raised his hand to open a black wormhole and cast a spell to leave.

"... He didn't even know where the other death knell was, so he said he was going to deal with the enemy? What a shame." A bald man smiled and patted the S logo on his chest: "Then I will launch the plan. You must cooperate with me."

"Of course, I have arranged for manpower to help you on Earth." The old man in white robe replied, his beard trembling slightly: "After Hecate dies, the power of witchcraft should belong to me, damn it Death knell."

"No one here cares about bullshit witchcraft. No one will compete with you. I just want to destroy the earth!" The man in green robe suddenly became manic. He scratched and tore his hair: "Every time I see When they laugh, I feel miserable. I hate them. Why is my world doomed to perish? Why can they..."

"Okay, that's it for now, don't talk useless nonsense, do more work, let's call it a day."

There was a sudden voice in the air nearby. No one was there, but the person who spoke seemed to have a strong voice.

His simple words made the man in green robe swallow back the nonsense he wanted to vent.

The bald man canceled the projection and was the first to disappear into the venue; the old man in white robe also waved his hand, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared.

The man in green robe took a deep look at the deserted place, but could not see anything either. He sighed, and his whole body turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated in place.

Just like that, everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened here.


"A long time ago, Kandor was the art and cultural center of Krypton. The people here loved art very much. Have you seen Krypton statues before? They were popular in using luminous stone to make statues, not the green light of fluorite, but It’s a material that emits golden light.”

Deathstroke on the flying carpet gave everyone soda drinks, and at the same time hugged Damian and Bobo, and gave everyone some popular science. After seeing everyone shaking their heads, he smiled and said:

"It's okay, I can tell you that the architectural style of Kandor City is different from other Kryptonian cities. It is particularly popular with large domes similar to the Orthodox Christian style, and they also like to build towers in the city."

"I seem to have heard of this somewhere, but when it comes to art style, it doesn't seem to mean much, right?"

Bobo touched his black-haired chin, thoughtfully. He felt that his artistic preferences should have been before the destruction of Krypton. It was hard to say what the current habits of Kandor were.

"Hey, when I hear you say this, it proves that you don't understand art." Su Ming gave him a bottle of orange soda and helped him unscrew the cap: "A true artist, the pursuit of beauty is engraved in Deep down, even if you let him starve and build a house with straw, the shack he builds will still have natural beauty and will not be a messy pig's nest."

"I understand. What you are saying is that a subconscious preference for art will cause them to behave like obsessive-compulsive disorder. This is something we can take advantage of."

Damian raised his little face. Although his expression was still expressionless, his tone became livelier.

"That's right, good boy." Su Ming smiled and hugged Rice, patting the boy's young shoulder: "I'm not sure whether Rao is on New Krypton now, but if you find any inconsistencies by then, Everything with mainstream aesthetics around me will remind me immediately, do you understand?"

The descriptions of Rao in the Kryptonian mythology and God in the human Bible are very similar in past experiences.

It is recorded in the "Rao Scripture" that he even carried out the Apocalypse event on Krypton, that is, launching a great flood to cleanse the godless population. At that time, the Al family, as prophets, received the oracle and created The Great Ark saved other believers and various Kryptonian animals.

There are also a lot of plausible stories like Rao's parting of the sea, believing in Rao and gaining eternal life, the last lunch, etc.

In Su Ming's opinion, the story about Rao is full of errors. Perhaps there was a human Bible that passed through some time wormhole and arrived at the distant past of Krypton at a certain point in time. It was picked up by a believer. , played a trick of "English translation", put all the highlight scenes in the book on Rao's head, and came up with this "Rao Sutra".

Compared to the "Vishanti Sutra", which is far less valuable, it also teaches white magic spells and how to communicate with birds, while the "Rao Sutra" is more like a flattery book copied by fanatics.

But if the description of some of Rao's abilities in the book is true, then he at least has all the abilities of Silver Superman, and is also very good at acting and mind control. You need to be careful.

"Understood." Donna nodded: "But if the Kryptonians don't bask in the yellow sun, they shouldn't be considered a threat?"

"Who can say for sure? The universe is so vast and the most indispensable thing is yellow stars. Even if Clark is asked to do it, it will be easy to get a yellow sun for Kandor."

The orangutan took a sip of soda, smacked his lips a few times, and gave his opinion.

Kryptonians are like solar cells. As long as they have been exposed to the yellow sun, they have energy and can display exaggerated combat effectiveness.

Although Clark is not on the team, if the Kandorians are really infected by Clayface Plasma Nanobugs, whether Deathstroke will kill them all is a big question.

You must know that Superman doesn't have many compatriots. He has invested a lot of effort in this city. If all the people here die, I'm afraid Clark will also go crazy.

Yes, Superman is certainly no match for Deathstroke, but if it really gets to that point, will he still have to go to war with Zheng Lian?

"Let's wait and see when we enter the target galaxy. We probably haven't been discovered by "my lord" yet, so we still have some time. Su Ming stopped his teammates' speculation and advised everyone to enjoy the soda: "One of the necessary qualities of a mercenary is to be able to adapt to changes."

"Yeah." Damian responded again, he wanted to become like his father.

In this way, a group of people flew through the colorful space. The magic floating cloak was like a small boat, swinging left and right in the complex space environment.

The flight path was very erratic, but the speed was still very fast. After about a minute, it found the coordinates given by Luther and the adjutant, and made a dive and rushed towards that area.


As if a thin layer of glass had been broken, there was a soft sound in everyone's ears, but no one cared about it, because a bright yellow star was right in front of everyone, and some planets were silently orbiting it. With.

"Oh." Bobo raised his eyebrows and raised his head to look at the death knell: "Who told me about Murphy's theorem last time? Things always develop in a bad direction?"

"Ah, that's what I said, but seeing the yellow sun here is actually a good thing for us." Su Ming squinted his eyes and looked at the yellow sun. He drank up the soda in his hand and wiped it with the back of his hand. Mouth: "At least it means that the probability of Rao hiding in this galaxy has greatly increased."

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