The Death Knell

Chapter 4380 Non-human

People on earth don’t know much about stars, but they still have some basic information.

Many people know that different stars have different colors, which is also related to the rate of nuclear reactions in them. The frequency of the light emitted is naturally also different.

For example, the star in the solar system, the Sun, is a mature star that emits white light. This stage is called the main sequence stage.

Among the stars at this stage, the various colors are the richest, including blue, green, yellow, cyan, etc. They are all considered young and active. There will be no problems for at least hundreds of millions of years, and they can continue to shine and heat. Providing the possibility of the birth of life in the planetary system where it is located.

Once this stage is passed, the star begins to gradually decay and its color becomes redder and darker.

The essence of stars is that they are nuclear reactors. When the hydrogen in them is consumed by fusion, the internal temperature and pressure also rise to a certain level. The core of the star will collapse, causing the temperature to rise. This process will continue until the sun fuses helium into carbon element.

At this time, the size of the star will expand, causing some extremely unstable conditions, engulfing other planets in the planetary system, and bringing doom to all living things.

In his previous life, Su Ming had watched some disaster movies about the sun, such as "Mysterious Code" and "Solar Catastrophe". They were almost like that, but definitely more serious and more desperate.

After the expansion burst, cooling and silence follow. Depending on the mass of the star, these stellar 'corpses' will turn into different celestial bodies, such as white dwarfs, neutron stars, black holes, etc., which are all off topic and will not be mentioned here.

In short, the star 'Rao' owned by Krypton in the past was such a red sun with weak heat. The rise of hawks among Kryptonians naturally had this influence.

The longest red giant stage is no more than a billion years. This is like a sword hanging on the heads of Kryptonians, forcing them to find other ways out in the hope that one day they can leave Krypton, which is destined to be swallowed by the star, and save themselves.

The current New Krypton should have a red giant star. Superman deliberately chose the place for them.

But now, I don’t know who, at what time, gave them a yellow sun.

"Adjutant, is the observation equipment back to normal now? Can you see the situation in Kandor City?" Su Ming let the cloak float in the universe and did not enter the planet immediately. He wanted to at least see the current New Krypton. Only by considering the situation can you decide which plan to adopt.

"The deep space probe is being calibrated, locking the frequency and starting transmission."

The adjutant completed the adjustment of some equipment and now projected the scene of Kandor City, the capital of New Krypton, in front of everyone.

New Krypton is easy to identify, because the other planets in this planetary system are either lava, poisonous gas, or dead planets, and they don't look like signs of humans at all.

Although the Luojin planet occupied by the Kryptonians is also a desolate planet, after environmental transformation, it now looks at least a bit bland green, like a layer of stubble on a bald man's head.

As expected, the people of Krypton bathed in the light of the yellow sun now have superpowers. Some people can be seen gliding short distances in the city, but no one has left the atmosphere yet. It may be because of something promulgated by the Science Committee decree.

The new Kandor City is generally white, but their buildings are shrouded in a dull golden light. Unlike human high-rise buildings that are all windows, they obviously pay more attention to safety after experiencing the apocalypse. Windows are extremely rare.

Such a building coupled with the dome made Su Ming inevitably think of a kind of food called steamed buns. If it weren't for the numerous viaducts and long stairs that could be seen everywhere in the city, he might have felt like he was looking at a steamer.

"Oops, all the Kryptonians' superpowers have been activated." Bobo frowned. There were already many grooves on the chimpanzee's face, and now his face looked more like a black walnut: "Batman said it before, One planet of Kryptonian warriors is enough to conquer the universe.”

"You only spoke half of what you said, Detective Orangutan." Damian was shrouded in the shadow of his cloak. Instead of illuminating his face, the star's light made his shadow appear longer: "Batman still has the second half. sentence, he said that all Kryptonians are potential threats, including Superman."

Donna was speechless. She rubbed her face with her hands: "So, the matter between Batman and Superman is not over yet? I thought they had reconciled long ago."

"These are two different things, Donna." Wally was looking at the stars in the distance, but he couldn't look directly at the bright light, so he could only peek secretly: "Batman believes in Superman, but only temporarily. Do you understand? Once Bat If Superman shows any signs of not meeting his requirements, they will fight again immediately."

Donna rolled her eyes, shook her head and said nothing. Shazam listened half-comprehensively and said with emotion:

"The relationship between adults is so complicated."

"Okay, Batman is just being polite. Even if there are Kryptonian warriors on one planet, he can still solve them. Besides, New Krypton doesn't have that many people."

Su Ming interrupted everyone's discussion. He looked for the new leader Van Ze in the real-time surveillance provided by the adjutant, but he couldn't find it after looking in several places:

"The building density in the city is far worse than Gotham. There shouldn't be many people in Kandor City, at least I haven't seen many so far. The areas outside the city are either farmland or pastures, or large forests planted, maybe The plan is to take the path of environmentally friendly development, but now it seems that these people are just living and working in peace and contentment, nothing unusual."

"The biggest abnormality is that you are still living and working peacefully after mastering superpowers, Slade."

The orangutan exhaled smoke from the corner of his mouth. He gradually fell in love with the feeling of smoking in space. The magic floating cloak created a small environment for everyone to survive. The air here has the smell of the universe.

It's a kind of deathly silence mixed with coldness. When inhaled, it feels like tobacco leaves mixed with mint, which can cool down the orangutan's brain and improve thinking efficiency.

"What you said makes sense, but it requires a prerequisite, that is, Kryptonians must have humanity."

Su Ming crossed his arms and looked at the distant planet quietly. Its atmosphere was turbulent and looked very interesting.

Bobo's meaning is very simple. He believes that once ordinary people obtain superpowers, they will inevitably do something different from usual things. Even moral saints will indulge a little.

Not to mention murder, arson, robbery and other bad things, at least find some way to test the upper limit of your super power, right?

But now, the people of New Krypton are too peaceful. They still live a very ordinary life. Even if only one person can plant the entire planet in an instant, they do not do so.

That's just not right.

Su Ming's thoughts were darker. He pointed out that Bobo used things that humans would do to trick Kryptonians, and made a preconceived mistake from the beginning, thinking that all Kryptonians were like Clark.

But the fact is that the behavior of these Kando people at this time means that their thoughts are most likely completely different from humans, and it is also possible that they are being controlled.

The specific situation is unclear. There seems to be no stray electrical signals in Krypton Technology's digital network, which prevents the adjutant from investigating and hacking into the network to obtain more intelligence outside the planet.

Then let's play the role of a Kryptonian first and go in to find out the news.

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