The Death Knell

Chapter 4381 Sharing the Joy

How to play the Kryptonian is actually very simple, because under the red sun, they themselves are no different from humans.

Although they are now bathed in yellow sunshine, they have not shown any other abilities except short-distance gliding and super strength. In this way, as long as their teammates can fly and get a suitable set of tights to wear, You can play the Kryptonian perfectly.

Yes, Damian and Wally can't fly at the speed of light, but they can just be dragged by the Force.

Of course, given that the Kryptonians are a technological race, it goes without saying that they have to avoid some equipment such as genetic scanners during the infiltration process.

The city of Kandor is so big, and these people have been trapped in bottles for so many years. Maybe they all know each other and have ways to identify each other.

So if you want to infiltrate, you have to play as another group of Kryptonian survivors, the descendants of the Kryptonian Military Council who were trapped in the phantom zone with the fleet when Krypton exploded.

To put it simply, they are the subordinates and relatives of General Zuo De.

The advantage of family politics is that as long as you are a member of the family, you can use the family's political capital, so Su Ming doesn't need to change his equipment too much. He just changed the black and yellow armor into black and red, and strangled it on his chest. Just swish the chrysalis a few times to form a blood-red 'Z' letter.

"Adjutant, make some costumes for everyone, black and red, from General Zuo De's family." Su Ming gave the order and was about to prepare for infiltration work: "There is no need for the orangutan, he is just a pet anyway."

"What do you mean, I'm just a pet. Adjutant, please give me a uniform. I haven't even worn a tights yet."

Bobo's team is positioned as Deathstroke's secretary. It's okay to call him a pet. Anyway, he is a plug-in brain. He needs help for reference when encountering problems. At the same time, he can be used to investigate crime scenes and crack electronic devices.

If a fight really started, his fighting power would probably not even be at the neighborhood level, but who in the right mind would expect the fighting power of an orangutan?

He knows this himself, but he won't admit it. Since everyone has to change their uniforms to infiltrate, he has to change too. Didn't you see that Superman's little Kryptonian has a red cloak?

"Are you sure?" Su Ming looked at the orangutan with a strange look: "I'm afraid you haven't worn tights before."

"Humph, isn't it great to wear tights? I've worn dead human skeletons before." Bobo knocked out his pipe on his knees, took off his deerstalker hat and stuffed it into his pocket: "I'm ready, you have to give it to me Get one."

Here come the tights. After all, this kind of thing can be printed, very fast.

The adjutant directly initiated the teleportation and teleported the prepared clothes to everyone, even skipping the process of changing clothes.

However, for such a convenient thing, the orangutan was paralyzed. The adjutant did give him a set of tights, but the orangutan's body full of fat was immediately exposed.

The beer belly, double chin, limbs that are so thin that they have no muscles, and a shriveled butt that can’t even be held up by tights, all remind people of the hairless cat, the black-skinned version.


Donna, who put on a Zuode uniform, laughed out loud, and deliberately showed off her figure to the orangutan.

Of course there is no problem with her. After all, she is a female warrior, strong and energetic. As long as she doesn't smile and her eyes are more sinister, she will be a perfect Kryptonian warrior.

Wally, Damian, Shazam, not to mention, they usually wear tights, just change the color.

"I regret it." Bobo covered his face and hid it between his arms: "Can you change me to a set of armor, just like the one you wear, Slade?"

"Of course not. I have to play the role of the leader of the team. How can I wear the same thing as a pet?"

Su Ming, who was smiling evilly, ignored the orangutan's life and death, took it off his shoulders, put it aside and pushed his butt, indicating that he had to walk the rest of the way by himself.

It's your choice, boss!

After looking at the status of other teammates, Su Ming waited for a few seconds, waiting for the freshness of everyone's costume change to wear off, before continuing:

"Have you all changed your clothes? Kandor can understand English, because Brainiac is an English speaker. He used to speak to the bottle every day, so be careful when infiltrating, don't reveal your secret, especially Shazam, you Just stop talking."

Everyone agreed, so Su Ming used the Force to grab everyone, formed a personal formation in space, and flew towards the destination.

The city of Kandor is getting bigger and bigger in the field of vision. It seems to have a special attraction that tugs at people's hearts.

I met a farmer on the road. He was driving a farm machine and probably still plowing the ground. He saw a group of people flying past in the sky. He smiled and raised his hand to signal.

"Hello! Can you come down?"

The distance was a bit far, but his voice was not quiet. Circles of sound waves drew water-like patterns in the air, but he spoke in English.

Could it be that having been locked up by Brainiac for so long, he developed Stockholm Syndrome? So you started to use the language of the prisoners instead. Do you feel so close?

Su Ming's heart moved, and he led everyone down. He nodded towards the farmer wearing silver tights and a straw hat on his head, and spoke in a standard London accent:

"Hello, fellow countryman."

After saying that, he straightened his chest and deliberately chose an angle so that the sunlight could illuminate the blood-red Z on his chest.

Sure enough, as soon as the other party's eyes moved, he saw the Zuode family logo, and he couldn't help but show an expression of enlightenment, and said with some emotion in surprise:

"It turns out it's you, compatriots. The last time I saw the Zuo De family's emblem was in the battle where we were captured."

After saying that, he firmly held Deathstroke's forearm and shook it up and down like a handshake, appearing very excited.

Of course, it could also be a test, because most counterfeiters would probably have their arms exploded if they were held like this by a Kryptonian with super strength.

However, although Deathstroke is a fake and an ordinary human being, he is born with supernatural powers.

So he immediately pretended to be more excited than the other person, and used more strength with his hands. He grabbed the other person's forearm so hard that he could feel the farmer's flesh seeping out from between his fingers.

"There are still people who remember our Zuode family, so our past battles were not in vain! I'm so happy! Compatriots! We just found here from the other side of the galaxy, and I didn't expect you to welcome us so warmly!"

He also grabbed the opponent and shook him violently, and a slight sound of bone cracking could be heard.

"Hiss, ah, it hurts!" The other party really let go and smiled painfully: "You soldiers are indeed stronger. People like me who study plants, even if they are basking in the yellow sun, But it’s still very fragile.”

Deathstroke smiled slightly and retracted his hand. He obtained some information from the other party's words.

First of all, Kandor knew that the yellow sun could make him stronger, but the meaning of his words was not like he had discovered it himself, but that someone had told him about it.

Secondly, the other party is studying plants, not farming. There is a difference between the two.

"No, we just have different divisions of labor. I was so excited. I'm so sorry. Is your arm okay? It's all my fault."

"It doesn't matter. I understand. It's certainly worth being happy to see your compatriots, but I have something even more happy to tell you."

The farmer tried to rub his arm, but the pain became more and more painful. He could only stop talking and float down from his farm machinery:

"Come with me. Please come to my home. I need to heal myself before I tell you the good news."

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