The Death Knell

Chapter 4382 God of the Sun

In the vast farmland on the outskirts of Kandor City, in a green field, there is just such a small white house, which looks a bit like a metal yurt.

But when everyone flew closer, they discovered that it was larger than expected, with an internal space of at least three to four hundred square meters.

It's just that it's different from the architectural style of Krypton in my impression. Although this house has beauty, it's not much. After all, there aren't even a few windows, and the house is dark.

The farmer introduced himself on the road and said he was Tai from the El family. Su Ming also made up a name and told him that his name was Handsome Boy Zod.

The child who claims to be the nephew of the uncle of Krypton's famous military leader, General Dru-Zod, was born in the fleet that year and was trapped in the phantom zone until the last time the general was defeated by Kal-El. , he was lucky enough to escape with others.

How do ordinary Kryptonians know what actually happens in the Phantom Zone? Su Ming could make it up any way he wanted, but General Zuo De couldn't correct it anyway.

Another point is that Tyr knew about the dispute between the El family and the Zod family, so he just smiled politely and didn't go into details.

General Zuo De wants to conquer the earth and transform it into a new Krypton for everyone to live in. From the perspective of the Kryptonians, there is nothing wrong with this at all, but his methods are just a little cruel.

Kal Al saved everyone in Kandor City and found the planet Login as a target for transformation. Now everyone owes the Al family, and even the current executive is Carl's cousin.

The grievances and resentments of the past have long since passed. Now that everyone wants to build New Krypton, even the power of the Zuo De family is needed.

If you bring up things from the past now, aren't you looking for a quarrel?

And this is the result Su Ming wants.

Otherwise, there are so many families on Krypton, and he can pretend to be anyone he wants, and even make the background story impossible to verify, so why take the risk by pretending to be a member of the Zuo De family?

The purpose is to actively embarrass those who inquire about your identity, so that no one will ask.

"Please come in and sit down wherever you want. Uh-huh, hey, wait for me for a moment." After entering the yurt-like house, Tai Aier motioned to his compatriots to find a place to sit, and he hurriedly covered his swollen arms. Went to the inner room.

You could see sweat on his forehead, obviously in pain.

After he left, everyone just looked around and no one spoke, because everyone knew that Kryptonians have super hearing, and if they talked casually with Deathstroke, they might be cheating.

Damian made a concealed gesture, but Su Ming shook his head. Then everyone found a place to sit down and began to admire the interior decoration of the building.

All the furniture is white, even the flowers in the vase are white. It is as if people have entered a completely pure white world. If there is not a small window that can see the greenery in the distance, it would probably be in the After living in the house for so long, I can’t even tell the direction.

But I have to say that this pure white interior layout has a simple beauty that cannot be felt when looking from the outside.

After a while, Tai Aier returned to the living room after using the equipment to treat his own injuries. He also brought a large tray with some red drinks on it, which should be juice.

When he came to the seats and sat down, he distributed the juice to everyone. Because it was obvious that the handsome boy Zuo De was in charge of the team, so he only talked to the captain.

This is the habit of Kryptonian soldiers. Ordinary soldiers have little say.

"Please use it. This is a crop I grew on New Krypton. It's delicious. By the way, you may not know that New Krypton is the name of the planet below us. If you can find this place, it must be the same." You were guided by Rao, right? Haha."

Tai Aier was very happy. He was obviously impatient to share the good news. He took a sip from the cup and then continued:

"That's all I have to say, our God is back, truly Rao, I saw it with my own eyes!"

With a slight frown, Su Ming took a sip of the juice, nodded to indicate to his teammates that it was harmless, and then continued:

"That's right, but we only heard the 'Voice of Rao', but we didn't see God himself. If he is really here, that would be great. How can I meet our god?"

The only common topic that the El family and the Zod family have in common is theology.

"Haha, as long as you pray sincerely, God will definitely hear it." Tai Aier smiled and went to get more food. He wanted to show the enthusiasm of Kandor to his compatriots who came from afar: "He lives in heaven. , but the will is done on earth, and He knows every word and deed we do.”

"Well, is this the reason why none of you use your abilities to fly?" Su Ming asked a more concerned question.

Now that people on New Krypton have awakened their superpowers and have energy in their bodies, why not fly? Why not use superpowers for work?

"Ah, this is Van Ze's order. He said that the sky belongs to the realm of the gods. We should not fly around in the city to disturb the sight of the gods. Everyone thinks it makes sense. But it doesn't matter in the suburbs. Don't fly. Just get out of the atmosphere.”

Tai Aier took out various fruits from the cabinet on the side and handed one to the handsome boy Zuo De.

It feels cold to the touch. Maybe the cabinet just now was another kind of refrigerator.

Fan Zemo. Su Ming pondered for a moment, but did not show it. He just said carelessly:

"It makes sense. The sky should indeed belong to the Sun God. Only he is worthy of it. However, if God returns early, maybe we..."

"Be careful, my brother, that we should ask God to do no more for us."

Tai Aier, who was a little flustered, stopped the handsome boy Zod from complaining. In his opinion, the warrior should be talking about the earth again, so he immediately changed the topic and said:

"The great God gave us the yellow sun, and gave us the ability to protect ourselves and become great again. We should be content and not ask for more, because as long as he takes care of us, Kandor will regain its glory. This is just a matter of time. question."

“Then did God say what he needs us, the lambs, to do?”

The Kryptonian warrior disguised as Deathstroke looked like he was suddenly enlightened and nodded repeatedly.

You really shouldn’t ask for more, but should give something back to God, so it’s reasonable to ask God what he wants, right?

"Of course God doesn't need us to do anything for him, but we are always ready." Tai patted his chest seriously. There were no letters on the chest of his silver uniform: "However, you are here on behalf of the Zuode family, so you should go Meet the Archon? He may have plans to repay God."

Still can't get around Fan Ze, that's fine.

"You're right, my brother." Deathstroke stood up with the fruit, and his teammates also stood up. He said, "You reminded me, I should go see the Ze family immediately. I'm sorry, I can't be here. Stay here for a long time.”

"Yes. As long as we bathe in the glory of the Lord, we will definitely meet again." Tai also stood up to see off the guests. He seemed very satisfied that the Zuode family still worshiped Rao so much after being separated for so many years. He felt that I found new church members.

The two sides shook hands again and said goodbye, but this time everyone moved much softer.

The handsome guy left with his teammates. Tai stood at the door and watched them leave, waving goodbye as if reluctant to leave.

At this time, a figure walked out from the depths of the room, stretched his neck to look at the group of people flying away, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother, where did these strange guests come from?"

"Ah, Haier, why did you come out? You are not in good health. You should continue to recuperate in the nutrition tank in the basement. Come in with me quickly. As for them? They are the survivors of the Zod family. They have received God's will. From People from the Milky Way came here to look for Van Zee. Haha, it was God who guided them here. That means I actually met the Chosen One today, haha."

Tai Aier smiled and told his information, but did not notice that his brother did not seem to be happy, and just murmured in a low voice:

"Are you from the Zuo De family? A war lunatic. I'll leave for a moment."

After that, he pushed his brother away, turned around and walked out the door. The golden sunlight illuminated the S letter on his chest, and he jumped into the air.

And after these things seemed to come to an end, in the distant mountain forest, a figure wearing black and yellow armor also watched the whole process, and he quietly retreated behind the big tree.

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