The Death Knell

Chapter 4385 Dark Protection

"What is that? A comet? It's quite red in color and has a bit of a burnt smell. Uh, no, the burnt smell is because I farted just now. Sorry, I had fried bacon with leeks for lunch."

Deadpool, who was chopping meat with a group of masked people, tilted his head. He glanced at the sky, and then looked in the direction of no one:

"Old fellows, it seems that today is the day when Earth 0 will be destroyed. We came at the wrong time, and we are going to ask the adjutant to help everyone evacuate. Hey, but my live broadcast room is not closed, but there will be a wave of betting. The left bets on this It’s a comet hitting the earth, right bet it’s an alien invasion, Wuhu, open!”

But before he finished speaking, a bright spot in the sky shot straight down. It could be clearly seen that it was changing course, heading towards Gotham.

Soon enough, a red and blue light also rose in Gotham, rising up against the light falling from the sky.

Two mushroom clouds suddenly burst out in the sky, the kind that looked like an umbrella cover against an umbrella cover. A strong shock wave swept through the whole city. The city directly below the impact point was shaken, and a large number of buildings fell down like dominoes. .

Strong airflow has already come along the street pavement, the rain clouds in the sky have also been evaporated, and the hot airflow has already hit our faces.

Although the murderers usually don't talk, they are still very particular at critical moments. Because of their immortality, the tall Jason and Mike stepped in the direction of the shock wave, and Nailhead also held his own. The magic box casts a hellish spell, and dense black chains stretched out from the box, forming a ball shape to protect everyone.

Speaking of Deadpool's team, even though it is composed of murderers, the team composition is actually quite good.

There are spellcasters like Nailhead and Xia Kela, undead human shields like Deadpool, Jason, and Mike, Leatherface who specializes in doing dirty work, and Ghost Face who is full of clever ideas.

Coupled with Diana, a native of Earth 0, as a guide, she can definitely do a lot in Gotham.

The next second, a strong wind hit, and the iron ropes wrapped around everyone made a roaring sound, which gradually calmed down after more than ten seconds.

Nailhead stopped his work expressionlessly, the chain retracted into the small box, and the Rubik's Cube slowly rotated in his hands. Everyone looked around, and saw that there was no intact building left? Even the pile of meat sauce that everyone chopped up not long ago was blown away to no one knows where.

But this is not the most critical thing, but there are two red shadows in the sky that are constantly colliding at an extremely fast speed. Each collision will cause a shock wave, constantly washing the broken Gotham City.

The last time Gotham City was this dilapidated was the last time.

"No, it's Superman fighting against the enemy. I have to help."

Diana calmed down for a moment, looked around, and immediately recognized one of the people in the sky.

Who else could it be but Clark? He was flying up and down, blowing air and shooting heat vision, and was having a lively fight with another group of human-shaped flames.

The speed of both sides was extremely fast. At this time, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter had just taken off and had not yet completed the encirclement.

Diana originally felt that she was not in tune with Deadpool's team. Wade and his wife were fine, but the other team members felt like super criminals. At this time, she wanted to leave and join Zhenglian.

This is also for the benefit of Wade and the others. After all, although these people are good at killing, none of them can fly. If they participate in this kind of battle, they will only die.

Why not join forces with Zheng to deal with the enemies in the sky, while Deadpool continues to carry out Deathstroke's employment instructions on the ground? Isn't this a perfect division of labor?

She expressed her intention to leave, and the Justice League needed her.

"Hey, my sister-in-law, you can't leave. How will we live if you leave? I took the deposit from my cousin, well, this is what I have to do, wife, Plan B."

But Deadpool obviously doesn't intend to let Diana go, because the first priority of the task he received from his cousin is to protect Diana, and it does not necessarily mean fighting to the death with the 52nd Coalition Forces.

He is not very good at protecting others, and he is not bad at killing people, so he specially brought his daughter-in-law Xia Kaila with him.



With a loud noise, Xia Keluo, who was standing next to Diana like a quiet vase, moved his hands, catching the Amazon off guard.

In humanoid form, Xia Kela looks harmless to humans and animals, but once she reveals her true form, which is like a demon like a big pineapple in Diablo, her combat effectiveness rises to several levels.

It is four meters high at the shoulders, standing on all fours, with a long curved head and a body covered in dark purple scales. Under the natural scales are large muscles that look like piles of rocks.

Of course, the younger siblings are definitely not as good as the real Hell Lords or Dimension Demons. Xia Kaila is nominally the Queen of New York’s underground metropolis and the King of Succubi, but her situation is actually very embarrassing. She doesn’t have her own hell plane, and even more so. If you don't have the strength to occupy the dimension, you can only hang out underground in the main dimension.

If she were to fight Diana head-on, she would most likely not be able to beat her. After all, if Xiao Dai took off the bracelet seal, accepted the blood power left by Zeus, and controlled thunder and lightning, then she would be a veritable God of War.

But Xia Kaela lived in the sewers of New York and had a very dark personality. The sneak attack was called stealing mainly because it was unexpected. She did not have a magic weapon like the pan in Deathstroke's hand, but the devil's body itself was a weapon.

The thick tail swung like a steel cable on a suspension bridge and slapped the heroine on the back of the head. After a roar of gold and iron, Diana immediately fell forward.

But because of his inexperience, Xia Kaila started too lightly. The force of less than fifty tons was only enough to stagger Diana, but it was far from enough to make the Amazon princess unconscious.

Fortunately, Deadpool was already prepared. He took out a stiff sock from his trouser pocket and waved it in front of his sister-in-law.

Diana, who had suffered a blow to the back of her head and was unsteady on her feet, was adjusting her breathing to relieve her eyesight of stars. Then she smelled a 'soy sauce', which smelled like a sharp knife and prickly. The mace was pierced into her brain and stirred hard.


Diana rolled her eyes and fainted on the spot, because Deadpool's socks really make people want to escape the real world.

"Oh, I knew this would happen. I'm sorry, sister-in-law. I lied to you before. The burnt smell was actually a sock I brought with me when I set out today that I have worn for three years. I have never washed it. It was originally I plan to use it to make Laotan pickled vegetables. But the good news is that at least I don’t have athlete’s foot, so you can rest assured.”

After the plan was successful, he only felt as lonely as snow. Wade sighed. He took back his socks and licked his nostrils. He smelled the tips of his fingers carefully and nodded with satisfaction at the sourness before letting Xia Kaila pick up Diana:

"Adjutant, pick up my cousin and let him see what he should do with this situation. I've said it before. Our team definitely doesn't get along with Wonder Woman. She only wants to protect civilians. Protect the city, protect this and that, but don’t know how to protect yourself. Everyone who holds a shield has this problem, and so does Steve. I brought my new brothers to Gotham to have fun and make money, and her goals are different. , how to get them together?"

Deadpool wants to make money, and killers want to kill people. These two goals do not conflict, and making money on dead people is fine.

But protecting others? Tsk tsk, anyway, my cousin said that there will be no division of troops.

The projection of the adjutant's face appeared on the side. She first looked at the unconscious Diana and shook her head. Then she glanced at the battlefield in the sky and said:

"It's not convenient for the Sheriff to communicate now, but he has prepared a backup plan for your backup plan. I will recover Wonder Woman first. The new guide is preparing to teleport. You don't need to evacuate for the time being. Guy Gardner's lamp ring is also Can project kryptonite.”

"Hey, wait, don't we need a guide? We can throw away our shoes and find the way. I said hello? Hello? Are you still listening?"

Deadpool doesn't really want the 'supervisory army' sent by his cousin, because he still has many bold ideas, and it's hard to implement them when others are watching.

But the adjutant seemed to have anticipated his reaction, and did not give the bitch a chance to refute. Instead, he simply cut off the communication. At the same time, a blue light fell to the ground, and the new guide arrived with a burst of laughter.

"Have a rest~ Good evening, Gotham, I'm back! Wade, you guys, what are you doing standing around? Come with me, I know a place that will be particularly fun at this time, hahaha."

Seeing the person coming, Wade was startled for a moment, and then a √-like crooked smile appeared under the red and black mask. Hey, the sister-in-law who came this time is the right one.

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