The Death Knell

Chapter 4386 The partition wall is smelly

At this time, Su Ming was taking everyone shopping in Kandor City. When Tai Aier entertained everyone, he gave everyone a piece of fruit. He took back the fruits and gave them to passers-by, giving them a chance to hitchhike.

Anyway, if the plan goes well, New Krypton will be a new dumping ground for goods in the future. They can have as much fruit as they want, and they are not in a hurry to eat it.

Arriving at the square in front of the parliament building, everyone had just gotten off the car. Su Ming was admiring the giant golden statue of Superman in the square when he received a silent communication from the adjutant and was told that one of his backup plans had been triggered. An edited video record played in his mind.

To put it simply, after Diana returned to Earth 0, she immediately returned to her identity as Wonder Woman. She wanted to get involved in Superman's battle, so Wade had no choice but to knock her down.

In this regard, Su Ming was also speechless. No one else knew the opponent who was fighting Superman in the sky of Gotham at this time. He knew that the humanoid creature with its body on fire was the 'Judgment Day', a Superman who went crazy and desperately absorbed the energy of stars. .

He is not infected with the Laughing Virus, or if he is infected, it cannot be seen. After all, his mental state is not as good as those infected, because he himself is crazier than Laughing.

After all, Laughing Crazy has a purpose of action, which is to look outside the fourth wall, overturn his destined fate, and kill the heroes to destroy the DC story.

But things were different on Judgment Day. After the death of his wife and children, he became the purest nihilist. All he wanted was to destroy all worlds.

Absorbing the energy of stars is actually destroying planetary systems. When a star in a planetary system goes out, even if there is life on the surrounding planets, how many more days can it survive in darkness and cold?

He sucked away all the light and heat, leaving only darkness and cold to others, which was exactly the opposite of Su Ming.

At this time, Judgment Day has arrived on Earth. He has just absorbed the power of millions of stars before. His current fighting performance is just to tease Dachao. Once he gets serious, it is normal to explode stars at a glance, but first let's see how both sides perform. Bar.

Although Earth 0 is not so easy to destroy, because Lucifer still lives on Earth, and he still has a trump card that he has not played yet, a girl named Elaine Belloc, the daughter of Michael. female

However, let the lieutenant evacuate some acquaintances and friends first, such as the owner of the pancake shop where Harley loves to eat, the old heroes of the Justice Society, Barry and Wally's family and colleagues, etc.

Arrange to stay temporarily at Channel 52 first. As long as they are willing to participate in the talk show, there should be no problem in staying there.

Diana insisted on joining in Superman's fun, so Deadpool and Xia Kela took her down. They strictly followed their cousin's instructions and did not allow them to separate. Everyone should go to work happily and go home safely.

When she was in a coma, she was taken back by the adjutant, and she and Harley switched circumstances, letting Xiao Dai lead the people in the apocalypse to develop the camp, and letting Little Jelly Bean take Wade and the others to make money and kill people.

"Is this the next plan of 'my lord'? Playing the Judgment Day card on the frontal battlefield to attract attention, what are you planning to do secretly?"

Su Ming stopped under the statue and thought for a moment. He knew that the madmen's goal should still be to destroy Earth 0, but he couldn't go back, otherwise he would only get into the opponent's rhythm and be beaten passively. What he had to do was to fight with The enemy cheats.

He already had the advantage of taking the lead and defeated the Yongjia clan with the highest efficiency. One of the seven giants of 'my lord' had been lost. So far, his side had not suffered any losses, and the civilians who died did not need to be counted.

"Give Wade and the others artificial kryptonite. After all, Judgment Day is still a Kryptonian. If the Justice League can't stand it anymore, let Deadpool sneak out of Gotham first. If he is chased, then try green first. A variety of styles, and finally try the pink one.”

There are as many colors of kryptonite as there are stars. Star people from different parallel universes fear different colors of kryptonite.

But the scariest weapon of all is pink kryptonite, which changes the sexual orientation of nearby Kryptonians and causes them to go into heat uncontrollably.

The Kryptonian turns into Old Man G and goes into heat in front of Deadpool. Just imagining what will happen next makes me sick to my stomach.

Shaking his head, Su Ming shook off the uncontrollable thoughts that appeared in his mind, and silently asked the adjutant:

"Has the Doom Patrol arrived in Gotham?"

"No, Sheriff, their minibus broke down halfway."

While answering this, the adjutant projected an image in the chief's mind. At this time, the members of the Doom Patrol were standing in a barren mountain, bored and playing with ants and straw sticks on the side of the road, while the mecha man Then he was lying under the car, tinkering and repairing something.

Originally, the car was supposed to be repaired last night, but someone threw an incendiary bomb at the mecha who was repairing the car, causing all the work to be wasted.

When I wanted to use the car today, it started, but halfway through, it still couldn't hold it anymore and the old problem recurred.

"You said that the chief is so rich, he lives in a manor, and his family is bigger than mine. Why can't he spend some money to buy a new car? Even Wuling Hongguang will do."

"Do you need me to teleport them?"

The adjutant narrowed his eyes and smiled, and she asked if she wanted to change her plans.

"Contact them, and don't let them go to Gotham. There is enough chaos there. If you send the Doom Patrol to Washington DC and let them station in the Hall of Justice, I always feel like something is going to happen."

Su Ming thought for a second and then changed the previous arrangement. Now the first and second tier heroes of the Justice League are basically busy outside. There are only some seventh and eighth tier superheroes left in his hometown. If something happens, they won't even fight back. There is no power at all.

The Doomsday Patrol stationed there can effectively enhance the protective capabilities, and although the chief is a bit cheap, he can be used as a think tank without much problem.

"Contact initiated, waiting for execution, the adjutant is offline." The image of the silver-haired girl disappeared from Su Ming's mind.

Raising his hand and patting the base of the statue in front of him, Su Ming raised his head to look at the glowing face of the big super, turned around and said to his teammates:

"Let's go into the parliament building to find Van Zee. If we find him, many things will become easier."

If it weren't for the fact that the reversal of the Anti-Life Equation is very difficult, and the infected person can only be restored using the Life Equation, and Su Ming didn't want to kill all the Kryptonians in Kandor and cause Superman to get angry.

Why is it so troublesome?

The teammates did not speak to the outside world, because there were many Kryptonians in the square looking at them, especially the emblem of the Zuod family on their chests, which attracted special attention.

With super vision and super hearing, when you sneak into this planet, you have to be careful at all times and don't get in trouble.

The group of people took steps towards the government building. They encountered a simple check at the guard's office. Su Ming was originally ready to 'slap' and chant 'Long live Rao', but the other party just looked at them. Just put down the Zuodejia sign and let them go.

Family name, this thing is also a double-edged sword, with disadvantages and advantages.

After asking about the location of the city governor's office, Su Ming and others took the elevator in a disciplined manner and climbed all the way up in the windowless building.

However, the Archon's office is not on the top floor. Instead, it is vigilantly located on the middle floor of the building, where it is the most heavily protected.

After exiting the elevator, the corridor was also completely white, the lights were so bright that it was so clean that people's shadows could be reflected on the walls and floors.

When he came to the office door and knocked on the door, no one responded, but Su Ming's heart gradually sank.

Because he smelled the smell of blood coming from the room, he suspected that this was a plot. The next second, did he open the door and find the body, and then a group of people came out from behind and identified him as the murderer?

This is interesting. When did the Kryptonians start to play dark tricks?

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