The Death Knell

Chapter 4387 Falling at a disadvantage

If the door is not opened, then Fanze will be in an unstable state of neither life nor death. Only when Su Ming opens the door and observes the situation in the room can he come to a conclusion.

"It turns out that one day I will turn my infiltration operation into a strong attack." Su Ming said a cold joke, shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand and pushed open the door.

Originally, the purpose of looking for Fan Ze was to find out if he knew anything about Rao, but now that something has obviously happened to him, the chance of being silenced because he knew too much has greatly increased. Su Ming must find him and see him alive. If you want to see the body after death, even if there is a piece of brain left behind, that's fine.

Even if they are really framed, it doesn't matter. Although the existence of a city of Kryptonians is equivalent to being under siege, but with the kryptonite in hand, there is always a way, but it may cause a bit of trouble in terms of face.

Anyway, don't kill Kryptonians indiscriminately, just give Clark an explanation.

The door of the office is very smooth and opens with a push. The furnishings in the room are very simple, in the typical Kryptonian white style, with white tables, white chairs, white bookshelves, and even the desk lamps emitting white light.

The office was connected to a small bedroom with a small bathroom and a small white bed. There was a large pool of blood next to the bedside.

"Come on, Fiery Monkey."

He glanced at the corridor behind him and found that no one jumped out to frame him. Su Ming did not hesitate. After using a light ring to cast an isolation barrier to ensure soundproofing of the room, he threw the orangutan indoors.

It is better to let professionals do things like this kind of investigation of the scene. Deathstroke himself is a mercenary. Although he has a careful mind and has the help of Strangler, and his logical reasoning ability is not bad, he is not a detective after all.

I do know a little bit about everything, but it would be too arrogant to rely on this to compare with the skills of other professionals.

Su Ming is the most powerful "mage" of Karma Taj. His reputation as the Supreme Mage is there, but he is not as good as Xiao Wang in cooking, not as good as Hamil in writing books, and not as good as studying magical creatures. Casillas, smearing himself with olive oil and whipping himself with a whip is no match for Modou.

But this does not prevent him from being the leader of these mages. People are not afraid of shortcomings, as long as they use their advantages anyway.

Bobo, known as the Fiery Monkey, followed the force of the death knell throw and did three kinds of front somersaults while hugging his knees in the air before landing firmly on the ground.

He used all the skills he had practiced in the circus. He turned to look at Deathstroke angrily, reached out and took out a magnifying glass from under his hat and started working, but he still cursed:

"You're giving me random nicknames again. Is that humorous? How many times have I told you, I'm not a monkey."

"I'll help you." Damian took the initiative to follow Bobo. He was also a teenage detective and had the true biography of Batman: "Actually, orangutans and monkeys are both primates. Bobo, you shouldn't be entangled in this kind of thing." Details, no matter what Deathstroke calls you, you have nothing to lose.”

"Then I call you monkey, are you happy with it?" Bobo jumped on the desk, used a magnifying glass to look for fingerprints, and did not forget to argue with Damian.

But the boy still had a poker face. He took out a device from his belt and scanned the air in the room:

"Whatever, in the past, people called me a bat boy, a little birdman, a hairless monkey, and a dwarf boy. I accepted them all and broke their teeth. But if you don't have the strength to clear your name, then you must understand that strong Whatever the author says is right.”

"What have you experienced as a child in the past? Oh, it's too dark." The orangutan was speechless, and he sighed: "It feels like you are like what the East said about seeing through the world of mortals. Guys, listen, this is Is this what a thirteen-year-old child should say? It’s too realistic.”

"Fourteen years old. In fact, I am fourteen years old this year. As for you saying that I am realistic? I grew up in the Assassin's League. I have watched my grandfather and mother kill people since I was sensible. I learned how to kill people. Do you think I will be like Billy? Are you still giggling at the game console every day?"

With a tone of disdain, Damian turned around to check the wall, and brought out another device. The one he was using now was the prop that Deathstroke had seized from King Robin.

Billy, who was giggling at the game console at the door, suddenly felt aggrieved. The small mobile phone in the strong man's hand dropped with his arm. He pouted and squatted down with a grimace:

"I just played the game console for a while, and you just said that to me, why? Isn't this bullying?

"But his performance made Damian ignore it, just like ignoring non-burnable garbage.

"This can't go on like this! Find a way, Green Arrow!"

While Gardiner was cooperating with Superman to fight against Judgment Day in embarrassment, he loudly called Green Arrow on the communication channel, asking him to think of a solution quickly.

At this time, Ron had disappeared into the sky of Gotham. He was punched and flew out of the sky, as if he had turned into a shooting star. He was silent again and his life and death were unknown.

Originally, Martian Manhunter took off to cooperate with Superman to fight foreign enemies. In front of him, he could see a flaming "S" letter burning on the figure's chest, and then...

Nothing happened anymore, he realized that the other person was really on fire!

The cracked body was like cracked magma, with red flames seeping out of it, rolling over the enemy, burning wildly and violently.

Ron was stunned at that time. He seemed to have seen how his wife and children were swallowed up by the flames. He would never forget that scene on Mars.

But he wasn't sure whether his memory was accurate. He recalled that incident countless times, but he couldn't tell which ones he saw with his own eyes and which ones were his imagination.

I only remember that in the burning house, my wife and children were calling out my name miserably in the flames, but I was seriously injured at the time and could not move at all. I could only lie down not far from the door and watch them being engulfed by the flames. The bits of burning foam, smoke, and turn into fly ash.

Thinking back on this, Ron could only scream in horror, shaking his head constantly and saying "no, no, no", as if he was denying reality and himself at the same time.

Let alone fighting, he cried like a lost dog, and his hands shook like chaff.

Normally, that's all. If you have a phobia of fire, you won't get close to the flames at worst, but now you are on the battlefield, and the enemy is a fire source emitting infinite light and heat, a living flaming superman, powerful, fast, and ruthless. Ron En was stunned at this moment? Scream? Rolling in the air?

Judgment Day did not tolerate the Martians at all. After fighting off Superman, he punched the "Green Screaming Chicken". This blow directly broke Ron's head, and the huge force even smashed the Martian. The man was blasted into the sky and spiraled into the sky, leaving the atmosphere like a meteor and disappearing without a trace.

Chapter 4386 Falling at a disadvantage

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