The Death Knell

Chapter 4388 Messiah

Green Arrow had no way to intervene in the battle that took place in the sky. Even the strong wind caused by the collision between the two supermen caused him and Black Canary to stagger on the ground.

At this time, he could still hide in a large pit in the basement wreckage to observe the battlefield and command. It was all supported by willpower.

Is there anything he can do? Of course there is, but I'm not sure if it will work. On the contrary, once that method is used, one's own side will lose combat power first.

But now there was no other way. He pressed the communicator and patted the dirt on his beard:

"Gai, use your green light ring to project kryptonite, the bigger the better!"

Guy Gardner punched Judgment Day, and now there were dark burn marks on both arms, and he was grinning in pain. However, after hearing the order, he did not immediately execute it, but looked at it immediately. Superman.

Using a green light ring to project kryptonite is a trick invented by Hal. Clark was once controlled by Darkseid, and Hal used this trick to defeat him with everyone.

If the enemy he is facing now is also a Kryptonian, the probability is indeed very high, because although the opponent's face is burning, the S clan emblem on his chest cannot fool anyone.

The enemy can also be restrained by using projected kryptonite, but the one who suffers first will definitely be the Superman next to him.

And there are still uncertainties in it - is the enemy a superman from another parallel universe?

If so, then the opponent's weakness is not necessarily Green Kryptonite, and the Green Lantern Ring can only project Green Kryptonite.

Don't project yourself when the time comes, restrain your own Superman and crash it, and the other party will be fine, that will be troublesome.

Something like this happened once. The superpower of Earth 3 invaded Earth 0 in the past. That guy was not afraid of green kryptonite, and could even eat kryptonite as jelly beans to increase his strength. In the end, it was Luther who brought about the counterattack. Kryptonite', only to defeat the other party.

"Listen to him and do it!" Da Chao couldn't stand it anymore. He could feel that the enemy was another Clark, because the eyes of the other party looking at him were obviously filled with a different kind of hatred.

It's the kind of personal grudge, not because you block the other person's way forward, but because the other person knows you and is very unhappy.

When he attacks Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter, he always wants to knock them away and get them out of their way. But when it came to him, he really had murderous intentions and wanted to kill himself.

And there was another even scarier thing, that was that Clark felt that the other party was not completely serious, but was increasing his power little by little, as if he wanted to see his own strength, or was playing a game.

In short, once the other party feels that he is not having fun, then I'm afraid.

So there is no time to think about it. The only way to make a bet is to use the Green Arrow method. Just bet that the other party is also afraid of green kryptonite!

Hearing Superman himself say so, Gagardner was heartbroken and dodged behind Superman, then raised the lamp ring high and started projecting kryptonite.

Unlike most lanterns, Guy doesn't like to play with the lantern oath. In his eyes, rings are just tools, and talent is the key.

He can use the energy of the green light, but he does not completely rely on it. Compared with the formalistic oaths on the battlefield, he prefers to shout what he wants to shout:

"Change it!"

The lamp ring projected a huge piece of kryptonite, just like what Green Arrow said, the bigger the better, so Gai gave full play to his imagination and conjured up a huge shield made of kryptonite, like a The basketball court is in hand.

As soon as the kryptonite came out, the effect was immediate. Clark beside him turned green just by feeling the radiation of the kryptonite. After shaking for a while, he rolled his eyes, covered his head and fell to the ground.

But now the key problem came. The burning enemy didn't react at all.

On the contrary, Judgment Day tilted his head and looked at Guy Gardner who had done all this. His white teeth seemed to be exposed in the flames and he said with a mocking tone:

"Is this your method? Poor humans, how weak! How damned!"

Gai's expression changed. Although he seemed to be a rough guy, he was rough but subtle. Since the other party spoke, he wanted to try to delay the conversation by talking:

"Who are you?"

"I am Kal-El. I was once a foolish Superman, but now, I am the final day of judgment! Die!"

The opponent did answer, but the attack on his hand also followed. With just one punch, the big kryptonite shield in Gai's hand shattered into powder all over the sky, and the burning fist continued unabated, punching at On Lantern's fist.


The Lantern Ring and one of Green Lantern's arms exploded into scum in an instant.

Judgment Day showed a smile full of malice. Seeing Gai falling to the ground with a painful expression, he planned to pursue the victory and eliminate the Justice League here.

Not just another version of myself from another world, but also this Lantern, and the two little mice hidden in the ruins below, huh?

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the heartbeats of the two little mice below had disappeared. He used his super vision to look through the layers of buildings and found that the people were indeed no longer there.

Immediately afterwards, the Superman who had fallen before and the Green Lantern who had just fallen disappeared almost at the same time, disappearing under his eyes.

This situation made him a little surprised, but more importantly, he found it interesting.

"It's useless! No one can escape the Day of Judgment! If you think you are safe hiding on the earth, then I will destroy the earth right now, hahahaha!"

Judgment Day, suspended in the air, laughed loudly, and then he was ready to keep his word.

His hands were taken back to his waist, and then his eyes began to glow brightly.

With just one blast of his heat sight, he could shoot right through the Earth, and with a nod or shake of his head, the Earth would be cut in half.

When he absorbed star energy before, he liked to cut and eat like this. It was a ritual in his life. Now that his wife and children are dead, this is the only hobby he has left.

Pain, despair, he wants to inflict all the things he feels on the human beings who bring him these feelings!

Soon enough, his eyes had already shot out red light, pouring it down towards the ground!

However, the expected situation of the red rays sinking into the surface did not happen. On the contrary, the two rays bounced back at a faster speed and hit his chest, making him stagger instead.

"Ding, check."

Judgment Day, who was a little confused, stabilized his body. At this time, he heard the sound of a lighter opening the lid and rubbing the roller. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see that he was fifteen kilometers away. On the roof of a building outside, a man in a trench coat was lighting a cigarette in the evening breeze, and the firelight illuminated his dirty face again and again.

Finally, some damp cigarettes were lit, and the man seemed to know that Judgment Day was watching him, so he spit, raised his middle finger at him, and said with a smile:

"Damn it, I don't know if it's right or wrong to come to Gotham tonight. Mrs. Just for fun, the guy who doesn’t even wear pants.”

"Hmph, another Constantine and his magic? The wither bug plan! You die too!"

Judgment Day turned into a ray of red light, smashing countless buildings along the way, and instantly arrived in front of the man in the trench coat, raising his hand and punching him.

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