The Death Knell

Chapter 4389 Another Self

"Are you okay? Investigate a little faster. In the last second, our Earth 0 almost exploded."

Su Ming leaned against the door frame, watching the adjutant's broadcast in his mind while urging the orangutan and rice working in the room.

The Constantine who attacked on Judgment Day was an illusion. Zha Kang was already good at deception, and his deception method was also top-notch. I just didn't know if he could wait for Zatanna to arrive.

"Don't rush. Investigating a scene is a delicate job. The more you push, the slower it gets. If any evidence is missed, you will have to go back and look for it, which will take more time."

When he heard that the earth was almost gone, the orangutan's black-haired hand holding the magnifying glass trembled, and he replied angrily:

"Also, what do you mean by 'almost' exploding? Explain it to us."

No need to explain, Su Ming directly asked the adjutant to project and show everyone the scenes that just happened in Gotham.

From Ron's attack to Clark's attack to the green light's attack, the whole process went smoothly. Everyone even held their breath when they saw Judgment Day about to use heat vision to slice the earth like a watermelon.

But seeing Constantine appear to turn the tide, everyone's expressions became strange again.

Because John Constantine is simply a devil in human skin. None of his friends who are close to him will end up well. They are either sold to the devil by him or used as sacrifices for magic. .

It is true that he is a member of the Dark Justice League, but the things he did in the past have nothing to do with justice. He is a pure egoist.

So seeing him use magic to save the earth at this time feels like seeing the Joker joining Zhenglian, which is not very realistic.

But Bobo was more knowledgeable. While investigating the scene, he glanced at the projection for a few times and said:

"The Mirror Reflection Spell was historically used to reflect attacks from Gorgons. Constantine seems to have improved it. By the way, this bitch is worthy of being the 'Chosen One' and the legendary Messiah. He is indeed It can be the hope of salvation.”

"Just him?" Donna shook her head in disgust. She felt sick just seeing Zha Kang's face in the projection: "He can't even bathe himself. We can really count on him to protect the earth."

"It's not that he can't do it well, it's just that he doesn't want to do it. In fact, he can still be trusted for a while."

With his back exerting force, Su Ming bounced off the door frame. He walked towards the office, explained to Constantine as he walked, lit a cigarette and waited:

"Although Zha Kang is not good at hygiene, drinks alcohol and has no self-love, and he also likes to peek at British women going to the toilet, cough, but his dirty soul was chosen by both heaven and hell as the dark messiah in the prophecy. If he sacrifices himself , can offset any higher-level disaster. The weakness of Judgment Day is indeed not only kryptonite, but also powerful enough magic."


Damian shook his head. He didn't intend to continue listening, because occult science did not rely on logic but on imagination, and was not suitable for detectives. He should focus on the work in front of him.

"I don't quite understand why he wants to peek at others going to the toilet? What's so interesting about that?"

Shazam looked puzzled. He didn't understand what the behavior Deathstroke mentioned meant. Does it prove that Constantine is not afraid of getting dirty? Well, it seems to make some sense. Everyone does get dirty easily during a war.

"Children, don't think about this! Your brain will rot!" Donna covered Shazam's ears and stared at him fiercely: "Billy, if you want to be a good boy and make everyone like you, then you must Don’t imitate Constantine, otherwise you will be beaten to death sooner or later.”

"Yeah, yeah!" Shazam nodded frantically, feeling like his head was about to burst.

"Okay, it should be almost done, right? Bobo, tell me what you discovered." Su Ming stopped the topic and asked the adjutant to continue to focus on the earth, while he signaled to the orangutan to get down to business.

This Bo Bo was busy outside just now, digging into tables and rummaging through cabinets, and collected all the information he should need.

The orangutan didn't refuse. As a secretary, he knew that he should do this kind of thing. He stretched out his furry paw towards Damian, and the boy recorded his findings on the PDA and handed it to the former.

Bobo took a glance, nodded, summarized the two people's investigation findings, and gave some conclusions: "First of all, Van Ze is not dead. The amount of bleeding in the room should be around 800CC, but this is far from a Kryptonian." Not deadly enough."

Damian picked up Bobo, glanced at his discovery, and then added:

"The person who attacked Van Zee used a kryptonite weapon, which is enough to prove that the person who did it was not a Kryptonian, otherwise the killer himself would have been weak first. The residual radiation of kryptonite was also detected in the air, but it should not be a powder or a bomb, but It's a solid weapon, maybe a sword, a dagger, a batarang."

Hearing this, Su Ming waved his hands repeatedly: "Let's exclude weapons like batarangs. It's unlucky. I don't want to encounter another Laughing Bat."

"It won't happen anymore. All the crazy Batmans have joined the Dark Knights. Aren't they all dead?" Donna had been infected by the laughing virus before, and it was obvious that she didn't like hearing this name, and her expression became even more ugly.

"Actually, there is still one alive, the Destroyer, in the hell of the First Fallen, but he can't get out."

The orangutan interrupted Donna's conjecture. He said that he had not finished speaking about the results of the investigation. After clearing his throat, he continued:

"Van Ze did not leave the house after being attacked. There was no blood, no traces of dust, no footprints, and no special smell at the door. So from a certain perspective, this is another form of space secret room."

"Oh? Haha." Su Ming nodded, indicating to continue.

"That's what I think. Either Van Zee was eaten by a symbiote-like creature after he was injured, without even leaving any residue, or" the orangutan crawled back to Deathstroke's shoulder, he put away the magnifying glass and clicked on Pipe, no longer caring about inhaling to control his belly, continued: "Either the other party subdued him instantly, and then used magic to teleport away with the hostage."

"Based on the scene, we considered many other situations, such as using strong acid to dissolve the corpse, but the Kryptonian corpse should be equally strong. Strong acid containing kryptonite was not even invented by Luther. The bathroom is also very clean."

Damian added an example, first denying other cases of destroying corpses and eliminating traces. You must know that if Luther does not have kryptonite products, others will not have them.

Anyway, that's what it means. There are other possibilities, but the probability is very low. The two possibilities Bobo mentioned are already the conclusions given by the two of them after considering various situations.

"I understand, it's the magic death knell that is following here. Haha."

Su Ming raised his hand and used light rings to build layers of defense, wrapping everyone inside, and said with a smile:

"If it's another Deathstroke, no wonder there's no framer behind us. We should be on top of the giant kryptonite bomb now. Sure enough, the trap is on the floor downstairs, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the floor beneath his feet shattered due to the explosion, and a green mushroom cloud accompanied by a large amount of kryptonite dust swallowed up the group of people with violent energy.

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