The Death Knell

Chapter 4634 The touch of darkness

"How's it going, Dudu? Dear Slade, do you know this thing?"

With just a few strokes, the general appearance of the other party was drawn. Ivy put away her lipstick. She raised her hand to touch Deathstroke's face and pressed his nose twice:

"I'm sure it's some kind of visitor from outside the universe. This is not a monster that the Red of All Beings can create."

In the impression of the green of all things, this enemy has no feeling of life at all. Instead, it has a sense of nothingness, like some kind of existence conjured out of thin air.

"Ah, I know her. She is one of the "three mothers." Su Ming sighed. He looked at the portrait in his hand and slowly shook his head: "But that's it. I don't know their abilities. I don’t know who they are working for.”

He couldn't tell everyone that the reason why he knew "The Three Holy Mothers" was because he had seen it in comics in his previous life; but he didn't know more because he only read one issue of the new Marvel event that year and then traveled through time. Yeah...

In that issue, "The Three Holy Mothers have just appeared, posing in a distant mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. They claim to be serving a certain great existence. If you want to know what happens next, they will be decomposed next time."

But before the next time, Su Ming himself died due to a computer failure. He was probably electrocuted to death, right?

However, she finally knew nothing about the enemy. Although she still didn't know what the so-called "blank" was, these three mothers should be her subordinates. This was a very good clue.

In addition to this flesh and blood sculpture of the three mothers, there is also a fat black maggot with a baby's head, and an armored man wearing a style similar to the Paladin T2 Judgment suit in World of Warcraft.

They all have mastered certain concepts as their own weapons, and their ability limits are very high. Their weakness is probably that their brains are not very good.

It can't be said that they are stupid. To be precise, they should be mentally ill, because they really love the victim, and they kill for the good of the other person, as if they feel that they are helping people escape from suffering.

This kind of mentality has been seen in serial killers. This type of killer thinks that the world is too painful, and they will send the people they like to die because the victims "deserve a better world." This type of serial killers in the United States also Known as the "Angel of Death".

Speaking of which, sometimes the clown has a similar mentality when he kills people. He wants others not to frown, but to smile.

"You don't even know where the enemy came from? It sounds interesting." Ivy laughed, then shook her head: "But that's your business, now tell me where Harley is, I want to find her Sunbathe."

"She's in Gotham. I've assigned her some bodyguards. She's shopping for zero dollars." Deathstroke put away his notebook and asked his adjutant to start searching for flesh statues at full speed. He also activated the concept of darkness. Perception: "But don't even think about sunbathing. Now the sun has been replaced by these bad guys, leaving only a fire ring. The temperature is enough to roast a turkey."

"Huh? So, is the earth about to cool down again?" Poison Ivy became serious and stamped her foot unhappily: "If a cold wave comes, this will be bad news for plants. I have to prepare in advance."

Every time a cold natural disaster strikes, it is a test for the agents of greenness of all things. At least the plants in the solar system will be in danger.

Of course, as long as there are seeds, everything will be back on track next spring, but saving seeds is a technical job, and freezing is definitely not possible.

Ivy feels that time is a bit tight now.

"Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I'll bring a star from somewhere else to replace the sun first." Su Ming touched her head and asked Ivy to relax: "I just said you and Hallie, don't rush there yet. Before sunbathing, you can go to the spa first. She went to a post-apocalyptic world to play house before, and she has been thinking about skin care these days."

Harley's sunbathing is a waste of money. Her skin will always be pale due to the chemical reagents, and it will be useless no matter how much she tans.

"Okay, then I'm counting on you, but if any plants are frozen to death, I'll settle the score with you." With that said, Ivy stood up on tiptoes and kissed Su Ming, and then she went to another place.

With their eyes on them, the two girls outside walked towards the corner with cat steps, got into the flower pot as if by magic, and disappeared in a burst of green light.

Hela, who was leaning on the hole in the balcony, had always been like a bystander watching a show. Then she came over with a smile and said, "It seems that this is your woman too. Does Misty know?"

"Gin doesn't need to know. My relationship with Poison Ivy is also very simple. She is Harley's girlfriend. We have a physical relationship between adults." Su Ming shook his head calmly. He snapped his fingers. , the cloak flew in front of me and spread out in mid-air, waiting for everyone to ride on it: "Let's get on the road, I already know where the flesh statue is hiding, but I'm going to shake some people to make sure I kill her in one surprise attack.

"Oh, it turns out to be your woman's woman, tsk tsk. Hela lifted up her skirt and sat on the flying carpet with great grace: "You humans still know how to play. I have lived for so long and I have never seen her in Asgard. I’m gay.” 3

"They are actually bisexual, both men and women can be." Su Ming waved to Carol, who was pouting on the side, to get on the flying carpet. At the same time, he explained to Hela the complex human orientation that she didn't understand: "Antisocial If people want to get along well in the United States, they must first mess up their sexual orientation. They can love animals or plants. Anyway, the weirder the orientation, the better it is. The world is so dark."

The three of them sat firmly on the flying carpet, and the smart cloak roughly guessed where the death knell was going, so it flew out of the dilapidated bedroom and headed southwest without the owner saying a word.

Black shadows flew across the sky as fast as lightning. Perhaps many people were still in their dreams, unaware that the world was about to face a new round of threats.

But sometimes, ignorance is also a blessing, because if you are only informed but have no ability, in addition to anxiety when facing a crisis, the only way left is to fall into madness.

Looking down at the earth from the air, Su Ming felt the peace brought by the darkness in his heart. The dim lights in the city were just embellishments, and the main theme of the vast earth was still black. That was how it was at night.

Sometimes this breeds sin, but sometimes it means tomorrow is no longer far away.

Of course, let’s get a star here first to maintain the earth’s temperature:

"Adjutant, please inform Superboy-Prime that I need him to help me move a star. By the way, I want a yellow sun to stop him from acting weird."

"Okay, Sheriff, I think pink suns are pretty cute though."

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