The Death Knell

Chapter 4635: Failure to sway people

The flying carpet landed in the seaside city. Los Angeles is still the same, full of wandering demons, and the city is shrouded in a strange order.

The destination of the Supreme Mage's trip is "the light of the next life," because if you want to kill any "mother" 100% at once, the safest way is to ask Lucifer to help.

As for what should be used in exchange for his action, or should we find a way for Deadpool, such as throwing his cousin to the barley and letting them perform for Lucifer in person?

The King of Hell is undoubtedly a pervert, and his love for humans is completely twisted, but the more twisted the better, Su Ming likes to deal with perverts.

"Why are you so quiet all of a sudden?"

The flying carpet landed in front of the nightclub. Some of the peeping demons on the street shrank back after seeing the black and yellow armor. Su Ming seemed not to pay attention to them and talked to Carol beside him.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about the enemy." Captain Marvel touched the cat in his arms and raised his head

Looking at the nightclub in front of her, the wide rainbow light billboard illuminated her face: "Why are those weird

Things will call themselves "mothers," do they really have children?

Speaking of which, Carol felt that she was old enough to be a mother, and she was a little yearning for such a thing.

She originally liked Marvel, but that man was a Kree spy and he was dead. After careful calculation, she hadn't found a boyfriend for too long.

"They, uh, treat every prey as their own child. This is a kind of fraternity, so the flesh and blood statue attacks Superman first, probably because it loves him the most."

Deathstroke lifted his legs and walked up the steps. The reception boy at the door of the store smiled and helped open the store door. The doorman looked like a young human with freckles and down on his face, but if you look carefully at his shadow under the light, But you can see the spearhead-like tail wagging like a puppy.

He took out a magic gem from his pocket and slapped it into the doorman's hand as a tip. The man stepped into the happy place amidst the devil's thanks.

"Maybe it's not so simple." Hela glanced at the doorman curiously. This was her first time in a nightclub run by a devil, so she found it interesting: "Slade, I don't know if you noticed, if it's just because of love And if she kills people, why would she want everyone in the world to forget about the man named Superman? "

"Good point." Su Ming twitched the corner of his mouth, and Strangle immediately understood. He took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it for the host. He took a puff before continuing: "Then there is another possibility. Superman is a very optimistic person. His existence represents hope. Maybe the flesh and blood statue wants to make everyone lose hope. Of course, there may be a deeper plan. I don’t know yet.”

Something didn't seem right in the nightclub today. Business was too slow. Although the music was still playing, there were not many people on the dance floor.

You must know that this is Lucifer's territory. The guy exudes a depraved aura all the time. Guests who come here often fall into the whirlpool of desire inadvertently, and then revel to the point of being overwhelmed.

But now, the bald bosses dancing with beauties in their arms on the dance floor all have their hands well behaved, as if they are collectively saying "No, this is not possible..."

It can also be seen from their expressions that everyone looks lost, as if they are not motivated to do anything.

"Then we can only hope that the statue has a brain, and your symbiote pet would be better off getting something from the enemy's brain.

Hela said this. Anyway, it was enough for her to know that Deathstroke had a plan to deal with the enemy. She didn't know "Mother, what the hell is this thing," but she was not worried and focused more on the surrounding environment. :

"I don't know how many demons disguised as humans I saw along the way after I walked in, but... the business here is very average, there are more waiters than customers.

She was right. Even though it was past four o'clock in the middle of the night, under normal circumstances, the Light Bar would still be very lively.

Su Ming was too lazy to guess why this was the case. He chose to ask directly because he saw the familiar figure of Maizi. The current Satan was drinking alone at the bar.

Wine, you can see her loneliness from behind.

"Hey, McGeeken, didn't our King of Hell come to the store tonight?"

The dark man walked behind the demon and patted her smooth jade back in the backless dress, making a crisp sound between the skin and flesh.

This sudden slap made Maizi drink the wine into her trachea, causing her to cough a few times, and a quiet red color appeared on her pink face.

The pain queen of Fangqing is like this. The more sick she is, the more comfortable she is. She is standing still and looking at the death knell. If she exerts some strength, she can survive her skin.

But Ha Jiu's pain came out in a flash, and the death knell did not continue to give her the true thoughts of her illness, so she turned her head in a wistful way, facing the guest with the rotten half of her face.

"My master has been away for a while, and I am not allowed to follow him. I must sit here alone and wait for him.

"Put PLAY on? But this level is a little too light for you, right?" Su Ming motioned to the two teammates to sit down and drink whatever they wanted. He also pulled up the round bar stool and sat next to the female Satan: "What if To humiliate you, he should take off your clothes and tie you here for everyone to see.

The goddess of the underworld first found a place to sit down. She also looked at Maizi's face because she felt that he looked very similar to her.

Half of Magikon's face is rotten like burns, which is the price for bearing hell; and half of Hela's body is dead, which is also the price for her having the power of death.

"Ah, yes, if he did that, it would be in line with my expectations. But the master didn't let me get what I wanted. This is the torture itself." Wheat's slender legs were clamped together and he rubbed them back and forth a few times, looking a little lonely: "Stop beating around the bush, Deathstroke. If you don't want to be intimate with me, just stay out of my business and tell me what you want here?"

"Oh, it seems that you have a lot of experience. You know that human beings seek something from the devil." Su Ming smiled and lay on the bar, snapped his fingers at the fly bartender, and ordered a glass of whiskey: "I want to find a way. Xifa helped me kill a few people, do you know where he went?"

"I know, that damn Armandedil came again tonight. He told the master something, saying that there is something that is constantly fulfilling human wishes, and he hopes that the master can solve it. Originally, the master was not He planned to deal with these trash angels, but after a glass of wine, he set off."

When it comes to Armandadier, Maizi can't help but grit her teeth. If there is anyone she hates the most among the many angels, then it is undoubtedly this one.

Not only did that guy once want to kill Lucifer, but this bad angel always disturbed his master when he was playing games with him, pausing time at every turn, and talking about hypocritical benevolence and morality.

"Make a wish?"

However, Su Ming didn't look at her secret words, so she paid attention to the key words she found. Is there something that realizes the feeling of people's feelings? Then this sentence can only receive the *** increase

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