The Death Knell

Chapter 4636 Possible Target

"Are there any specific standards for realizing a wish?"

The light ball in the nightclub was rotating, and tiny spots of light passed over Deathstroke's armor. He sat in front of the bar, looking at Maizi's face as if maggots were constantly wriggling in the flesh and blood:

"I mean, what kind of person makes a wish and has it come true? It shouldn't be possible for everyone, right?"

This matter may be a blank handwriting, but Su Ming bets that she has rules for selecting targets, and not everyone's wish will be valid.

Let alone her, even God himself will not respond to the prayers of every believer. It is said that God’s standard is based on whether the prayer is pious enough, so what is the blank standard?

Anyway, Su Ming felt that if he had the ability to help people realize their wishes, he should be paid for it.

As we all know, free things are the most expensive. Those who make their wishes come true now may pay a price they can't imagine in the future.

When they attribute their wish fulfillment to good luck, it is not necessarily good luck.

"I don't know, I'm not Lucifer, I don't care about human affairs, remember?" The Queen of Pain rubbed her hair, and then turned the cup on the table to play: "And my great master does not allow me to leave Here, I don’t have a chance to verify it.”

For her, Lucifer is her god, inviolable and supreme.

Many demons are not respectful to Lucifer because of their chaotic attributes. Even though the predecessor Satan is extremely powerful, few demons are afraid of death. Demons who don’t want to be Satan are not good demons. Most of them are. He has the desire to climb up and thinks that it is only a matter of time before he kills his ex, Satan.

Therefore, Maizi's loyalty is very valuable in hell, and she always gets special treatment from Lucifer, being humiliated, beaten, and ignored.

This is not because Lucifer doesn't love her, but because the Queen of Pain will feel happy when she encounters this. If you love a woman, you have to give her what she wants. When it comes to wheat, it means being abused.

"Tsk, logically speaking, Batman should notice this kind of thing." Deathstroke made a tut-tsk sound in his mouth. He touched his stubble and showed a weird smile: "But during the meeting just now, he I didn’t mention it at all. Wade was acting together with him and he should have known about it, but the bitch may have lost his memory again. So, Batman thinks that Superman’s affairs are more urgent, so he doesn’t want me to be distracted by investigating the wish-making matter? "

It can be inferred from this that Zorn Batman recognizes Deathstroke's strength, and he wants to let the strongest person among them investigate Superman.

Even though Bat has forgotten Superman's existence, he still subconsciously senses Superman's importance to Zhenglian. It's a terrible intuition.

"Batman is an acquaintance to me. What I don't understand is that you knew that he could turn into the Laughing Bat at any time, but you didn't kill him to avoid future troubles. Why?"

Maizi's fingers stopped moving, and she looked at Deathstroke with wide eyes. Maybe she didn't care about the outcome of the human group, but Batman's darkness clearly impressed her.

"Without Batman and Superman, the DC Universe would have been dead long ago"

Su Ming smiled and answered Maizi's question. As a time traveler, of course he knows that DC is entirely supported by Superman and Batman. Otherwise, it would have gone bankrupt long ago. You can tell by looking at the annual sales of publications. No one would think that People read DC publications to see Wonder Woman, right?

This was a joke from outside the wall. Su Ming didn't expect Maizi to understand it, but it was more fun to see the other party's confused look.

But as soon as the words came out of his mouth, he suddenly realized that this might be Bai Bai's motive.

Targeting Superman is just the first step. Is Batman the next target? What would the DC universe be like without Superman and Batman?

"Adjutant, inform Zorn Batman that he may be the enemy's next target and ask him not to be separated from everyone. No, it's still not safe. You teleport him over and bring him to me."

Now that he has thought of this, Su Ming must save Batman, otherwise it will not be as simple as global cooling.

There is no absolutely safe place. In this case, it is better to use bats to fish and see which mother will come to your door.

"Yes, Sheriff, the web teleportation is being activated."

The adjutant is also very knowledgeable. She knows that the sonic blast channel may be intercepted by the enemy, so it is obviously safer to use mysterious methods.

Speaking of which, maybe Batman is also a totem? Bats are furry little animals anyway.

The transmission of the web of life was silent, and the work was completed in an instant. When Zorn appeared, he still had a small fish in his mouth, and he was all wet. He didn't know what he was doing just now.

"Bah, what happened?" Zorn spat out the fish in his mouth, just like when the osprey came to the boat: "I just left the Hall of Justice to investigate something."

Even though he said this, there was still a smile on his face, and he was obviously very happy to see Deathstroke again.

Unlike Bruce, he could explain, but only a little bit, and still didn't tell why he was swimming.

"Is it a wish that comes true?" Su Ming lit a cigarette, sat on the bar stool and turned a few times, looking at the dance floor not far away, where a singer appeared on the small stage: "You should You told me this first, instead of letting me know it from the devil's mouth. I don't believe you don't understand what a wish coming true means."

"Oh, my friend, I just think the division of labor is more efficient. I didn't mean to hide it from you."

Zorn smiled and said hello to Maizi. Of course he knew the people Batman knew as his alter ego. Then he turned around and leaned against the bar, intervening between the devil and Deathstroke:

"I don't remember who Superman is, but you said he is a member of the Justice League, so finding a way to rescue him is a top priority. You are our strongest means, so naturally you have to do it, and I will Go investigate people making wishes.”

"Okay, I've guessed what you're thinking, just like you guessed what I'm thinking at this moment." Su Ming waved his hand and threw a cigarette to Enzo: "From now on, follow me and don't leave. From what I see, our enemies may be going to deal with you next, and I won’t tell you if there are more.”

"Understood, amigo, haha, I knew you were reliable." Zorn also snapped his fingers at the bartender, and he pointed at Deathstroke's cup, indicating that he wanted a similar cup.

When Bruce was Batman, he never drank during missions, but he was different. If it was to achieve certain purposes, such as toasting friendship with mercenaries, then he didn't mind drinking a little.

"If you really trust me enough, then I may have a way to restore your memory of Superman, which will be good for our next actions."

Su Ming waited for Bat's drink to be brought to him by the fly-headed demon bartender. He clinked glasses with Batman. Behind him, Strangler stretched out a large cluster of tentacles, squirming in mid-air, making the black and yellow man look like a thousand hands. Guanyin is general.

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