The Death Knell

Chapter 4638 Analysis Results

The logic of the dead man's strange ability is a bit like the cadaver dog in the police station, except that he can't really smell the smell of corpses, but through some indescribable feeling.

If he feels it, he has arrived; if he doesn't feel it, then he is really worse than a dog. Anyway, the effect is quite idealistic.

However, this partial ability also has advantages, that is, sometimes the dead can smell who is going to die, which is very clever.

In addition, occasionally the dead person will receive gossip from the goddess, thus predicting some major events in advance, allowing him to appear in front of others and play a prophet-like role.

But one thing you need to understand is that Rama Kushna is famously moody. After all, she is a goddess of the Indian lineage and knows everything. Therefore, dead people sometimes suffer and are tortured by their own goddess in the name of various 'tests' or PUA is quite troublesome.

The current situation is like this. The conventional means of searching for death will only find the 'Second Sister' in the DC universe. But if you want to find an external embodiment with the concept of death, you can only find another way and use some ordinary basic methods. People who can’t be used.

Deadman Brand is something that everyone doesn't usually use. Even in Justice League Dark, he only shows up occasionally and acts as an auxiliary human shield. In short, the team needs to take the blame, take the blame, and take the blame from the enemy. When firing a cannon, just let the dead come in.

The real solution to the problem in the dark series still depends on Constantine or Zatanna.

"Sniff sniff."

The dead man with flaring nostrils flew in the air to lead the way, while others followed behind on a flying carpet.

This is a real flying carpet, not the kind made by a magic floating cloak. It is originally from Persia and was handmade by an unknown evil djinn. It has beautiful patterns and golden tassels at the four corners. There are also fragrant silk cushions placed on the blanket for the passengers to lean on.

It was originally a magic prop left in the Dark Zhenglian warehouse. Man-Bat took it out to facilitate everyone's actions.

The items that can be placed in that locked warehouse are undoubtedly dangerous props. The biggest problem with this flying carpet is that it likes to murder its passengers and drop them to death in mid-air.

But after Thanos said that he would not die even if he fell into the earth from outer space, and Deadpool also said that he would not die if he fell into a pulp, then there would be no problem. Anyway, Man-Bat can fly on his own, and he is not afraid of being killed on the way. Throw it off.

Fortunately, so far, this cursed magic carpet has not become ill. On the contrary, it is very honest today, as if it is afraid of the person riding it.

"Boy, are you sure the lady you are looking for is on Earth?"

Man-Bat was originally a scientist, so he likes to get to the root of things when doing things. This is a rigorous scientific attitude.

"Definitely, definitely." Deadpool lifted half of his mask and pressed his nostrils with his index finger: "I have already asked the experts in the live broadcast room. They said that the DC universe is the same as the Marvel universe. The earth is the key, regardless of the bad guys. Whatever evil plans they want to make, they will eventually be implemented on Earth, so sooner or later the Goddess of Death will be brought to Earth by a liar. We can guard the pigs and wait for the rabbits."

"Actually, you should just wait and see. Zhu means tree." Human Bat corrected in a low voice. He has a rigorous attitude towards any subject, and Chinese is no exception.

But who would have expected that Deadpool grabbed his wrist, laughed loudly, and turned to a place where no one was around and shouted:

"Haha! Pigs think so too! Old guys, look, I captured an honest man alive!"

"How does it feel? Zorn."

Su Ming released the control of the anti-life equation, looked at the man in purple tights in front of him, and tentatively waved his hand in front of him.

"Well, I remember. It seems that our enemies can only erase the data in the 'memory', but they cannot erase the 'hard drive', which is the memory of our universe itself."

The other person in the darkness spoke, and a smile gradually appeared on his face. Not only did he remember Superman, he also analyzed the principle of the enemy's memory cleansing.

Human memory comes from subjective cognition, and blankness seems to have the ability to reset it, or turn it into a blank.

But the memory of the universe comes from stories, from dreams, from thoughts outside the void, from higher levels or dimensions. There are too many sources for her to enter, or she is too lazy to clean them up one by one. The place.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, she only wants to deal with humans and thinks that the current level is enough, and there is no need to provoke the Endless Family.

It is true that Sandman Daniel is not very strong, but the other Sandman - Dream of a Thousand Cats, is really a pole of power in the multiverse. If you don't want to be turned into a mouse and eaten, you'd better respect its strength.

"Oh, you are indeed stronger than Bruce. He doesn't know how to use metaphors." Su Ming gave Enzo a thumbs up with a smile, and then drank a toast with Maizi beside him to celebrate: "Speaking of which, I hope you can stay forever. Stay and don’t let Bruce come back.”

"This is impossible, amigo, you know, he must have a backup plan to deal with me." Zorn smiled and raised his glass, clinking glasses with Hela and Carol, even keeping a small plate and milk aside None of the orange cats were left behind: "Thank you for your affirmation, it means a lot to me."

"So do you have a backup plan to deal with him?" Su Ming was not fooled by Zorn, even though his words were very touching and his emotions were very sincere.

But Zorn is still a Batman after all, and he is a Batman who can lie and do things unscrupulously.

"I do, but he will also have a backup plan for a backup plan." Zorn smiled and shook his head. His smile looked a little bitter at this time. He turned to look at the few guests slowly moving on the dance floor: "Don't you listen? I said that as a tongue twister, right? You must know that the plan between Bruce and I will inevitably go on forever without any results, and this is his body after all."

"I understand, I understand what you want." Su Ming smiled and stroked the orange cat: "How about I make a body for you? Transfer your personality consciousness into that body , I happened to meet some new friends not long ago, and they have very mature consciousness transfer technology."

"Oh? Then what do I need to pay? It can't be money, right? You used to use asking for money as an excuse. It was a good move. It even paralyzed Bruce for a while and regarded you as a simple mercenary."

Zorn touched his hair and spoke with Bruce's face like this, which felt a bit strange.

"I haven't decided what I want, but I am always willing to help my friends. How about you owe me a few favors?" Su Ming stood up, grabbed the wheat beside him, and carried her on his shoulders forcefully: "But let's get down to business now. I just felt where Lucifer is. Let's meet him first. Adjutant, take us to the southeastern corner of Massachusetts."

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