The Death Knell

Chapter 4639 Take the initiative to help

In Su Ming's memory, there is nothing particularly noteworthy in Massachusetts. The most famous place here is Harvard University, and the specialty is not some masked hero or villain, but Cape Cod cranberries, a beautiful Small red fruit.

"Let me go! What are you going to do?!"

After the teleportation arrived, Maizi was still struggling. She was obviously not happy about being carried out of the nightclub by Deathstroke. The skinless half of her face was bulging, and her jaw muscles were twitching continuously.

"Relax, Lucifer doesn't allow you to leave the store, but you have violated this request now. If he sees you, he will definitely torture you severely. You will be very happy."

Su Ming put her on the ground and drew a cake for her to comfort her.

She only likes to be tortured by Lucifer, or tortures others herself. This is the Queen of Pain. She does not accept pain from others.

Strictly speaking, Maizi can be regarded as a love brain. In addition to how to take care of his own hell for Lucifer, the only thing he thinks about is how to please Lucifer in exchange for his love.

That's why she doesn't like humans, because even if humans do nothing, Lucifer still loves people deeply, and this kind of love makes her envious and jealous.

But these are all insignificant things. Her fighting ability is good, and keeping her with you can be regarded as an added layer of insurance for Batman. Why not?

Sure enough, after hearing what Deathstroke said, Maizi's face turned red suspiciously. She was no longer angry. Instead, she touched her butt, showing an expression of expectation.

"What an amazing love." Hela originally thought that Maizi was a bit similar to herself, but now, the goddess of the underworld only had admiration on her face: "I don't know who Lucifer is, but it sounds like you love him very much. , would it really feel good to be abused by the one you love? "

The Queen of Pain glanced at Hela from the corner of her eyes and said with a crooked mouth: "You don't understand, the master is everything to me. People like you who are shrouded in darkness will not understand how dazzling the first light in the world is."

"Tsk, this is the first time I've seen a devil like you. It's really an interesting world.

Hela smiled slightly. She was a strong woman. She had never thought of relying on men, and she couldn't understand the habit of masochism, especially when these elements appeared in a demon.

The town is very quiet at night. The specific location where everyone is now is Plymouth Harbor, located in the southeastern corner of Massachusetts. There is a fishy smell in the air, as well as the smell coming from the depths of the sea.

Lucifer doesn't know why he came here. Shouldn't he be investigating the wish-making thing?

As a group of people walked on the street, the darkness of the death knell had already felt the specific position of Lucifer. He was the first light in the world, and it was still the same even after falling into the sky. The feeling in the darkness was very obvious.

Carol, who had nothing to do, was talking to Zorn. She looked at the pointed ears on the top of his head, and even compared them with the ears of the orange cat in her arms:

"So you're Batman? I hear Slade talking about you all the time."

"Haha, I am Batman, but you don't know me, but Deathstroke often mentions me to you, so he is most likely making fun of something I have done, right?"

The smart Zorn obviously knows very well. He knows that if Deathstroke mentions an unknown person, it will most likely be a joke.

"Ah, haha, probably, but even if it's a joke, I actually don't understand it." Carol touched the orange cat and responded to the bat with a smile. In fact, she thought Batman and Deathstroke mentioned it during a chat in the past. The image is completely different.

In the description of Deathstroke, Batman is almost synonymous with darkness and evil intentions, but when the person in front of him is actually seen, he feels like a friendly neighbor.

Although the few people were walking and chatting, the speed was not slow. The adjutant had originally sent everyone to the dock. He just turned a few corners and walked to a dark and remote corner, and everyone saw Lucifer.

At this time, the former King of Hell was standing at the entrance of the giant sewer pipe that drained water into the sea, talking to a man who obviously looked like a homeless man. Even though the man looked dirty and smelly, Lucifer's face still remained With a gentle and sunny smile.

This is how God loves the world. Lucifer loves everyone, regardless of poverty or filth, he doesn’t care.

And perhaps in the eyes of the homeless man, Lucifer is also the most perfect image in his mind at this time, because the perfect angel will always match all people's fantasies about beauty.

"Hey Luci, we're here for you.

Su Ming raised his hand to say hello to the blond man. When he saw Lucifer Bridge, he showed a helpless look, and the homeless man who was originally wrapped in a torn blanket and talking to him even screamed:

"Mourning... Deathstroke! Don't kill me!"

While shouting, he picked up the cardboard box next to him, which contained all his belongings and neat new million-dollar bills, and ran towards the depths of the pipe in a hurry, as if he had seen a real demon. .

His slippers stirred up the sewage, making a splashing sound, and soon disappeared deep into the pipe, leaving only the screams that continued to echo.

"Look, I finally found a poor guy who suddenly got rich, but you almost scared him to death." Lucifer walked over with his head raised, and first politely took the hands of Hela and Carol. Gentlemanly, he kissed the back of their hands, and then kissed Deathstroke and Batman on the cheek as a greeting.

The only thing left out was McGeeken, as if she were air.


She made a sound like calling spring, and her eyes became watery like a puppy begging its owner to feed her.

"Get out of here, you bastard, how dare you disobey my order, and I'll deal with you when I get back." Lucifer's beautiful lips spat out vicious words, and he looked at Maizi with a look that didn't seem like he was looking at me. My lover is like looking at a maggot.

But this is what Maizi wanted. After hearing her master's promise to go back and take care of her, and then seeing the disgusted look in her eyes, she was so excited that she stuck out her tongue and started rolling her eyes. It seemed that she had reached a certain level just by relying on the other person's words. kind.

How should I put it, Su Ming has seen many perverts, for example, his little cousin is the best among human beings. Even so, compared to the gameplay of humans and demons, it is still a bit inferior, and Maizi is really a bit abnormal.

But this has nothing to do with the mortals present.

"Wow, people here seem to be afraid of you, Slade." Hela looked at the figure disappearing in the drainage pipe. She was treated like the death knell of Gaimo. She also wanted others to be so afraid of her.

"What they are afraid of is Deathstroke. To be precise, they confused me with another Deathstroke." Su Ming spread his hands speechlessly and put his arm around Lucifer's shoulders: "I have never been to Plymouth before, this person just doesn't know I just heard the ghost story about Deathstroke somewhere. Let’s get back to business, Lucy, I’m here to help you.”


Lucifer began to transform in the self-light of the death knell. He turned into a blonde beauty with skin as white as snow and a cute expression on his face. .

"I know you're investigating people making wishes come true, so I brought Batman to help you. Just tell me if I'm interesting enough.

Obviously he needs Lucifer's help, but since everyone has the same goal, it seems that Lucifer owes him a favor, and the price is saved.

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