The Death Knell

Chapter 4640 Unbelievers

Lucifer looked at Deathstroke with a half-smile, touched his face, as if he noticed something but didn't reveal it, and just said softly:

"Thank you then?"

"Haha, you're welcome. You have helped me a lot before, so I should help you too." Su Ming patted his chest, and the black and yellow armor made a dull thumping sound: "Next time if I ask you for help , just stop asking me what the price is."?

"Don't worry, it won't be. I've always liked you, Slade." Lucifer turned to look at the sea, but only saw all kinds of garbage floating around the drainage outlet: "When you die one day, I will I will take your soul to hell, help you reincarnate as a demon, and stay with me forever as my second-in-command.”

"If I die one day, then my soul has been destined for death long ago." Deathstroke used the force to pick up an empty milk carton from the sea, took it in his hand and looked at it: "Let's get back to business, I Lord Satan, have you discovered anything?"

"Don't call me that, Alexander, Satan is like wheat now." Lucifer stretched and made a comfortable voice: "I did find something, that is, all the people who realize their wishes are unbelievers. Interesting? "

"He who has no faith."

Su Ming turned to look at Batman beside him.

"Don't look at me, my faith is Gotham." Batman naturally knew what Deathstroke was thinking, and he immediately denied that possibility: "I tried making a wish, but nothing happened."

"Well, that makes sense." Lucifer walked over and touched Batman's chest, tracing the edge of the bat pattern with his fingers: "I've always heard that you only love Gotham, to the point of going crazy. Okay, Batman Forget it, Deathstroke, do you have faith?"

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Su Ming took a puff, his eyes became distant and calm: "What I believe in is darkness, and I tried it just now, but my wish didn't work.

"You are the Supreme Mage. You don't believe in justice and order represented by Emperor Weishan. You actually believe in another concept." Hela looked like a black question mark on her face, as if she found it incredible: "What you said is just like Dormammu. believers.

"No, Dormammu is not as good as me. He is still a subordinate." Su Ming took a liking to Canner and wanted to point out his potential within the team, and asked an unbeliever to come out and try the process of making a wish.

If I could see the process of wish fulfillment with my own eyes, maybe I and Batman could accomplish something.

Hela doesn’t need to ask. She is from the Asa Clan, an iron believer of the World Tree, and even her life was given by that big tree.

There is no need to ask about the orange cat, it is not even a human being.

"Well, I should be a non-believer." Carol touched her waist uncertainly, "But if I have faith, then I believe in the death knell."

"How many times have I told you not to worship anyone? I am a human being, not a god." Su Ming silently hit her head and stuffed a bottle of soda into her hand: "You try it first. Make a wish and see if it comes true."

The oval-faced beauty obediently did as she was told. In order to facilitate everyone's observation, the wish she made was very intuitive. She wished that a gun would appear in her hand.

Logically speaking, firearms are not valuable and are relatively easy to obtain, so she feels that it is not difficult to realize this wish.

Unfortunately, the result was not satisfactory. Her wish was not responded to. Although her outstretched hands kept closing and opening, making a gesture like grabbing money, everyone waited for a minute, but she still had only A cat hair.

"Okay, no need to try, this little sister really worships you like a god."

Lucifer interrupted the experiment and said there was no need to read any more:

"We are looking for the real kind of unbelievers, who are either antisocial lunatics or homeless people with intellectual problems. Otherwise, ordinary people more or less have something they believe in, even if they are hit by an iron pot in life. Subconsciously saying, "Oh God, that's a shallow believer, and such a person is useless."

The evening wind blew by, and the black sea was swollen with waves, making a rustling sound. Together with the devil's whisper, it made people's ears itchy.

"No wonder you came to Plymouth. Deathstroke understood some of Lucifer's thoughts: "This is the place where the Protestants on the Mayflower landed in North America, and now, many people regard it as the birthplace of the largest capitalist country. It’s a hotbed of crime, where you want to find new-age hippies who are against everything they can.”

"Oh, I knew you understood me." Lucifer patted Deathstroke's arm, then turned to look at the sewage pipe: "But I finally found a person. He was scared by you just now. Can any of you help?" Should I invite him back? A gentle invitation.

"I'm coming, Master!"

Maizi volunteered, flames appeared from the soles of her feet, and she rushed into the Yongdao like a madman.

The banshee from hell is very perverted, but also very powerful. How can an ordinary tramp escape from Satan's Five Fingers Mountain with a mortal body?

Within ten seconds, the dirty homeless man was caught. Even so, he still held on to his money box as if money was his life.

Maizi handed the person back to his master, just like a dog handing over the Frisbee that he had retrieved.

"Go aside and squat." Lucifer kicked her as a reward, then bent down and said to the huddled homeless man with a smile: "Look up and look at me."

His voice was full of the temptation of sin, just like the fallen angels who tempted Adam and Eve to eat the red fruit. Mortals could not resist the charm of the fallen angels. The tramp looked straight at the charming man with straight eyes. Blond boy.

Although the tramp's eyes are surrounded by eye guano and all kinds of filth, this does not detract from Lucifer's beauty. His beauty is generated in the hearts of those who see him, rather than purely relying on sight.

"I have a wish, can you help me realize it?"

Lucifer said this, while stroking the homeless man's chest and saying softly:

"We're not going to hurt you, and we don't want your money. I want a hamburger. Can you get it for me?"

The dirty tramp nodded desperately, and countless fleas and bedbugs were shaken out of his frizzy hair, which showed how eager he was to serve Lucifer.

He stretched out his two hands, and the scales on the back of his hands were like scales. But he was completely addicted to beauty and would only act according to Lucifer's instructions:

"I want a burger!" "Plop."

A cheap-looking burger wrapped in white plastic paper appeared in his car. He immediately smiled, held the food in both hands, and presented it to Lucifer.

The eldest son of God smiled and nodded. He took the thin hamburger, opened the wrapping paper, and took a bite:

"It's delicious. Thank you. Now you can go back to sleep."

The tramp who was bewildered yawned on the spot, then put the cardboard box containing his money under the ragged blanket, hugged it and fell to the corner together, and fell into a deep sleep the next second.

"Okay, you two wise men among humans, do you see anything?"

Lucifer was very happy eating the food offered by people, even the cheapest artificial meat burger. While he chewed the junk food quickly, he asked Deathstroke and Bat about their findings. After all, everyone has their own specialties.

Lucifer himself knows his own situation. He has comprehensive abilities and strong combat effectiveness. But what about his ability to investigate cases with meticulous observation? That would be a pity. He is not omniscient and omnipotent, and he hates trouble the most. Now that there are humans willing to do it for him, let him Let them think.

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