The Death Knell

Chapter 4641 What about a child-like giant?

"Choosing unbelievers to grant wishes feels like a good way to spread faith, but there's just one problem."

Batman spoke first, Zorn still had a smile on his face, and he nodded to everyone:

"But if general religions want to spread their faith, they often have specific names of gods or idols to accept worship. Even the most primitive religions will have some kind of concrete images, such as fire, such as mountains, in short, in the main dimension Something that people can clearly recognize.”

Zorn knew a lot about mysterious things. After all, in the past, Bruce guarded the Dark Zhenglian like a thief every day, fearing that the latter would lose control one day, so he did enough homework.

Such things as gods may not exist, but Batman believes that faith is a kind of spiritual power, which can be concentrated and utilized by certain means. The so-called gods are supernatural beings who control these means.

Emotions can be used to form major lantern groups, and in the same way, faith can also be used in this way.

Thinking about it this way, all the gods and ghosts can be explained by science. Although the details are still open to discussion, the general direction is absolutely correct.

"This is easy to explain, Zorn. Because what we are facing is 'Blank'. She has no divine name at all, or in other words, nothingness is her divine name." Deathstroke put a cigarette in his mouth. He asked Zhuangshu to help light it, and took a gentle sip. He said this in the haze: "The moment people open their mouths to make a wish, the subtle airflow sounds from their teeth, and the sound of air being sucked in from the nasal cavity, may all be regarded as her gods. name."

"So you are actually looking for a new god that does not exist?" Lucifer came back to his senses. He looked at Deathstroke with a smile: "You said you were here to help me, but it turned out you were lying to me, but I am very I like it, I like the way you lie to others, it’s so cute.”

"Hey! Don't talk to me in this tone, I'm not a gay." Su Ming dodged Lucifer's black hand that wanted to slap his butt, with disgust on his face: "You'd better go find Constantine. , let him participate in you and Maizi’s big sex party, he is a two-way plug.”

"Well, do you want to watch?" Lucifer smiled and nodded. He had obviously been coveting Constantine's anus for a long time, but he also sent out an OB invitation.

However, although Deathstroke is dark, he is really not that crazy. He still declined Satan's kindness. After all, he still hopes to enjoy a normal relationship between the sexes in the future. If he watches something that humans should not watch, he will never see it again. Can not go back.

"Okay, let's talk about the next plan." Batman touched his chin, his eyes kept falling on the homeless man sleeping in the corner of the sewage pipe. Such people reminded him of Gotham: "Deathstroke , you can activate the anti-life equation and make the unbelievers temporarily believe in your dark side, so that you can block Blank's layout plan."

"Are you sure? You know, when Uncle Da wanted to spread the anti-life equation, the Justice League had to fight him desperately." Su Ming raised an eyebrow and flicked the cigarette ashes in his hand: "Don't really think so. I did it, and then Martian Manhunter and the others will team up to kill me, and I don’t want to kill them.”

"No, I will explain to them and let them understand that this is a necessary step." Zorn stopped his smile and imitated Bruce's appearance. Everyone in Zhenglian still didn't know that Batman had actually changed: "But You also need to be more restrained, it is better to control all the unbelievers rather than control everyone on a large scale."

"This is a bit difficult. You also know the propagation mode of the anti-life equation. It is like a virus. When it spreads, it becomes a weapon of mass destruction. It does not distinguish between ourselves and the enemy."

Deathstroke handed the cigarette to his shoulder and let the strangled little bean sprout take a puff:

"If I want to change some characteristics, I need to ask the adjutant to do some calculations to see if conditions can be filtered."

"This is actually not difficult, for you, Deathstroke." Lucifer pinched his chin and walked to the beach. He looked down at his reflection on the sea, which was a red-skinned devil: "Whether he is an unbeliever or not? You can tell it from people's dreams, you just need to go to the land of dreams, and then spread the so-called anti-life into people's dreams."

"What a great idea, as expected of you. When the time comes, help tell the Sandman that I'm going to do something to the many human dreams he protects."

Su Ming was waiting for Lucifer to speak. He gave his predecessor Satan a thumbs up and asked him to come forward to persuade the Sandman.

At this moment, everyone seemed to have noticed something, and everyone looked up to the sky. Even Maizi, who was squatting aside with his head in his arms, stood up at this time.

"Did something come, an angel?"

Her sword transformed into her hand, a sword that seemed to be tangled together with blood vessels and muscles, and twisted like a red worm.

"It's not an angel, it's a mother." Su Ming was not in a hurry to draw his sword. Instead, he pulled Bruce and hid behind Lucifer, explaining to the two Satans: "They are Blank's subordinates, but which one is coming this time?" , it’s hard to say yet.”

Soon enough, the light spots falling from the sky arrived in front of everyone almost instantly, floating on the sea like anti-gravity.

It was a huge, plump black maggot with shit-yellow mucus on its body, but where the bug's head should have been, there was a baby's face, with a silly smile on its immature face. One look at her makes people think she is particularly rare.

Of course, the premise is not to look at its body.

"Hee hee hee, Rourou! It's Rourou!" It let out a string of laughter, and the countless short arms on the insect's body began to wave wildly, with an indescribable rhythm: "I am mother, I It's your mother, come on, come into my arms, Batman."

As soon as it appeared, Batman felt a dizzy feeling, and his thoughts began to diverge out of his control. This feeling was like having to work hard to think about something when he was extremely sleepy.

Even with his willpower, he staggered involuntarily and almost lost control of his body, especially when the other party's simple eyes looked at him, as if he could no longer hide anything on his mind. A monster.

"Psychic attack, little trick."

Just when Batman was briefly confused, Deathstroke had already pressed a small drop of X metal to the back of Bat's head.

In an instant, the uncomfortable and uncontrollable feeling faded away like a tide. Zorn felt his hands and feet again. Only then did he realize that he had actually taken three steps towards the enemy just now, almost doing something bad.

"Thank you."

Batman thanked Deathstroke who was standing in front of him. At this moment, he noticed that none of Deathstroke's teammates were affected in any way. Even the orange cat was yawning lazily and looking humanely like he was mentally retarded. His eyes looked at the fat black maggot.

Why? It's simple, because if this 'mother' dares to take action in front of the death knell, isn't that doomed to death?

But it didn't matter what the orange cat thought. This time, Deathstroke didn't have to take action. Lucifer was already angry and he showed a ferocious smile.

You must know that Batman is one of the most handsome men in the DC universe. Lucifer loves every human being, but he loves handsome men and beautiful women more. Want to kill handsome men in front of him? That's a big taboo, especially since the 'mother' herself looks too blasphemous, and handsome men would hate to see such a thing.

It’s a new year again, happy new year everyone!

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