The Death Knell

Chapter 4645 The rebellious man

"Oh, guys, Thanos really makes me cry to death.

Standing on the edge of the flying carpet and looking down, watching Thanos' huge figure being swallowed by the black sea, Deadpool took out a sign from his trouser pocket and scored a 3.4-point diving score while chattering endlessly:

"He actually wanted to do the classic part of Titanic with me, the part where you dance and I dance too. Do you think I really should jump? He thought very well. He wanted to do it with me. A pair of desperate mandarin ducks playing in the water, but I haven't agreed to accept his love yet."


Man-Bat was about to fly over to communicate with Deadpool and ask why the big guy jumped without consulting everyone. As a result, he heard Deadpool's "talking to himself," and something suddenly appeared in his smart mind. In the loving scene of these two people cuddling together, in the end they couldn't help but vomited yellow water, probably due to stomach acid.

Fortunately, he reached out and grabbed the edge of the flying carpet at the critical moment. He did not fall directly into the sea, but hung under the flying carpet and vomited. The reaction force actually pushed the flying carpet to the side for a certain distance.

Deadpool didn't waste any time, and immediately took out a pen and drew a vertical line on the edge of the flying carpet, marking it as "the place where Thanos fell into the water," and staged an authentic wave of carving a boat and seeking a sword.

"Wow, man, you are squirting very powerfully. Doesn't it mean that in the DC universe, as long as you hook up with bats, there is no need to talk about science?"

After finishing writing, Deadpool stretched out his hand to pull the man-bat up, and asked him to lie down. He put the bat's head on his lap and gently stroked the brown fur like a cat.


However, the result of close contact with Deadpool was that Man-Bat made a sound as if it was stuck in phlegm in his throat. He stretched out his hand to grab something, but there was really nothing to grab around, so the hand fell. As he went down, his head tilted and he went into shock.

This time I didn't vomit yellow water, but a lot of white foam like washing powder water came out of my mouth.

"Really, yellow is mixed with white, right? If you can't drink, don't drink like that." Deadpool pushed Man-Bat's head away, tried to touch his own head, and made sure that the cervical vertebrae had grown out, and then he stood up , began to do radio gymnastics on the flying carpet, and while doing it, he said: "That energetic guy in red over there, come and see this Bat-Orc? He seems to be drunk. You Justice League Dark people get motion sickness when they go out on duty. ?

The dead man did not dare to look at Deadpool's face. He lowered his head and came over. He first checked the carotid artery of the dead man. After confirming that he was alive and well, he replied with evasive eyes:

"I don't know. Don't ask me. I'm just a ghost. Your friend has been jumping down for a while. Are you sure you don't want to follow him?"

"Didn't you see me doing exercises?" Deadpool had just finished stretching and started chest expansion exercises: "Did you never go to school before? Did the teacher teach you to warm up as much as possible before swimming? , otherwise it will be very easy to get cramps when entering the water, which is very dangerous. "

Wade is not a person who likes to follow rules. When he usually goes to the beach to swim, he always chooses areas with "no swimming or "shark infested" signs. Don't ask why, he is just so rebellious!

Now that the dead man is urging him to get into the water, he is not in a hurry. He even wants to chat for a while. After all, moving his tongue is a kind of warm-up.

"I did not go to school. My parents were both alcoholics and drug addicts. In addition to beating me, they also treated me as a sex toy. I ran away from home when I was seven years old and wandered around the world until I died."

Brand calmly talked about his life experience. He was actually very young when he died.

"Your origin story is indeed quite dark, man, but it's still a little worse than mine." Deadpool put on his hood and raised a crooked war-god smile on his lips: "I don't even know who my parents are. You know, at least you still have someone to hate, so I still win, but look at me, I am still smiling every day.

"This is not a competition..." The dead man finally dared to raise his head. Sure enough, after Wade put on the mask, his lethality was much less, and the weird and disgusting feeling was much less.

"Why are you so serious? Ahem, bah.

"Wade began to imitate the clown's voice. Of course, because of throat cancer, the imitation didn't look like it at all. He lifted up his mask and spit on the sea: "Of course this is a competition, everything can be a competition, man. We are already living in a perverted era of severe involution.”

As he said that, Wade looked at the dead man's outfit again. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the tights with large lapels were very gay.

Sensing something wrong with his perverted gaze, he turned his body guiltily and forcibly brought back the topic:

"Hurry down and find the purple-skinned brother. I'll stay here and look at the flying carpet and the man-bat. The crisis has struck again. The fate of the earth and mankind rests on our shoulders."

"Don't push me. You are vigilantes. No one pays you for your work. How come you are more active than the other? You are more able to talk about the truth than the other. Do you want to get into graduate school?" The waiter stopped his jumping movement speechlessly. He buckled his buttocks and prepared to enter the water: "By the way, fellow veterans, do you think I should call it 'actor going into the sea' when I jump like this? You usually like to have a certain amount of weight." Or ***?"

"..."The non-existent audience seems to have said something...

"TF, who said just now that they like to watch people and nature? Octopus and sea cucumber? Seriously. Oh, I remember, I tried it, and it really works.

Deadpool was obviously satisfied that he had reached a consensus with the veterans. He nodded, raised his hand to pinch his nose, and then took a step away from the flying carpet.

His diving movements are much more standard. Compared with Thanos' "big" water splash, the sole of his feet entering the water only made a small splash, which was fleeting on the black sea. It was not even as good as it is now. The reflection of the dim moon is conspicuous.

The waves swayed, and the fine waves were like silver scales, but Deadpool's curse words still came from the dark sea:

"Fake! He jumped on the phlegm he just spit out and the bat's vomit. This noodle got into my nostrils!"

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