The Death Knell

Chapter 4647 The Vengeful Man

The long corridors are full of artistic sculptures or paintings, and the decorations include many valuable things such as corals and huge pearls, but Thanos doesn't like them and Deadpool can't move them.

Looking at the huge luminous pearl above his head that served as lighting, Deadpool drooled, and it mixed with the sea water in his uniform, giving it a salty taste.

"Wow, whoever lived here before must have been rich. Damn it, Thanos, did you see that? There's a solid gold statue there."

Yes, Deadpool pointed to a statue as he spoke. It stood in the middle of the corridor. It should be a seahorse, but it was too big. Its waist was thicker than Deadpool's. Such a big lump of gold probably weighed dozens of tons. ?

Now Wade is a little regretful. He regrets that he doesn't have super power. He can only look at these things in front of him, but cannot take them.

I wanted to tell Thanos, but seeing how Zishu was in such a hurry, he was so excited that he didn't know how to do the porter's job.

The Mad Titan's state is pretty much what Deadpool expected. After sensing the breath of death, how can he still have the time to appreciate the surrounding scenery?

However, when passing by the golden seahorse sculpture, he casually broke off a piece of gold from the seahorse's belly and threw it to Deadpool:

"Take it, then shut up and follow me."

"Hey, that's great!"

Having no idea what moral integrity is, Deadpool beamed after catching the gold. This was an unexpected surprise in action. Thanos is quite sensible.

But isn't it? If Thanos doesn't know how to use others, he can't become one of the cosmic tyrants.

The footsteps of the two people echoed in the empty and gorgeous corridor, so dense that they were almost connected in a line, and they all knew that the previous intrusion would definitely disturb the Black Finger people hiding here, so now every second counts.

The rooms on both sides of the corridor were empty, and the bedding on the coral bed had not been slept on for who knows how long and was already rotting.

The floor will be damaged in some places and small puddles can be seen in these cracks.

But it didn't matter. The two of them ran quickly one after another, passing through side halls and corridors, and getting closer and closer to the target location in the circular corridor, until Thanos suddenly bumped away with his shoulder. A huge golden door.

It suddenly became clear that this place seemed to be a throne room, with more luxurious decorations and more white statues.

In addition, in the center of the venue stands a magic circle that is emitting black light. The "Sleeping Beauty" floating in it is the death the two are looking for.

She seemed to be asleep or fell into an unconscious state. There was a slowly rotating small black hole in her chest, and some luminous particles were ejected from it. She didn't know what they were.

A group of men in black robes were surrounding her, seeming to be dancing or praying. In short, they must be doing something to keep the circle running.


Frost Slayer didn't have many ruthless words, and he didn't mind attacking behind the enemy's back. After rushing into the hall and discovering the scene in front of him, he was so angry that he raised his hand and fired a cosmic energy cannon at one of the men in black robes. past.

A light yellow magic circle appeared out of thin air behind the black-robed man, deflecting the attack and making it disappear as if it was shot into the water.

Then he turned around, looked at the charging Titan, and let out a sinister laugh:

"Tsk, Thanos, you can actually find this place, you are worthy of it. Friends, take the goddess to transfer, I will buy time for everyone.

In fact, there was no need to buy time. Death, who was originally floating in the magic circle, disappeared in a flash of light. At the same time, other men in black robes disappeared. All of this happened in an instant, so that even Deadpool could not Think of a way to stop it.

"Damn! Come back and face me! I...wait, this voice..."

Thanos reluctantly waved his fist with Uyu energy. This second beam just hit the air and blew up a wall, but did not leave behind those who escaped.

And at the same time, his disappointment made him calm down again, and he could hear the man in black robe who stayed behind.

Who is it?

In his somewhat disbelieving gaze, the man in black robe raised his hand and took off his hood, revealing a familiar yellow face. The same golden skin already explained his identity.

"It's been a while since I've been gone, Thanos, do you miss me?"

"It's you, Adam! Why?!" When he saw that one of the men in black robes was Warlock Adam, Thanos' pupils narrowed. Although in the past he thought Adam was just a source of noise around him, he had to admit that , in the process of the two getting along, he gradually adapted to the existence of Adam in his life.

He thought that Adam would be a rare friend, and no matter who he killed or how many people he killed, he would always be by his side.

Unexpectedly, when they met again, the two would be on opposite sides.

"Haha, is it difficult to understand?" Adam raised his hand and started to prepare a large magic, which shook the entire underwater space. He explained while doing it: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, the warlock you know Adam is dead, and I am his second personality, Adam Warlock. I do all this to take revenge on an unfair world!"

As he said that, he glared at Deadpool fiercely, as if *** owed him something.

This look made Wade, who was trying to cross his back, a little confused. He didn't care about sneaking anymore, straightened up and asked:

"Adam, right? What do you mean by looking at me? I didn't sleep with your daughter, let alone your money."

"You're still pretending! You dare to be a coward but don't dare to be!"

Adam the Warlock suddenly roared, and golden blood flowed from his seven orifices:

"I could have become the new Court of Life, been able to contact the roots of the universe, and understand the infinite mysteries! It's all damn Deathstroke, what agreement did he make with eternity?! Why do the five gods oppose my further advancement? ! He blocked my future! You, Deadpool, you don’t know me, but I know your relationship with Deathstroke! I will kill you first today and let that damn guy feel the pain! "

"Uh...hey girl!" Deadpool shrank his neck, and then started to pretend to be cute, trying to get through, but when it didn't work, when Adam was still staring at him hatefully, he ran away. He was still shouting: "Whiplock, save me!"

He didn't know what his cousin had done. He could even make the warlock Adam so angry that he split into a second personality. This was too dark.

But that's not important. The other party wants to kill me. Although I can't die, it still hurts to be beaten. It's better to avoid his sharp edge first, right?

So the answer is to hide behind Thanos and let the purple sweet potato spirit, who is obviously more resistant to beatings, fight against the crazy mage. At the same time, he can play some actor jokes and gain some popularity as insurance.

In this moment, Warlock Adam had completed his magic. He raised his hand and launched a snake-shaped energy attack that seemed to be made of black smoke, and rushed towards the two of them!

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