The Death Knell

Chapter 4648 Melee Mage

Is Thanos a compassionate person?

This question may sound a bit strange. How could the famous Mad Titan be associated with the word "love"?

But in fact, Thanos still has feelings for a few people.

Of course, there is no need to talk about death. She has been his goddess since he was a child. Zishu's feelings towards death are not earth-shattering, but they can be regarded as a hymn.

In addition, he is pretty good to his five Obsidian generals. Even though he will kill other crew members at will, he is very tolerant towards these few. Even if they mess up, it will not be serious. punishment.

Then there are the two sisters Gamora and Nebula. Although they have twisted and perverted fatherly love, Thanos is pretty good to them. Otherwise, these two girls would not be alive today and would have been consumed as cannon fodder. .

And Warlock Adam is also an object of some affection for Thanos.

The origin story of Adam, the warlock of 40K, is a little twisty. He is a pioneering technology on the earth. Those mad scientists who were independent from Hydra picked up the breeding warehouse of the Sovereigns of the golden-skinned race and used it to fuse human genes. A super humanoid weapon created.

Perhaps because of his mixed blood, this alien also possesses powerful magical talents that are often only possessed by humans. He soon gained a certain level of strength and escaped from pioneering technology to travel alone in the universe.

During his travels, he happened to meet Thanos who was massacring the natives of other planets. It was the first time that he saw people killing people in such large numbers, so he felt very uncomfortable, so he approached Thanos and persuaded him to stop. .

Of course, the souls of these dead people are all gifts to death. Of course Thanos will not let his army stop, but he is somewhat interested in the sudden appearance of Adam, because this is the first time he has encountered anyone who dares to dissuade him. People who don’t want to kill people themselves.

Moreover, this man is golden and looks very funny.

Since then, Adam has joined Thanos' "Dark Quadrant" in disguise. Strictly speaking, he has unilaterally entangled Thanos.

At first, he advised Thanos to kill less. Later, after learning about Thanos's feelings about death, Adam began to help Thanos choose targets. In the past, the Mad Titan would kill wherever he went. He was never picky about food and didn't care. Impact on the universe.

With Adam's help, he can go straight to civilizations with weak resistance, or civilizations whose existence has no meaning at all, to do targeted cleanup.

The relationship between the two has also improved since then. Although Adam often disappears and wanders around, as long as he returns to Thanos, he can basically stand in the second-in-command position, not only replacing Ebony Maw As a military advisor, Thanos often expressed his feelings to Thanos.

So today, Thanos was somewhat sad to see Adam betraying him.

However, after Adam said that his previous self was dead and that he is now "Adam Warlock", the last wavering in Thanos's heart disappeared. At this moment, he has completed the separation from the past. That action My friend Adam is dead, and the enemy in front of me now is just a monster wearing Adam's skin.

Therefore, when the black smoke-like giant snake of magical energy rushed towards the two of them, Thanos was already prepared. His fists were clenched across his waist, and the cosmic energy in his hands was as radiant as the sun. Then these two punches Taking turns, the first punch missed the snake's head, and the second punch completely canceled out Adam's attack in mid-air.

Afterwards, the two fell into silence, looking at each other as if they were looking for each other's weaknesses at the same time.

"Ah, this battle is a bit monotonous."

Deadpool hid behind Thanos and rubbed his face against Ziya's back, as if he felt safer this way. He turned to no one and said:

"No matter what method the enemy uses to attack, or how full the light and sound effects of the attack are, our purple guy will punch him with one punch. If one punch is not enough, he will punch him again. I want to describe the battle scene. There is nothing to say. . Also, is this bald, strong, and invincible setting really not an infringement? Our movie will not be sued by the Japanese, right?"

"…" Someone seemed to have answered him.

"Eyes, yes, Thanos originated earlier, and he doesn't wear a cloak, so that's okay."

Deadpool felt relieved and reached out to touch his back. Well, he forgot to bring his schoolbag again today. Forget about guns, only two knives can be used. However, he did not panic at all. Instead, he smiled slightly and asked to the side:

"Perhaps some veterans will ask me, I replaced the lining of my trouser pocket with the space bag given to me by my cousin, so why don't I put the gun and bullets in my trouser pocket, but carry it in my schoolbag? Hey, let me open a guess and vote. A: I forgot. B: I don’t want to. C: It’s not cool to draw a gun like that. D: Obtuse angle.

"Yes, the answer is actually an obtuse angle. There is no reason why people do things. It all depends on my willingness."

While talking nonsense, Deadpool pulled out his carbon steel double swords and explained his plan:

"Okay, let's start analyzing the battle situation. Now Thanos and Adam are fighting 50-50, so I will be the key player in deciding the outcome. Now that Goldskin can't see me, I can take the opportunity to enter the stealth state, and then Climb forward and go around behind the opponent, then give him a double dragon attack and then use the Millennium Killing Rasengan. He will definitely fall to the sky on the spot, and Thanos will take the opportunity to kill him. Then I can take a photo with the corpse. Use the photo to go to your cousin and exchange it for $100,000, hehehe..."

There is nothing wrong with his tactical planning. It is always right to attack more and less often to bypass the back. Especially when Adam seems to be stuck in the "recovery" stage after casting the spell, it should become easier to bypass the back.

The only problem is.

"You actually plotted in front of me?!" Warlock Adam was going crazy. Although he couldn't see where Deadpool was, he was murmuring the plan loudly to himself, but everyone heard: "You and Deathstroke Damn it, how dare you look down on me?! I am no longer what I used to be. Blank has given me a brand new power, beyond the power of any universe! "

After saying that, he seemed to be charged with electricity, the speed of bleeding in his seven orifices increased, and then he rushed directly towards Thanos.

He recited a spell, and then a purple-black energy ax appeared in his hand, seemingly intending to chop up Thanos and Deadpool together!

In response, Thanos just smiled slightly, with a disdainful smile on his lips. In the past, I don't know how many people charged at him in despair with a certain death mood, but their result was the same, that is, death.

It seems that there are also advantages to acting with Deadpool, that is, his cheapness can indeed easily destroy the enemy's mentality, which is good. !

Thanos squeezed his fist with the Infinity Gauntlet, and then strode forward to meet him. Adam used to be his friend in the past, and he had to let him die happily enough.

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