The Death Knell

Chapter 4649 Seeking Death

Adam's magic ability is very good, but his melee ability is worse than Thanos. Not every mage graduated from Kama Taj, and naturally not every mage has powerful melee skills as insurance.

But even so, Adam still actively chose to fight in close combat. This...

"There must be something fishy about this."

Deadpool tilted his head and scraped the dirt on his uniform with his samurai sword. A layer of gray mud quickly appeared on the blade, which was equivalent to weapon quenching:

"According to the official Marvel rating data that veterans say, my melee ability rating is 7, Thanos's fighting ability is also 7, but Adam's is only 2 at most, and his three-legged cat kung fu can't even beat Captain America. , and now he’s charging at us, there must be something wrong with him."

Thanos didn't flinch, but he still heard Deadpool's thoughts, so he paid attention. 2

Sure enough, Adam held the ax in both hands and it looked like a jumping chop, but before the energy ax in his hand fell on Thanos, his own body suddenly emitted a strong light and exploded on the spot.

The dazzling bright light, the terrifying shock wave, and the deafening roar instantly caused Thanos, who was the leader, to fly out and hit the wall of the hall. The armor on his body was blown black, as if he had just crawled out of a coal mine. Same.

This ancient building originally existed on the seabed and was under tremendous pressure. After this explosion, Deadpool could hear the sound of water leaking in the corridor behind him.

He has been hiding behind Thanos, and when the explosion occurred, he lay down in advance because he was prepared for it. Therefore, except for a layer of flesh missing from his back, he has no other injuries. He just doesn't look good. The black spot on the back looked like a tire mark from head to toe, and there was smoke coming out. !

A few breaths later, with a glimmer of light, the intact Adam Warlock appeared in the hall again, as if he was not the one who just blew him to pieces.

"Ah, this is your tactic. You can be resurrected infinitely by yourself, so you just keep blowing yourself up?"

Deadpool did five push-ups on the ground to show that he was fine. Then he got up, pointed at Adam's nose from a distance and cursed:

"I have never seen such a shameless person like you!" 2

"Haha, you have no right to criticize me. Deathstroke is the most shameless. I have never offended him at all. Why do you want to cut off my way?!" Adam shook his cloak and flew directly towards Deadpool this time. Said: "Do you know how harmful this is to a spell caster? I could have understood the origin of the universe!"

Deathstroke is not here, so let's take it out on his relatives first. Deadpool may be difficult to kill, but now that the goddess of death is in Blank's hands, will Deadpool really be unable to die no matter what?

Just try and you will find out

"You're sick, madman. I'm not Slade. Go find him." Deadpool turned and ran away. As he ran around the circular hall, he turned to communicate with the enemy chasing behind him: "And the universe I can tell you the origin. We are actually characters in a movie, and I am the male protagonist. It is impossible for a villain like you to kill me. "

One running, the other chasing, Wade's legs were running out of afterimages, like a cartoon character in a cartoon, a waterwheel-shaped windlass.

And Adam is also very fast. He can fly, and can reach super-light speed when using magic to teleport. If he is chasing a person who runs on legs, if the area of ​​the hall is not limited and he is afraid of flying too fast and hitting the wall, then he would have long ago. Caught Deadpool.

After running for about two laps, Thanos, who had been blasted against the wall, got up and adjusted himself. Only then did Deadpool feel relieved. He turned around on the spot and launched a surprise attack. The two knives in his hands unexpectedly struck. After the ground attack Adam's feet, there was an explosion at the same time.


With this explosion, the remaining buildings of ancient Atlantis could no longer withstand it. In the next second, countless seawater gushes down from the cracks in the roof, filling the hall in the blink of an eye.

The huge water pressure destroyed a large number of buildings. At this time, there was a gorgeous vaulted house like the interior of the observatory.

The hall on the roof has also turned into tattered egg shells.

"Ahem! Gulu gulu."

Deadpool was shattered to pieces by Adam Warlock's self-explosion, but he healed himself immediately. Many people thought that he relied on Thanos's curse to never die, but Deadpool knew that the reason why he could always live was actually With strong popularity, the veterans outside the wall have been supporting him.

As long as there is popularity, it will not die, no matter how much Adam Warlock wants to kill himself, and no matter whether the goddess of death is really completely controlled by the enemies.

If Adam can always be resurrected, so can he, so the naked Deadpool stood up again from the chaotic ocean currents. He stood on the bottom of the sea, holding the two swords that he never let go of and said those words:

"Come out, you gold-skinned fool, I can spend the whole day with you, Mr. Deadpool!"

I have to say that his tone was much tougher than the original version of Captain America, but unfortunately he was underwater now. In his mind, he thought he was shouting a very touching line, but to others, it sounded like "Gulu, Gulu, Gulu." Lulu, Gulu!"

There's no momentum at all, and it's pretty funny.

Adam appeared again. He was still intact, even the black robe on his body was still intact. He looked at Deadpool with cold eyes.


Sure enough, even though he is an almost perfect creation, he still has the limitations of flesh and blood.

Deadpool didn't notice it when he was still wearing his uniform, but the explosion destroyed all his clothes. What appeared in front of Adam now was a man who seemed to have been burned by fire and then thrown into a pit to ferment for several years. , and then was eaten by some kind of insect swarm, and then thrown into the sea water to soak the body.

No man, not even gods, could look directly at Deadpool's naked body and remain sane. 1

Adam Warlock fell into a state called nausea on the spot. He knelt down in the mud at the bottom of the sea and spit out some rainbow-shaped liquid from his mouth. Next, he seemed to want to dig out his own eyes and began to Rolling all over the floor.

"As for it? I'm asking you, is it for you?" Deadpool was not happy. He was naked and performed several bodybuilding moves one after another, showing off his body to Adam, and even cursed: "I'm so handsome. Face, such a perfect body, body fat rate is infinitely close to 0, you really don’t understand aesthetics! "

But then Thanos appeared. He came behind Adam like a ghost in the deep sea. He raised his hand and slapped the latter on the neck. Adam Warlock fell into a coma without any resistance, with a trace of blood on his face. With some expression of relief.

Thanos turned around and did not look at Deadpool. He put his hands behind his back and closed his eyes and said: "You can't kill him. You need to find some clothes to wear first. Then we will take him to Deathstroke to see if the Master Supreme can do anything." Solve the problem of these guys constantly resurrecting."

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