The Death Knell

Chapter 4679 Keep moving forward

Su Ming knew exactly what Batman's three-person team was doing. The adjutant's monitoring of Earth 40K was not comparable to that of Earth 0, not to mention that even Seven Days Xenibasi had just sent a contact report. Regarding the foreign object appearing in the sun,

This information will be transferred to the adjutant through different channels, and then the adjutant will transmit it to Strangled through the totem. Because Strangled is one with the host, the reporting process is silent, but all relevant information and pictures are in Deathstroke's mind at this time. inside.

In fact, the standing force of 40K is very sufficient. With just one order, the adjutant can send hundreds of thousands of people to besiege the "mother" in an instant. But since she can be resurrected after killing her, it is better to let Barry hold her back first.

"Another mother found Batman. The Flash held her back first, but we have to speed up here."

He briefly told everyone about the current situation, then picked up the jar in his hand and looked at it again:

"I said, prophet, how far is it?"

Everyone is floating in the void now. The speed of the cloak is very fast. Different multiverse systems are passing by in sight, and the balls of various colors have turned into shadows and spots of light.

"Don't go forward."

The cockroach who was smoking seemed a little lacking in confidence. His small black eyes avoided the one-eyed gaze of the death knell. He was also beating a drum in his heart, because in the past, he had never left his own multiverse. No, I should say even. Earth 0, a single universe, has never come out.

Who knows whether my abilities are still effective outside? Now I can only hope that God has great powers and gives me great abilities, Amen.

Otherwise, Deathstroke might really squeeze himself into cockroach juice and drink it. He is not a superhero and can really do such cruel things.

"You said a mother found Batman, can he handle it?" Diana was a little worried. After learning the news of Superman's sacrifice, she paid special attention to these enemies.

The Justice League has fought side by side for many years, and their feelings for each other are difficult to describe clearly in words. No matter which one of them encounters misfortune, it is a heavy psychological blow.

In fact, she is pretty good. If she was not in other worlds when the incident happened, but stayed on Earth 0, then she might have forgotten any trace of Superman's existence.

"No problem, even if everyone else in the Justice League dies, he will not die." Su Ming lit a cigarette by himself and took a deep puff. He and the orangutan looked at each other and smiled: "Because he It's Batman."

"Hey!" Bobo also grinned, knowing that Deathstroke was going to tell a joke about Batman again.

I don’t know why, but although Deathstroke always makes fun of Batman, Bobo always has a feeling that Slade’s favorite among the Justice League is also Batman.

This is probably the sympathy of the dark people,

"The first one that Blank targets is Superman, and the second one is Batman. If Batman dies, the third one should be Xiao Dai." Su Ming stopped his smile and continued to talk about business. He looked aside. The void flicked cigarette ash: "I discovered something before, that is, Bai Bai's actions are a bit mechanical. She seems to be acting according to a pattern or priority. When it comes to subjective initiative, it is not as good as the black-robed people under her."

"That's reasonable, Slade, because didn't we have some guesses before? It's quite possible that blankness is the embodiment of a concept." The orangutan didn't smile either. He squatted on the man's lap and looked at the dark Ahead: "And everyone knows that no matter how human-like the embodiments of all concepts appear, they are still not human. Instead, they will follow their own rules. This is the foundation of their existence."

Just like death cannot kill people who have not yet reached the end of their lifespan, fate cannot rewrite one's own destiny at will, and the Sandman cannot have his own dreams. These are dead rules and the operating logic of the universe itself, which cannot be changed.

Not to mention the embodiments of concepts, even Lucifer has rules that need to be followed. Although he is so comfortable today, if he was in the position of Satan, he would not be restrained at all. few.

If he hadn't put it

Abandoning that position and finding another way to the human world, I'm afraid he is still organizing his men to continue the bloody battle with heaven.

Yes, Bobo is talking about the Thousand Year War. Every thousand years, Heaven and Hell will fight for a thousand years. This is one of the rules that Lucifer must follow. Even if he thought about resisting at first, the forces and fate of all parties will be different. They will all push for this war to happen on time, which is inevitable.

Lucifer then simply made a choice, but angels always came to him and persuaded him to go back to hell. There was no good person among those angels.

"It's really troublesome, my monkey." Su Ming sighed and simply leaned on Diana's shoulder, closing one eye and saying, "People are easier to kill, but the embodiment of the concept is a bit tricky. What do you think?"

"Darkseid can kill Destiny, then you should be able to kill another embodiment of the concept, right?" The orangutan also leaned forward and leaned on Deathstroke's head, putting all his weight on Diana. Shoulder: "And I'm not a monkey, I'm an orangutan."

When he said he was a monkey, Bobo corrected him excitedly at first, but as time went by, he seemed to have adapted to Deathstroke's ape-monkey distinction.

"Hmph, if you can't kill me, let me do it. Thanos suddenly spoke again. He raised his hand and slowly made a fist: "I want to rescue my goddess, no matter what is in front of me, I They will grind it into powder!

"Ah, yes, that's what it smells like." Deadpool immediately took out a mobile phone from his pocket to take a few selfies, with the domineering Thanos as the background: "Don't look at the camera, I need the effect of a candid shot. , Hey, I just want a sense of surprise, um, and I also want to save death. If you can't kill Blank, then let me do it, haha, because I am the protagonist, so I am better than you guys. The supporting characters are stronger.

As he spoke, a crooked smile appeared under his mask, comparable to that of the Urban Dragon King.

Su Ming didn't say anything. He just needed to know that his morale was available. If he really counted on them, they might not be killed.

"It turns out that war is so terrible."

At this time, Tracy seemed to have come back to her senses. She was talking about the battle between the hands of the Void and the Blank. She had never seen a battle before and saw the deformed monster for the first time. The level of our war is a bit high.

When the orangutan saw that she had returned to her soul, she felt a little resentful and knocked her on the head:

"You know how dangerous it is to come out with us, right? Damn girl, do you dare to join in the fun again?"

Unexpectedly, the bartender, who was originally pale, soon turned red, twisted with excitement, and answered loudly:

"I dare to do it because it's so exciting."

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