The Death Knell

Chapter 4680 Pathfinder

There is no ruler to measure distance in the void, and there is no concept of time. Su Ming doesn't know how long everyone has been flying and how far they have flown.

All he knew was that in an environment where it was pitch black in most directions, he felt like a fish in water, and he couldn't be too comfortable.

To put it in a more down-to-earth way, this place is like a giant sewer, and it can even be regarded as your home field.

Multiverses flashed by one after another, some familiar and some unknown. Before Su Ming could feel the vastness of the world, the cockroach spoke:

"Death knell, I feel it, the target is not far ahead!"

The voice of the voice attracted everyone's attention, and at this time everyone could see that the small black eyes of the cockroach turned into two light spots, which were emitting golden light, like two small searchlights. Same.

The tone of his words became stiffer, but the whole person, no, the whole insect stood up, and even put its limbs on its waist. If it had a waist, it would be around the middle of its body.

"Is it... inviting God to take over?"

After pinching the cigarette and putting it away, Su Ming raised an eyebrow and asked Bobo, who was more knowledgeable about the DC magic world.

"The Christian religion has this method, but most of them are angels possessing humans. But we all know that the voice of God is a dog. If it can possess a cockroach, then I can accept it."

The orangutan with a weird expression thought for a moment, then shrugged, saying that he didn't care, as long as there were results.

This special state of Ezekiel did not last long, as if to say these words and point out a direction, it soon "cut off the power" and sat at the bottom of the jar again, with its head drooped.

But this is enough, it points a direction and provides a very close conclusion. "Everyone is ready to fight." Su Ming gave the order to get his teammates ready. Although there is nothing suspicious in the field of vision: "Once the battle starts, I will try to seal the space and block both us and the enemy." They are locked together, so those who want to go to the toilet can now use mineral water bottles.

"Iron seated duel? I like it. The last time I saw someone fighting in the pit, it was my cousin and Mr. Sinister." Deadpool turned his head and looked to where no one was. He rubbed his hands together emotionally and put his hands behind his back. He pulled out his two swords and played a trick in his hands: "Old fellows, you've all seen it, we're going to fight right away, so those who are rich will support you with money, and those who have no money will support you with personal support. Let's give gifts and be careful with free money. Wave!" 5

His illness-like behavior and various antics of thanking those void gifts seemed to everyone to be a relapse of mental illness.

Diana, who was wiping the shield and Vulcan sword, tilted her mouth, obviously a little worried about Deadpool's state of getting sick when he got excited.

"You said we came here to find a 'death', are you sure that death will go with us?"

She asked Deathstroke this way because she had heard Bat and Bobo talk about the ins and outs of some things, and therefore felt that the other party had transformed Death, and perhaps Death had become an enemy.

She has seen a lot of transformation surgeries. There are always people who want to challenge God's forbidden area, and the magic transformation ritual has a long history.

"Yes, dear." Su Ming glanced at Deadpool who was dancing to thank him for the gift, and smiled slightly: "I am very confident that no matter how the goddess of death changes, some things will not change.

After a while, I don’t know how long it was, the cockroach’s so-called destination appeared in front of everyone.

What everyone saw was a continent in flight.

Whether it is a single universe or a multiverse, these things are all spherical in human eyes, because the human brain will simplify complex visual situations as much as possible and present them to big pigs for understanding.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that the so-called multiverse is a collection of concepts at the conceptual level. It is not spherical. People see spherical shapes, but they only allow people to understand themselves this way.

The unique world in front of us looks like a special case. It looks like a piece of paper.

From a flat surface, it is almost invisible and appears to be a thin white line.

And from the "top" that humans can understand, it is an endless plane, white, and clean.

"This kind of place...a two-dimensional universe?"

After adjusting his deerstalker hat and adding tobacco to his pipe, the orangutan was ready to fight. At this time, he saw the scene in front of him and put forward a hypothesis with some uncertainty.

"If people like five-dimensional people can do whatever they want on our level, it would be a good thing if our target is really in the two-dimensional world." Su Ming touched the cloak and motioned for it to continue moving forward. Nothing can be seen from the outside world. Now that we are here, we still have to go in to make a judgment: "But I guess it won't be such a good thing. This unique flat universe looks like a plane to us, but what if it makes us think so?"

"Then it becomes a riddle." Carol had already started to have a headache. She didn't want to hear these things, but stretched out her hand to pull Diana to stand up from the flying carpet: "If we go in, we will always find death."

"Is this a tactic of alerting the enemy?" Hela was relatively calm. She used black stone spikes as hairpins and gave herself a very arrogant hairstyle: "Let the enemy know that we are coming, and see if they will hurry up and transfer death. Then we can save time looking for death?

"That's probably what I thought." Captain Marvel nodded, and she pulled on her gloves. And looked at the death knell, indicating that he was ready.

"Don't make such a plan. This flat-looking thing is also a multiverse." Bobo exhaled a puff of smoke and interrupted the conversation between the three women. Anyway, he was an orangutan, so he couldn't talk about it. Are you straight or not? I just tell the truth: "Neither Deathstroke nor I have thought clearly about what is in it, so please stop guessing, it's useless."

"Calm down, sister, Detective Orangutan is right." Diana patted Carol on the shoulder. Although Captain Marvel secretly compared the two of them with longer legs along the way, Dai didn't mind it either: "We Now go in and take a look? How about a sneak peek? Slade."

"No need to take such risks."

Su Ming handed the cockroach jar to Tracy, and he grabbed the singing and dancing cousin from the back half of the cloak with his backhand, and then threw the cock in the air like a western cowboy throwing a lasso. He heard the sound of coffee until an afterimage appeared, and then he threw it toward the white surface: "Just let Wade go to the mines. That's what mercenaries do anyway."


Deadpool submerged into the white world, disappeared, and made a sound like shit falling into water, which was very strange and unreasonable.

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