The Death Knell

Chapter 4703 Different Love

"Boy! I once bathed in the heart of the stars, and I once roamed the multiverse. My soul is a clenched fist, and death kissed it! Now surrender before me, and die!"

Thanos' fist is literally the size of a casserole. At this time, the Infinity Gauntlet wrapped in the light of cosmic energy is like a pile driver, constantly greeting Zane's face. His other hand is grabbing Zane's neck. Prevent the other person from getting away.

Compared with him, Zane's eloquence is much worse. Although he is about the same height and size as Spider-Man, after all, he is only three or four years old this year, and he is still a child with little experience.

Before, he was coaxed by Ebony Throat to do this and that, and develop some crazy hobbies.

But in fact, after leaving Ebony Throat, he fell into a daze. He had no force field of his own, only inner desires.

And he has always been able to realize his wishes, so he expressed his desires very frankly at this time:

"The goddess of death is mine! I want to marry her!"

While shouting his wish, he also pinched Thanos' neck with one hand, held the cosmic energy in the other hand, and blasted it towards his father's face.

In his opinion, the best woman should be worthy of him, and of course his mother is the best woman. There is nothing wrong with this.

If Thanos wants to prevent him from marrying his mother and having powerful offspring with her, then he is an enemy, and the enemy will kill him, because this is how his teacher Ebony Throat taught him.

The current level of combat power between the two is about the same. After leaving the Marvel 40k universe, Thanos lost the power of the Infinity Stones. His advantage lies in combat experience and life experience.

He originally didn’t want to kill Zane, after all, he was his son.

But now, after hearing his son's rebellious speech, especially the fact that he wanted to snatch death, Thanos has strengthened his murderous intention, and all his actions at this time are aimed at killing people.

But his habits were different from Deathstroke's.

Deathstroke is a mercenary with a bad taste. He likes to create a lot of mysteries for the enemy, and then let others die inexplicably, making him a confused man. Then the evil-minded mercenary will step on the corpse to tell a cold joke and eat some with his teammates. Snacks or something.

But Thanos is different. Although he is called the Mad Titan, he also has another unknown nickname, called the Cosmic Philosopher.

Before he kills someone, he will tell the victim a lot of truths and let the victim die in a clear way. Even if he cannot understand his philosophy, he will at least be taught a lesson by a strong person, and he will not lose anything in this life.

"Your existence will only bring chaos. Just like all entities in the universe are seeking a better life, you are the one who pursues the craziest one, and this is the lurking plague in life. Ebony Maw has deceived you. , your trust is an illusion that a fool prays for and is exploited by scoundrels, you are so pathetic. Since I am your father, it is my responsibility to end your tragedy. Boy, there is no honor in fighting for unachievable goals, for others Lying while fighting is a futile habit. Look at me! I am Thanos! And right before your eyes, an inevitable end awaits you!"

Compared with the uneducated Zane, once Thanos speaks, he uses a set of little words and starts with the meaning of life and fighting, which is a philosophical thing.

Killing is not called killing, it is called ending the child's tragedy, and you can feel the love of a father from it.

"….Death is mine!"

The thin, smaller purple bald man was stunned for a moment. He didn't know how to face his father's education, especially when his head was being hit by the deep father's love, and he couldn't let his thoughts effectively connect with each other. .

So he can only emphasize his desires. If he wants to realize his desires, just like in the past, it must go smoothly.

"Stop breathing and thinking. Your only real comfort is waiting in the void. You are destined to die today! I know this is a cruel and empty promise, but I can no longer tolerate hypocrisy! My child, I I came here to rid you of Ebony Maw’s big lie! Just as he is dead, you should also end it here! "

Thanos, who punched his son on the head violently, had another little intercourse, it was nothing.

It's easy to say, he is so talented.

Although he is ugly, he is very gentle. After all, he was a top student when he was on Titan.

When many people see Thanos, they only think of him as a powerful warrior and a crazy tyrant. Who remembers that he is also a physicist, an engineer, and an artist who is good at music, chess, calligraphy and painting?

In the vast space of the 40k universe, there are countless races and intelligent creatures living.

And the huge base has naturally given birth to various artists, collectors, and critics, which has also caused some of Thanos' paintings to be expensive in the cosmic market.

One of his most famous paintings is a cruel scene painted with young and immature brushstrokes when he was still in school. At that time, he tricked the whole class into a nest of carnivorous lizards and watched the lizards kill them all alive. After tearing it apart, Thanos gained artistic inspiration as he devoured flesh and blood.

"Lizard Dinner Picture", let's call it that for now, this painting is in collector Di Fan's possession.

After the entire family died, Thanos, who roamed the star sea, often painted, but these paintings were of little value, because all he painted was the goddess of death. Over the years, he probably painted tens of thousands of paintings, and everything If there is too much, it will be worthless.

As for the portrait that Thanos painted, he knew that he was painting death, but to others, he just painted a human female in a black robe. You must know that the aesthetics of various races in the universe are different.

Most of the Eternals and Titans look like humans, so Thanos naturally likes deaths that look like human women. However, if it were the Nuvali, those aliens who look like toads and dogs can be admired She doesn't have what humans call beautiful appearance.

Because the eyes are too small, there are no pustules or mucus secretion on the skin, and there are no gold and red clothing or armor on the body.

"No! Shut up! Teacher, he will not die! He promised to help me become the king of the universe!" Zane also started to go crazy. Thanos told him some truths, but the rebellious child did not want to believe it at all, but was inspired He got angry and yelled back: "Mother is mine! I want her to be my wife! I want her to give birth to my powerful offspring!"

This statement is obviously not what Thanos wants to hear. He is indeed a bit crazy, but it does not mean that there is no bottom line.

Zane's outlook on life was so deformed that it was disgusting. The old father wanted to blow his son's head off right away or tear off his mouth.

"I am Thanos! I slaughtered the woman who gave birth to me, did she force me into this hell called life?! Wasn't my passing figure stained red by the blood of enemies and allies?! Death happens every time He is with me every moment! I spend every moment dealing with death or worshiping death! Then tell me, who else under the stars is more suitable to be Death’s lover than me?! Die! Damn! You deserve to die!!!”

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