The Death Knell

Chapter 4704 Riddles of the Past

"Hey, Slade, what do you think will happen if the father and son find out now that the Goddess of Death has followed Deadpool to check out a room?"

The quarrel between the father and son in the distance did not mean to avoid others at all. When they quarreled, the sound was extremely loud. Although Zane's thin and pale words could not even be considered as having his own position, it made everything look more like Thanos. Godson.

But what can I say, after hearing these conversations, Bobo's eyes turned into a funny look, and he asked Deathstroke in a good-humored way.

"Shh, keep your voice down, super soldiers all have super hearing." Su Ming put his finger on the thick lips of the little gorilla, and pulled it a few times, causing the latter to make a funny sound like "beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, don't worry. What will happen if they find out? Anyway, I know that this space can't last long. The father and son are bleeding the same crazy blood. They feel like Hulk. As the anger rises, so does the combat effectiveness. .

"Who is Hulk?"

Bobo slapped Deathstroke's hand away and quickly rubbed his lips.

"A big green guy, how should I put it? Just imagine the temper of a violent wolf, and then dye him green." Deathstroke squatted on the roof, watching the intensity of the battle continue to escalate, and raised an inappropriate example of.

But it's enough, Xiaofu is one of the best detectives, and he can figure out what the situation is.

So he immediately shuddered, because the reason why the violent wolf was called this codename was because his temper was like a powder keg, and he really liked to defecate in the mouths of the dead, like a madman.

"Okay, let's not mention that for now." Diana walked over with a little headache, came to squat down next to Deathstroke, and supported her hands and chin with a shield: "Do you know who Blank is?"

Her eyes glanced at Deathstroke's hand, because Ebony Throat's head was held in that big warm hand, like a basketball.

For the sake of justice, even if the earth falls apart, it is justice to avenge a good man like Superman. Therefore, if it is for the sake of justice, then there is no moral burden in letting the strangulator eat the enemy's head and read the memory in it, no matter what the noseless old man looks like. How human-like it is.

All can be eaten.

"Actually, I have already deduced who Blank is without using Ebony Throat's memory. Su Ming smiled and touched Diana's hair, helping her put a strand of hair behind her ears: "Because of the arrangement of this single universe , the trap that the enemy prepared for me revealed her identity. Of course, it may also be that she deliberately gave me a hint."

As he spoke, Deathstroke looked toward the sky, as if there was a blank there eavesdropping. It was as if he wanted to see if Blank would take the initiative to take up what he said.

But obviously, the blank space may be following many rules of its own, and the one with the highest priority is to preserve and cover up its own existence.

It's hard to say whether she's there or not, but it's obvious that she won't come out to play the quiz game.

So when this kind of death knell was a bit hard to get off the stage because no one was applauding it, Bobo spoke again:

"So Slade, who is Blank?"

"Good question, my wave." Su Ming stood up, took the ebony throat head in his hand and dribbled the ball with his crotch a few times, as if he had found the rhythm of rap, and said easily: "I give The answer, blank is... the embodiment of the concept of anti-quantum."

"Is this what folk science says?" The orangutan was confused, and he showed a black question mark expression: "You want to talk about quantum mechanics, I have no problem, I understand it to a certain extent. But things like inverse quantum are just a matter of course. I’ve never heard of it. Could it be that you made it up to tease me?”

"No, it's because there is no such thing as anti-quantum. This fits the definition of "blank," because it originally represents "non-existent existence."

He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. He lit it with Zhuangsha's help. Deathstroke took a deep drag on the cigarette and told his reasoning:

"First of all, let me be clear. This world is very similar to the world I lived in before, but unfortunately it is not. It is a fake, a cage created by nothing to restrain my thoughts."

"What is the basis for judgment?" The orangutan followed Deathstroke to the rental house at that time, and also saw him digging around and touching here and there, and a series of verification processes.

Before, Deathstroke also said that there was a high possibility that he was from the world he lived in before, and didn't he still have the urn with him?

"My previous body and that room were all real, but this world is fake." Seeing what Diana wanted to ask, Su Ming shook his head and said he would talk about it later, and he answered Bobo's question. : "The reason is very simple, because Bailan showed cowardice in a key place. When I ate the noodles, the moment I tasted the taste, I actually understood that this world is fake."

As he spoke, Deathstroke blew out a smoke ring and looked at the orangutan's black face through the white ring.

The other teammates are now left to listen. They don't know what Deathstroke and Bobo saw before they reunited. When they reunited, both of them had finished eating.

"Why do you say that? Aren't those noodles delicious?" The orangutan also lit his cigarette butt and swallowed: "Although I am a bar owner, not a restaurant owner, I am not an expert in appreciating noodles. , but I’ve also eaten a lot of pasta. Even though you made half of the noodles yourself, it’s still one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.”

"Haha, listen, if Deadpool were here, he should have discovered the problem long ago." Su Ming touched the orangutan's head, took out a bottle of wine to share with him, and also gave it to his own throat: " The problem is that it’s so delicious. Even though it’s not that delicious, for a noodle, it tastes unusually good. I tasted Western food from it, so that’s the flaw.”

"Oh?" The orangutan raised his eyebrows and reached for the wine.

"Blank may not know what a bowl of noodles worth four yuan should taste like, so when I wanted to eat noodles on the spur of the moment, she was so rigid that she didn't react and could only use the noodles she knew to taste to try to mislead me. "

The smiling death knell poured Hela a glass of wine and said with a smile:

"Four yuan is almost fifty cents. Do you think it's normal for me to spend this money and eat seafood pasta that tastes like twenty dollars?"

"It's really abnormal to say that, because although business people pursue taste, they also pursue profit." Hela drank a glass of wine, and she understood, because Daisy and Caroline did not sell small cakes every day. Well, so Hela also knows a little bit about the earth’s business.

"If that store is real, I used to eat a lot more, almost three times a day, so I can taste the difference if there is any slight change."

Su Ming looked at the sky again. The boundary of the pocket space there had just cracked open under a burst of cosmic energy, revealing the dark universe outside:

"So when I judged that my rental house and body were real, but this world was fake, I knew that this matter was related to a person. Do you know who it was?"

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