The Death Knell

Chapter 852 Casting the Net

Batman really spent a lot of money when sealing this hole. This short stretch of road was like the World Security Equipment Expo.

Starting from the outermost national treasury-level door, there are all the defensive measures behind it, such as scleral authentication, gait authentication, and gravity sensing.

Although he did not install automatic cannons for the defense, he also prepared things like stun guns, sleeping gas tanks, and vacuum traps. Many of the equipment even Su Ming had never seen in the "Mission: Impossible" series.

It's a pity that these things are advanced and advanced. Under normal circumstances, it would be extremely difficult to get in without making a sound.

But placed in front of the regular props, these things are all just decoration.

As long as Oliver held the key and walked in front, the doors opened in front of him like automatic doors at the entrance of a hotel, without any hindrance at all.

"This feeling is quite novel, as if someone invisible is opening the door for me." Oliver even had time to turn around and chat with a few people.

Su Ming was a step behind him. Hearing this, he shrugged: "That's not true. It's just that the person who opens the door for you is called God. He will not only force others to use the window, but also open the door for them."

"Tell me about things in the magical world when you have time. It seems that I can't get rid of these things in the future." Green Arrow shook his head. He knew that there were advantages and disadvantages. The Key to Heaven brought him benefits, so it was inevitable. There will be some invisible price to pay.

Su Ming nodded and agreed, and then all the explaining tasks would be handed over to Xiao Fu.

As for the price, there is indeed a price, but that is something after death. For the holder of the key to heaven, the soul will go straight to hell after death. There is no chance of going to heaven. The key will be given to the next person who asks.

This kind of price doesn't matter to Su Ming. Anyway, according to Alberta, heaven is not a good place, it is boring to the point of explosion.

You must know that even Lucifer can't stand that kind of boring life. He resisted the temptation of the 'snake' back then, but he couldn't resist this boredom.

Besides, there is an old saying in the Celestial Dynasty, which is that no matter how lucky you are, Green Arrow was originally extremely unlucky, but now he seems to have returned to his normal self after bearing endless sins.

It's not as lucky as Wei Ke or Harley, but for people who are used to bad luck, this is pretty good.

"Well, Batman's arrangements are all gone, and all that's left is the original laughing trap. The style of these things of his looks a bit weird."

After passing the last door, the style suddenly changed before everyone's eyes, from the original darkness and seriousness to an indescribable horror and humor.

The Bat-style blend of cruelty and comedy, this is the laugh-out-loud thing.

"You didn't catch up with the car last time when we dealt with Barbatos. That's what happened with the Laughing Bat. Just be more careful. But you reminded me, this time I have to be careful about some funny versions of mechanical dinosaurs."

Su Ming drew his weapon, and golden light suddenly lit up in the dark corridor. Everyone's face was shining, and it was unclear whether it was the traces left by rain or sweat.

However, it is very likely that Batman made the Laughing device harmless. The original meat grinder and rocket launcher were not activated, and several people successfully entered the Batcave from the driveway.

This place is still the same as it was when Su Ming came last time, and even the damaged Brother Eye host still has traces of a big sword stuck in it.

He wiped it quietly in the hidden area. His black gloves were all covered with dust. No one had been here for a long time, but it seemed that the drainage facilities were still functioning normally. Even if there was a lake everywhere outside, the cave was still there. Very dry.

As for how Maniac laughs, you don’t need to think about it, because he is also Batman.

Harry held his fingers in his mouth and turned his little head to look left and right, and soon showed a disappointed look.

"Oh, it's a lot more boring than I thought. He's neither Batman nor the Joker. It seems a bit nondescript here."

"Now is not the time to evaluate aesthetics. Spread out and search for clues. Diana and Harley will check the structures on the upper floors. Ivy will block the door. Green Arrow will check this floor. I will check the bottom. He should There are cells too.”

Su Ming patted her shoulder, turned her around, and pointed to the stairs leading to the upper floor.

Diana nodded, pulled Harley and walked away. Green Arrow watched them walk up to the steel mesh partition built in the cave, and asked Su Ming in a low voice: "Is there a cell on the bottom floor of the Batcave?"

"Is it possible that this is still a secret?" Su Ming asked curiously. In such a right place, it is dark and eerie. If you don't build a dungeon, wouldn't your geographical talent be wasted?

"I don't know." Green Arrow was confused. Logically speaking, his intelligence work was not the first but the second in Zhenglian.

Su Mingyi shrugged: "It seems that our Batman's confidentiality work is better. There is a compartment on the bottom floor of his own Batcave. It used to be used to store the Hell Bat suit. Later, the suit was scrapped. Gnaku It was converted into a luxurious cell specifically for the Joker. The defense facilities are luxurious, but the most critical insurance there is Batman himself. In this is not safe at all. As for Apart from me, Damian, Blue Beetle, and Hal also know about the existence of that cell."

The green armor casually flipped through the documents beside him, as if he was a little jealous: "Why would Hal know? We all wear green, but he doesn't appear often... No, why would you know?"

Su Ming smiled at him and turned towards the underground stairs: "Secrets make men more masculine."


"Master, what's wrong with you? And Miss this all done by the clown?"

Alfred came forward with a trembling voice, and saw the two people being carried by several people in the spacious and historic hall of Wayne Mansion.

Wally and the Djinn were the fastest. After sending the Joker to Arkham, Damian and the others hadn't gone far before they returned. This was because Wally spent a lot of time handing over to the guards.

Whether it's Blackgate or Arkham, the guards in Gotham obviously have no experience in dealing with speedsters. If it were Midtown and a criminal suddenly appeared in the cell, the prison guards wouldn't ask any questions and would just follow the procedures.

Damian was responsible for driving the Bat Flyer back, so he came out with Ah Fu from inside the house. Unfortunately, he had never thought of how to speak before, so he could only remain silent to the old man.

But now that the facts are in front of him, he can finally talk about what happened before, while Afu asked the children to send Batman to the final machine while listening to Damian's description.

As Batman was being treated, his eyes fell on Selina's body and he sighed deeply.

The young master's girlfriend... will always face such a fate. In comparison, Selena has a relatively hard life, and she has survived to this day.

In the past, those women who dated Bruce for a few days would be killed by bad guys. Except for Vicki Vali who was still alive, everyone else who dared to show up in Gotham was dead.

The old butler does know some methods of resurrection, such as the Lazarus Pool, the White Light Ring, the Reflection Magic, and so on.

But these methods have their own drawbacks.

The Lazarus Pool is the easiest to obtain. Even if Thalia and Lei Xiaogu are unwilling, Damian can steal the spring water.

But the most famous side effect of this spring water is that it can make people become bloodthirsty and crazy, lose their original personality, and turn into a blood-thirsty monster, which requires a lot of killing to calm down.

Not only him, but even Batman would definitely not let Selina use this method.

The White Lantern Ring also has the same trouble. Although wearing the White Lantern Ring has the power of resurrection, it will also become a slave of the White Lantern and be driven to undergo 'tests'. Moreover, now the spirit of existence has become Without the will of the earth, when the origin wall was broken, it shrank into a ball like a hedgehog, and it was impossible to use its power anymore.

The death knell from another world does have a white light ring in his hand. It may not be able to resurrect people. Only the spirit of existence has the final say, not the holder of the light ring.

The most likely way to achieve this is to use magic. Zatanna's relationship with the young master is ambiguous, and she may be willing to help.

Selina died once before, but thanks to the Reverse Magic and the Strange Doctor Midnight, she was brought back to life and given a new heart.

However, that was a long time ago. Now the world of magic has changed. It is said that the new concept of magic is a ruthless monster. It pays attention to the rules of equal exchange plus interest. It is simply the reincarnation of a black-hearted capitalist.

To put it simply, the cost of releasing the resurrection spell is one life for one life, and it cannot be paid by anyone. The upside-down person needs to take the caster's own pain and belief in sacrifice as interest.

All the roads he could think of seemed to be blocked, and the old housekeeper really couldn't think of any way. He could only send Selina's body to the big icehouse first, and freeze it together with the claws.

During the Night of the Owls, Talon raided the Wayne Mansion. After Batman defeated them, he could only freeze them and enter hibernation again because of the amber gold.

"Young Master, tell me, has the clown been caught?"

Damian watched the mechanical arm of the final machine dance back and forth in Batman's abdomen, and he nodded: "Yes, the Justice League finally arrived."

He didn't say anything about Harley or World Death Knell. He didn't want the old man to know that he was hanging out with those people.

The old housekeeper took a deep breath, and he seemed to be blaming himself and said, "It's all my fault. The clown interfered with all the surveillance and communications nearby, and I couldn't help at all."

"This has nothing to do with others. Batman will not blame anyone. Even in his opinion, he will only blame himself for being inferior to others." Damian turned his head and walked towards his brother's eyes. The monitoring equipment was still running. , the situation in most Gotham neighborhoods can be clearly seen.

Just like the old butler said, the surveillance and communications near the subway station were interfered with, and there was only a snowflake in the screen.

Damian put down his doubts. After seeing a fake like Wu Mingshi, he even had doubts about the old housekeeper.

Not to mention him in the past, even Batman was deceived by Alfred from Earth 3. What happened today made Damian wake up. He cannot let down his guard at any time.

He didn't feel much about Selena's death, because he knew that if he spoke, the death knell from another world would definitely help him think of a way to resurrect a person.

Although he didn't have much contact, he could always feel the care and protection. Maybe that young-looking man was really... his father?

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