The Death Knell

Chapter 853 Tower of Babel

" cream...specimens...landmines..."

Su Ming frowned and rummaged around in another bat cave. The closest to the lower area was the large cold storage, so of course he went in first to check it out.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw piles of corpses, both human and animal. These people always looked a little familiar. I don't know which world they were superheroes. They had been laughed at and treated as collections before.

The same goes for animal specimens. It seems that Kuangxiao is collecting various bats, or creatures that look like bats in the universe.

Ice cream... This should be what the clown part of his body wants to eat. There's nothing to say. The only thing that's a bit strange is why are the landmines frozen?

This is not a magical world where you add frost effects to mines. On the contrary, if the pressure-sensitive fuse inside the mine is frozen, it will be troublesome when you want to use it.

Walking among the shelves, Su Ming complained in his mind while picking. This large icehouse was obviously not as organized as the one in the main world. It seemed that Laughing really didn't do any housework without Alfred around him.

Too much garbage, no concrete clues, and nothing learned except that Laughing has been to a different world.

"Huh? You said it's windy?"

Su Ming was about to leave, but new news came from the strangle. Although it was very weak, it was keenly aware of the movement of air.

If you find a clue, you will naturally notify the host immediately.

Su Ming started tapping with the thin sword in his hand, first on the surrounding walls, then on the ceiling, and finally removed a polar bear specimen and found a small secret door under the specimen.

" not like Batman's style. It seems that hiding things under the floor is too simple." Su Ming complained again, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, and he directly used a thin The sword was inserted into the gap in the floor and pried hard.

Some of the trap doors were frozen, and there was a sound of cracking frost, and it was pitch black underneath, and no one knew what was there.

Su Ming took out a lighting rod taken from Green Arrow's house, broke it in his hand and threw it downwards. A faint green light lit up in the cave.

Below is a reference room with a small table, several file cabinets, and a small lamp. Judging from the style of the furniture, it must have been newly renovated after going crazy.

Su Ming jumped down, tried the desk lamp, and found that it was also powered by an independent power supply, so he pulled out his chair and looked at the information spread out on the table.

The table was dirty and messy, and unknown black water was frozen on the corners of the table, and the hot breath he exhaled was very obvious under the light.

He was indeed curious about this place, because the Batcave itself was a secret room, so why did Crazy Laughter dig another secret room in the underground cold storage of the secret room?

Isn’t this turning into a Russian matryoshka doll? Was it the clown part of his sanity that was causing trouble?

There were so many flaws that Su Ming didn't know what to say, but after quickly reading the files on the desktop, his eyes narrowed.

"Tsk tsk, so that's it? That clown is also an interesting person..."

There are not many documents here, and the handwriting inside is also very sloppy. The person who wrote the things is seriously mentally disturbed, and his mouth and nose are drooling while writing. The paper is a bit bad.

However, the information is useful, and these files record the people that the Laughing Bat has recruited, or plans to recruit.

For example, the members of the Dark Knights during the invasion of Barbatos each have file records, in which their origins and purposes, including their weaknesses, are written here.

This is the ‘Tower of Babel Plan’ of the Laughing Bat...

Batman in the main world also has one, but it is just used to record the weaknesses and characteristics of the members of the main alliance to prevent heroes from going dark.

As for the maniacal laughter, old habits die hard.

The Tower of Babel plan in the main world was stored in the "Watchtower" host of the Justice League, and was later stolen as a matter of course. There really aren't too many hackers in the DC world.

The villains used the weaknesses inside to develop plans and tortured the members of the Zhenglian to death.

Later, Batman changed the storage method. He deleted these things from the Internet, but told them in his own words, recorded them on old-fashioned audio tapes, and then hid the tapes in a place that only people he trusted knew.

To put it simply, it is a place that only Superman knows.

Now it seems that no one trusts Batman on Earth Minus 22... That's right, the memo should be well hidden.

Strangler stretched out tentacles from Su Ming's back, and some of the tentacles transformed into handles with eyeballs. Then he began to help Su Ming rummage through the surrounding cabinets.

Some of the information has been discarded, because it is the information of Earth's negative 22 positive connection. Crazy laughter has killed them all, so the information is naturally useless.

There are also those people who were killed by Su Ming in the last war, such as Iron Fist Without Mercy, Red Death Devil, etc. Their information is useless.

However, Su Ming still found the information about the Destroyer who was thrown into hell. The Batman who was injected with the Doomsday virus is still alive. Satan wants to kill him every day, but the Destroyer can be resurrected indefinitely.

Fortunately, Satan has no plans to completely overturn the situation, otherwise it will be a big trouble even if he releases the ravager.

Su Ming looked at the Tower of Babel plan that was laughing wildly. The plan to deal with the ravagers was also vague. It only proposed two sealing plans, black hole or phantom zone, but there was no way to completely eliminate them.

"Well, this is similar to my idea." Su Ming sighed into his hand and threw the information aside.

If it were the Doomsday in the movie world, it would be easy to deal with. That thing is made with Kryptonian technology and can be defeated with green kryptonite.

But the comic book version of Doomsday is just the opposite. He is made of kryptonite elements. He is the only one who can restrain Superman, and there is no reason why he can be restrained by the same kryptonite.

The Devastator transformed from the Doomsday spores naturally has no shortcomings in this regard.

Probably only Luther can figure out how to deal with this kind of monster. After all, he is the scientist who has studied Kryptonians the most.

The strangulating tentacles turned over again and helped the host find Bliss's information.

Sure enough, the Laughing Bat had an idea for her, but when Su Ming destroyed the Court of Owls, the Laughing Bat gave up at that time. Perhaps Barbatos urged him to do it more quickly.

Bliss's information was similar to that of other Batmans. Su Ming went straight to the weakness column, only to find that he could only laugh at the original plan to mutate her, and there was no further explanation.

"Tsk, I'm so happy for nothing, otherwise this file could be given to Cindy as a gift."

Su Ming threw the file aside again.

I have gone through all the information on the dead, irrelevant, and idle people, and the few remaining ones must be the current lineup of the new Dark Knights.

Maybe not all recruitment plans are successful, but the candidates should all be here.

The first is the gun-loving Batman.

Codenamed Cruel Knight, he comes from an unknown world in the dark multiverse.

The origins of Batman's creation are still the same, with some slight deviations. The prisoner who killed his parents was even more greedy. After taking away the wallet, he went to pick up the pearls scattered on the ground, Martha's pearl necklace.

And little Bruce picked up his gun and shot the robber in the heart. At that time, there were bats flying under the street lights in the alley, and little Bruce suddenly felt that a new door had opened in his heart.

Killing is power, and guns are the most intuitive intimidation. As long as he has a gun in his hand, he can do many things.

So after he traveled around the world and learned martial arts, he signed up for the U.S. Special Forces and became a captain. Can he be considered another Captain America?

After learning enough, he returned to Gotham and became Batman.

Needless to say, he has mastered a large amount of arms with money and connections. Wayne Group has also fully transformed into a military-industrial enterprise, and even accepted defense orders to develop new types of nuclear weapons.

In their spare time at night, the cruel knights would carry several new automatic rifles or heavy machine guns on their backs and go to the streets to find criminals for experiments.

For example, how many bullets does it take for a new heavy machine gun to turn a person into a pulp? How far can the new shotgun send people flying? It’s impossible not to conduct experiments. These data and time are very important and are useful when formulating tactics.

In the beginning, he was just experimenting on little scum, and eventually developed to all the criminals in Gotham, and then he joined the Court of Owls by accident.

As his methods become more and more cruel, his former ally Commissioner Gordon has also become his enemy, and the Court of Owls has an increasingly profound influence on him.

Maybe given him a few more years, he could destroy his own world on his own, but Crazy Laughter picked up the goods in advance. He went to destroy all the Owl Court in that world and fished out the Cruel Knight.

In order for him to work for him, Kuangxiao told the Cruel Knight that everything that happened to his parents was because of the inaction of the police. Yes, it was Gordon's fault!

The day Thomas and Martha were killed happened to be the day Gordon came to the GCPD to take office. As a criminal police officer, he did not patrol that day, so attending the welcome party was the biggest mistake!

The cruel knight who had just drank amber gold was in a 'high' state at that time. Members of the court often drank amber gold to extend their lives and have fun.

But everything in front of him changed. He originally thought that the powerful Owl Court was wiped out in an instant by the laughing man. Laughing prepared black light batteries before going to the meeting alone, giving the Owl Court a biological crisis... ...

Laughter, who was originally at a disadvantage, had the last laugh. This calculation and behavior updated the concept of the cruel knight. This is the real power!

He believed what Kuai Xiao said was true, because such a powerful ‘self’ from another world had no reason to lie to him.

So after hearing the crazy laughter that there were eighty or ninety Gordons still alive on other earths, he immediately embarked on a journey across the multiverse to kill Gordons.

Su Ming flipped through it, and sure enough, Director Gordon's name was written in the Weaknesses column of the Cruel Knight, so his goal was self-evident.

It's not certain whether Crazy Laughter will follow him, but the Cruel Knight will definitely go to Gordon. This is an opportunity...

Su Ming narrowed his eyes, put several other documents into his arms, strangled them tightly and held them in. Su Ming flew out of the hole.

As expected, his trip here was not in vain. He was going to assemble his team now, kill the Cruel Knight first, and cut off Laughing Man's hand.

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