The Death Knell

Chapter 854 The Richest Man in Gotham

This was a room without windows, and the pale fluorescent lights were like a dying struggle. They clicked and clicked for a while before they turned on.

The chill and the strange smell in the air overwhelmed the person who had just entered. He sighed, raised his glasses with his hands, and frowned tightly into the character "Chuan".

"Thank you, Mr. Foote, and please give me some alone time."

"Of course, Director Gordon, this is the autopsy report. Please help me push the body back into the freezer when you leave, and remember to turn off the lights."

The forensic doctor nodded to Gordon in understanding. As someone who had seen what was under the white sheet, he understood what Gordon was thinking.

This unreasonable phenomenon will naturally make the director make unreasonable actions.

In European and American countries, forensic centers are generally independent institutions. There are many police stations in each city. Occasionally, the FBI and others who come from outside to handle cases also need forensic help.

Therefore, forensic institutions are often affiliated with certain group research departments or public universities, and have a warmer name, such as Star Laboratory or something...

But Gotham is different from other cities. Because there is only one police station here, forensic doctors do not need to set up a forensic center to work outside. They can work directly underground in the police station, and their connections are also affiliated with the police station.

It was raining heavily outside, and judging by the time, it would have been daybreak if it had been normal. However, Chief Gordon still hadn't come home. After arranging for the night shift police officers to go out, he still had a lot of paperwork to do.

Being a police officer is not as wonderful as in the TV series. You only need to solve the case and catch the criminal. After that, a lot of follow-up work is required.

If a gun is fired, a gun report must be written; if someone is shot, then psychological counseling must be provided; if someone dies, the police are responsible for comforting the family members.

The most important thing is to record and classify the evidence chain so that prosecutors can have sufficient evidence to convict the prisoner when prosecuting.

If something goes wrong in this link, the prisoner who worked so hard to catch him will be acquitted in court.

In other cities, this is not the job of the chief, and the police chiefs can all interface with the prosecutor's office. However, Gotham is different. There are some cases that the police chiefs below cannot handle.

Because of the existence of Batman, it seems very pleasant to directly send criminals to the police station and provide evidence. But strictly speaking, the Dark Knight has no law enforcement power, and the evidence he obtained is also illegally obtained, which requires Gordon's processing. 'one time.

This job cannot be passed on to others. This was Gordon's original agreement with Batman. Processing evidence is also an illegal operation. He will not let his men take risks because of the promises he made.

If this was the price of being a good police officer in this city, Gordon wouldn't refuse the deal.

He nodded towards the forensic doctor, indicating that the other party could go about his business. When he heard the door of the morgue closing behind him, he walked straight towards the freezer pallet that had been pulled out of the wall.

There was a white sheet on it, and a human body was covered underneath.

Gordon stretched out his wrinkled hands. Years of fatigue made him look older than his peers. He clenched his fists, quickly let go, and lifted the sheets.

Bruce Wayne, the body in the morgue is him.

The police officers picked up the body while patrolling in the evening. In the crime alley where the murder occurred, he was wearing a luxurious handmade suit, but he died leaning against the red brick wall with a smile on his face.

That was a few hours ago. He had already found a way to fix the Batlight, and 'Batman' arrived soon as promised.

Seeing the real owner appear, Gordon felt relieved. Maybe the other corpse in Crime Alley was some kind of prank?

So Gordon didn't mention it at that time, and talked to Batman about the appearance of similar monsters in the city.

Everything was normal, Batman didn't answer much, and he still left without saying goodbye.

The reason Gordon selectively forgot about this incident was because Crime Alley... was still too sensitive to Batman. He didn't want to disrupt Batman's thinking. There were more important things to do, right? ?

Facts also proved his point. In the next few hours, Gordon felt the tremor that passed through everyone's hearts. After that, Gotham ushered in another flood. During this period, there were floods everywhere in the city. The group was in chaos, and all the police officers were sent out. Even the day-shift police officers were pulled out of their beds at home, but the police force was still stretched thin.

However, he forgot about the body, and the medical examiners did not forget it, and they examined the body of the eccentric rich man.

The fingerprints, blood type, height, weight, and even the degree of tooth wear are the same as Mr. Wayne's dental records, which is very strange.

So the forensic doctor dissected the body and compared the DNA records. The test results just came out, and the DNA completely matched...

This is the real Bruce Wayne, the boss of Wayne Group and a big celebrity in Gotham.

The forensic scientists immediately informed the director of the incident, and Gordon put down his work and went to the basement.

He could feel a strange sense of inversion, and a chill rushing to the top of his head.

If Bruce is really lying in the morgue cabinet...who was he talking to on the roof before?

Sometimes it's really not good to know too much. Gordon is one of the ordinary people who knows more. Of course, he can't compare with those in tights, but he happens to know about the Dark Multiverse.

Yes, he eavesdropped on the phone calls between Barbara and her friends. It is very inappropriate for a father to eavesdrop on his daughter's phone calls, but Gordon asked himself, what would Batman do? At a time like this, is privacy or my daughter's safety more important?

In fact, there is no need to ask, asking means monitoring everything!

So Gordon knows that there are a group of crazy Batmans in the Dark Multiverse, and the most dangerous one is the one who laughs the most.

He arrived in such a hurry that the forensic doctor had not yet arrived to sew up the corpse's chest, but for Gordon, this was just convenient for him to check the cause of death of the corpse.

The autopsy report is actually very comprehensive, but the cause of death is written as ‘unknown’?

You must know that people will not die for no reason. Even if they are scared to death, the cause of death will be reflected on the corpse.

Gordon had never seen this kind of death, as if the soul suddenly left the body. All examinations of the body showed that he was in the best physical condition before death, and various data showed parameters that were better than ordinary people.

This is normal, he is Batman after all.

But it seemed that in the next second, this man's soul left his body and his life was lost. He even had a smile on his face.

This is so weird.

Director Gordon lowered his head and looked at Bruce in front of him. Anyway, judging from his level, he couldn't tell any difference from the one he already knew.

It happened that at this time, he had no way to get in touch with Wayne Mansion. In the past, the only way he could contact Batman was the Bat-Light.

However, he was a little afraid to use the light. He was not sure who the Batman would be when he came... For now, he could only break the tacit agreement again and drive to Weibo by himself. En mansion.

You can go to Wayne Mansion to find Alfred or Bruce, but going to Batman is two different things...

He had to keep things deniable on the surface and not let others learn that he knew Batman's true identity.

This is to protect Batman, but also to protect himself and his family. The veteran villains all know who Batman is, but they are afraid that the stupid young man who has wandered from other places will not know the rules of Gotham.

Sometimes old rules have their benefits. For example, no one stipulated that smoking was prohibited in the morgue before. Now Gordon just wanted to have one and calm down to think about it.

However, his ears suddenly moved. Although it was very gentle, he suddenly heard the sound coming from outside the police station. It seemed like the sound of gunfire concealed by the wind and rain.


The cruel knight hid behind a tree in the park and looked coldly at the police station not far away. His gaze crossed the courtyard in front of the police station and passed by the police officers who were still hurrying in the heavy rain.

The light in Gordon's office was still on, but he was obviously not in the room, and his shadow could not be seen from the window, so the plan to rappel from the roof could be abandoned.

Gordon's classic car is still parked in the yard. Although it was soaked by the flood, the police station has a fully automatic car repair assembly line provided by Batman. This means that Gordon's car is now usable, which also means that he is still there. In the police station.

After the sudden flood, Kuangxiao needed some time to change his plans, so he proposed to leave the team temporarily to deal with some personal matters of his own.

Laughing like singing an aria praising the beauty of hatred. Of course he knew that the Cruel Knight was going to find Gordon, so he let him go generously and asked hypocritically if he wanted anyone else to help.

The Cruel Knight said there was no need, the Justice League was just a bunch of trash, and it wasn't like he hadn't killed them before.

Kuangxiao didn't bother to tell him the difference between Earth 0. His younger self was very confident, which was good. Let him go out and do something to muddy the waters. This was the role of the cruel knight.

That's right, the Laughing Bat doesn't look down on the Cruel Knight's ability at all. Anyone can use a gun, but Batman, who relies too much on guns, is doomed to have limited achievements.

When the cruel knight kills someone, neither blood nor brains can be sprayed on him. How can this be called cruelty?

Without feeling the feelings of the deceased, such killings are meaningless.

So the Laughing Bat asked another of his men to open the portal through special energy and threw the chess pieces on the chessboard. Now it was up to him to see how much time the Cruel Knight could buy for a few people.

Others dare not say it, but Kuangxiao still remembers the death knell of this world.

His strength is good, but his style of doing things has no bottom line. This makes Kuangxiao sometimes unable to tell who is the madman, him or himself?

He knew that he was being targeted by Deathstroke. Every time he passed by the street corners, he always felt like there was a sword hanging over his head.

It felt as if Deathstroke would rush out of the darkness in the next second and move his head again with a giant sword.

The feeling of tension and excitement made Kuangxiao extremely excited. He was extremely happy. When playing games, of course he hoped that his opponent would take him more seriously, so that winning would be meaningful.

But according to the resonance between metals, Deathstroke with that big sword is still in Metropolis.

This shows that the other party does not know the Cruel Knight's goal yet, and by the time he reacts, it will be too late. As long as Director Gordon is in hand as a hostage, the Justice League cannot just sit back and watch the death knell give up the hostage.

Thinking of this, he laughed wildly and gulped down his saliva. What a pity. The Batman in the main world was overtaken by the Joker. He had obviously prepared a luxury package.

This world is really annoying...

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