The Death Knell

Chapter 855 The First Swordsman

The cruel knight hid in the shadow under the tree, but the rain also covered his shoulders, and the flood flooded his thighs, but the cold external environment could not affect the fire in his heart.

He knew that he was a little paranoid, because although his parents' death was related to Gotham's security environment at the time, was it really related to Gordon, who had just taken office at the time?

Not really.

But now Gordon is the chief of the Gotham Police Department. He represents the decadent and backward order and legal system in this city. The opponent of the cruel knight has never been one person, but the established order of the entire world.

So Gordon must die, but as a friend for many years, the Cruel Knight will not shoot him. He must explain everything clearly to Gordon, and then kill him with a dagger to make him understand his original feelings towards Batman. How unforgivable betrayal is.

Even if he knew that this Gordon was no longer his Gordon, so what? Every Gordon deserves to die, and the Gordons of every world are on his must-kill list.

It just so happens that this kind of traitor should be killed several times to satisfy his hatred.

Now that the police station is right in front of us, all we have to do is rush in and catch Gordon. The cutoff of communication really provides people with great convenience.

The rain gave the weapons behind him a cold and deep sheen. He took off the assault rifle from behind, clicked the bolt and loaded it, and then quickly rushed towards the police station in the darkness under the cover of heavy rain and dark clouds.

Because of the chaos in the city, there were only a few police officers left in the police station. Even if they saw Batman, they were just stunned for the first time.

Why does Batman carry so many guns today?

Why does he look ferocious?

Why is he firing this way?

By the time they finished thinking about these three questions, the police officers had already laid down on the ground with doubts. Even if they faced each other head-on, they were no match for the cruel knight. What's more, they were still thinking about things after being attacked by surprise?

Batman represents the vigilante, and now it is no longer the case that everyone wanted to catch him. Most police officers will greet Batman in a friendly manner when they see him.

After all, this is not far from Washington. The Batman model and other heroes are standing together in the Hall of Justice.

However, it was these past views that killed them. The existence of the Dark Knights was kept secret by Zhenglian, which also caused ordinary police officers to know nothing.

When Batman, the hero of Gotham in the past, changed, no one could react.

The cruel knight kept firing while running at high speed, and every shot was a fatal blow. Without alerting too many neighbors, Batman rushed into the police building in less than ten seconds.

He threw away the automatic rifle and pulled out two mini-submachine guns from his waist. He pushed open the door with his back and rolled in. He fired a round of fire at the police officers in the hall, or it was a super-fast burst of fire.

These two new micro-rams can fire more than 5 bullets per second. It is not difficult to fire out 300 bullets in one minute. He can control such a high-speed weapon and hit the target within two seconds without wasting a single bullet. All goals.

This made it seem as if the gunshot had been fired, and the bodies fell to the ground in different positions almost at the same time.

He performed better this time than at the Iceberg Restaurant, where he just played casually, but here, when facing Gordon, an old friend, he showed all his abilities.

Smelling the smell of blood and gunpowder smoke, he once again threw away the two submachine guns with their muzzles still smoking, took off the heavy machine gun from behind, and stuffed the bullet chain into the gun chamber.

He strode towards the depths of the police station.

Although the exchange of fire just now was brief, it was not silent. The reason why Gordon did not show up meant that he was not in an office or cafeteria upstairs, but should be in a location with better sound insulation, such as the basement.

In the basement, there are various archive rooms, information rooms, evidence warehouses, arsenals, morgues, and communications rooms.

In view of the fact that Crazy Laughter dropped a Bruce Wayne from another world as a bait in Gotham, and the bait was taken away by the police station, now counting the time, the DNA report should be out.

Then Gordon is most likely in the morgue.

Countless possibilities were raised and eliminated, and after a lot of thoughts, only the highest possible guess was left. This was just a short moment for Batman, and his pace didn't even slow down for a moment.

Hesitation leads to defeat.

The Cruel Knight had a map of the police station in his mind. The building was similar in every world, and he rushed straight towards the morgue.

After walking down the stairs and entering the corridor, only his imperceptible footsteps echoed in the long and narrow passage. As he had guessed, there would be no one in the data room in the middle of the night.

But like a will-o'-the-wisp, in the darkness beside him, a light suddenly bloomed in the archive room nearby.


The Cruel Knight immediately turned his head to dodge, while holding his weapon and rolling backwards at an unreasonable speed.

The moment the bright light exploded, he heard a subtle crisp sound, a flash of golden light passed over his head, and one of the pointed ears on his uniform helmet flew out in a swirl.

He also detonated a flash grenade during the roll. When the enemy attacks, they must keep their eyes on the target and create a time lag. Using a flash grenade at this time has a miraculous effect.

If the opponent is dodged, then this is his chance.

This sword light is too fast. The opponent is a martial arts master. It is not good news to encounter a strong man in hand-to-hand combat in such a narrow place. It must be solved as soon as possible.

Fortunately, he has a gun. This is the meaning of power...

However, after the opponent turned back and dodged the flash, the Cruel Knight's hand couldn't help but pause, and the half of his face exposed under the mask showed an expression of disbelief.


In the darkness, the golden rapier was lifted up and placed under the brim of the hat, illuminating a handsome face. The other person's beautiful mustache moved, revealing an exotic smile.

"Don't call me so polite. We are old friends. You can call me Don Diego, the number one swordsman in Europe." The other party answered him in a fluctuating Spanish tongue.

“….. Pretending to be a ghost!”

The Cruel Knight's expression changed crazily. He immediately picked up the heavy machine gun and pulled the trigger towards the opponent.

Zorro does not exist in history. He is just a character in film and television works. He represents chivalry and resistance to the old order, and is also one of the reasons why Bruce became Batman.

On the day their parents were killed, it was because they went to the theater to watch Zorro's movie that they encountered gangsters when they went home and walked through the alleys...

If the bat gave Bruce the incentive to become a masked man, then Zorro was his original motivation.

Eliminate violence, fight against the colonial society at that time, and ultimately lead the masses to awaken their consciousness of resistance and achieve victory.

The image of Zorro means a lot to all Batman, especially when he stands opposite you with a rapier.

It was like a nightmare coming back to reality.

Zorro appears, so will the death of loved ones be in the near future?

The sound of the gunshot and the sound of the pearl falling to the ground seemed to immediately resound in the mind of the cruel knight.

Was it because his actions deviated from the path of a hero that Zorro came to visit? Or is it simply a hallucination? Are you fighting something that doesn't exist?

Yes, the other party used a flash bomb. This must be fake and must be an illusion.

So the Cruel Knight directly picked up the six-level minigun and pulled the trigger at the opponent. The electric engine sounded, and the muzzle of the gun immediately spurted out tongues of flame.

However, Zorro was not in a hurry, and still made a fencing start with aristocratic demeanor. When the bullets flew in front of him, the golden "Z" suddenly lit up in the air.

The sword blade accurately split each bullet in half. The sparks from the metal collision illuminated the ground between the two of them, and the sound of the bullets falling to the ground was like rain.

Zorro was walking leisurely, his rapier defensively, and at the same time, he still had the energy to walk briskly, approaching the cruel knight step by step.

The cruel knight secretly gritted his teeth.

He began to retreat quickly. If this guy came from his own fantasy, then when he was a child, Zorro represented omnipotence in the child's mind.

This person is stronger than Laughter... I can't defeat him, so I have to find a way quickly.

However, the other party had no intention of letting him go. The sudden burst of speed was so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen. The golden rapier dragged a long afterglow, and the sword cut off all the barrels of the machine gun like peeling a carrot, and then backhand Another sword came straight to his chest, as if he was planning to make a Z-shape.

The Cruel Knight roared, smashed the broken Gatling gun at the opponent, leaned back instantly to dodge, took out two pistols from his thighs, and fired fiercely at the opponent.

This time Zoro no longer chopped bullets, because the distance was close enough. He dodged all the bullets like a ghost, and had already judged the trajectory of the bullets when the cruel knight raised his hand.

Everything has been seen through...

"Don't leave in a hurry. Why don't you go to my Governor's Mansion to have seafood risotto? Thomas and Martha are waiting for you." Spanish gurgled out.

"How dare you say that name!"

After finishing the pistol bullets, the Cruel Knight threw it at Zorro as a throwing weapon, and the opponent dismantled it into parts in the air.

But then he heard his mother's name and couldn't help but think of the tragic situation back then.

This long and narrow passage had turned into a crime alley at some point. When he lowered his head, he happened to see the bodies of his parents lying aside!

"Don't go, little Bruce, why are you holding a gun?" Zoro's smile gradually became weird, as if something sinister had attached itself to his soul: "Isn't the sword bad? This is the strongest in the world. Oh the power!”

"No! Illusion! You are an illusion! You all are!" The Cruel Knight took off the smoke bombs and sonic bombs on his chest. He had to leave here. This is not right, it really is not right.

He seemed to be having a strong hallucination, and it was as if he was going back in time again. He saw himself in his childhood, who had just picked up the gangster's pistol from the ground and pointed it at the criminal who was picking up pearls from behind.

"Are you going to use smoke to cover up your ugliness? Yes, shooting someone from behind is really a cowardly act. You have never had the courage to face the enemy. A rapier is too dangerous for a coward like you. Isn’t it?”

Zorro spat out a string of words quickly, and his rapier shook so hard that the cruel knight's eyes turned white. The cruel knight seemed to have been greatly insulted, and veins burst out under the skin of his chin.

"No, I shot him when he was facing me! I defeated him head-on with dignity, and I won!"

"Oh? Then let's see if it's true? Do you dare? Use your mother's name as a guarantee?"

"I'm not a coward! Facts will prove everything!"

The cruel knight, who was stimulated by the tragic situation of his parents, put away the smoke bomb, took a black dagger from his shoulder and fought with Zorro. The material of this dagger was very good, and it was not cut off. It should be n metal.

But the scene in the alley was different. In the dark and damp alley, Bruce pointed his gun at the robber's back and pulled the trigger with a ferocious expression.


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