The Death Knell

Chapter 856 The so-called victory or defeat

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it seems that the truth is not that way. You have tarnished your mother's name. You are so naughty." Zoro touched his mustache with his free hand and showed a regretful smile: "It seems that she I can’t call her Martha anymore. Let me think about it. How about changing her name to Masyetta? Do you like the Spanish name?”

There is no need to take action now. The cruel knight has shown an expression of doubt about life. In his memory, everything is not like this.

But in this environment, everything is like a real environment, this alley, this smell, and everything else shows that this is what happened in the past, and he really shot someone in the back.

Did he hypnotize himself into thinking he was facing an enemy? No, it shouldn’t be like this.....

But the brain and memory are the most unreliable things, and he knows that.

So he couldn't believe himself, nor could he believe what he was seeing.

But now he was in Crime Alley, with the empty streets behind him, and there was no way he could escape.

Zoro put away his rapier and crossed his arms: "How about we try again. You are a scumbag murderer. There is no doubt about it, but I have to make you admit it."


"Now that I turn my back to you, will you shoot me in the back?" Zorro really turned around with a relaxed look: "You only have three seconds, if you don't shoot I will kill you. You, but I will return your mother's name to her, how about it? Of course, you can't shoot me in the back faster than my sword, I will kill you too, and you will die as a coward, your mother will Ashamed of you.”

Of course, the Cruel Knight also has backup weapons. He is Batman, so how could he only have two pistols, one on the back and one in the boot.

When Zoro turned around, he already had the gun in his hand.

He told himself that Zorro was just an illusion, and that everything was an illusion. Although he didn't know how it happened, he had to kill the other party to have a chance to leave!

As for whether to shoot in front or behind, it no longer matters to him now. Maybe Zorro is really his inner reflection, and he understands that he is indeed a murderer now.

But it's better to be alive.

He raised his pistol without hesitation, but in the next second, arrows came out of his chest.

The dark metal surface was stained with blood, and this silent assassination struck him from behind.

Even for Batman, such an injury was too serious. With n metal and poison added, he wanted to pull the trigger, but he had lost his strength.

He looked back and could only see his young self, holding his parents' hands and skipping towards the alley, still discussing how powerful Zorro was in the movie just now.'s all my fault...

No matter how unwilling he was, his body still fell. Zorro turned around and walked over quickly, kicked the gun in his hand far away, and at the same time cut off his tendons and hamstrings with a swing of his rapier.

The plan was successful, but he still couldn't be given the chance to blow himself up, lest the boat capsize in the gutter.

"It's already dead. There is no need to cut off the hands and feet." Oliver withdrew the folding bow and pulled out the n-metal arrow from the cruel knight's body: "You really have a bad taste in playing with other people's memories and psychology."

In order to kill him with one blow, he flashed behind the cruel knight when the death knell attracted the enemy's attention, and released his bow and five arrows in an instant.

Su Ming nonchalantly began to pull out the Cruel Knight's belt. It contained the most things, so he took it away first: "He is Batman. Anyway, in my opinion, his real weakness is only that day. Any plan against him needs to focus on that day." Formulated in one day.”

"Then it's safer..." Diana walked over, unsheathed the Vulcan sword and cut off the cruel knight's head directly: "Can death be confirmed now, right?"

Su Ming wiped the blood that was sprayed on his face, and Strangler quickly helped him clean it up. He said with a little helplessness: "Of course the headless body will do, but it will be inconvenient for me to search."

"Show me, show me quickly." Harley surrounded Diana to see the head. She was curious about the difference between this Batman and the Batman in her own world.

"Here." Diana threw her head to Harley, while she watched Deathstroke's all-black suit turn into the familiar yellow and black armor: "You can just ask our Batman for what you want. There is no need to search for this." Corpse."

Su Ming, who put on the holy statue uniform again, moved his neck, walked to the wall and picked up the 'bat ear' that had been chopped off before.

"It is still necessary. The Cruel Knights know the communication method of their Dark Knights. With this." He shook the black triangle in his hand: "We may find the Crazy Laughter..."

"Or I can find you first, hahahahahahaha..."

Loud laughter suddenly came from the pointed ears. The Laughing Bat remotely controlled the thing to enter the power amplifier mode, and he obviously knew what just happened.

Su Ming raised his head to look at Diana, and calmly put his pointed ears in front of his face: "I haven't heard your moving laughter for a long time, Bruce."

"Oh? Do you miss my charming personal charm?" Laughing burst out laughing out of nowhere: "But I don't miss you at all. You have never been my goal, why do you want to block my way?"

"It's nothing, I just want to find a place where I can spend money. If the main world is destroyed by you, I will lose tens of millions." Su Ming replied with a smile.

"You can tell such a lie? Hahahaha, I saw you right, you are really a dark guy, just like me." The Laughing Bat was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard something incredible, Soon smiled.

Su Ming shrugged: "You don't have what I want, so don't blame me for being on the opposite side of you."

"Oh? I've probably guessed what you want. How about we make a deal?"

"Sorry, I don't make deals with destined losers." Su Ming took out a cigarette, leaned against the wall and said slowly: "As the saying goes, you have to make sure you are on the side of the winner, right? ?”

"I won't lose."

"Oh, you can't win as long as I'm here."

"Hehehehehe... Let's wait and see. Let me remind you that you are already behind, hahahahaha..."

After saying that, he overloaded the circuit. Sparks suddenly emitted from the pointed ears in Su Ming's hand and the helmet in Harley's hand, and all the electronic components inside were burned out.

Su Ming clenched his fist hard, and the flaming prop was crushed in his hand like a biscuit and fell to the ground.

And he frowned and thought silently. The Laughing Bat probably saw the situation here through the Cruel Knight's eyepiece. He understood Su Ming's trick, which was also expected.

Playing Zorro, paired with Poison Ivy's hallucinogenic pollen, Green Arrow's swooping in, and Diana Arthur blocking the escape route is a good plan.

But it can only be used once.

The camera will not be confused by pollen. As long as the cruel knight sees the scene and hears the exchange between the cruel knight and Zorro, he can easily see that it is a psychological inducement and know what happened.

But now it is obviously the Dark Knights who are reducing their numbers first. Why are they laughing so hard that Su Ming is the one who is lagging behind?


If you are a little confused, then put it aside for now. This may be a trick used by Laughter to disrupt your thinking. If you really want to keep thinking about it, it is better to collect new information quickly.

The most reliable way to destroy corpses and eliminate traces is to rely on the symbiote. The problem of Laughing's head being chopped off last time and him being resurrected will definitely not happen again this time.

"Poor man..." Green Arrow crossed himself on his chest. This was the first time he saw the symbiote hunting, but he was worthy of being the second darkest hero. He quickly calmed down. Came over: "Let's take a look at other information? Is there anything else we can use?"

Su Ming took out several files directly from his pocket and threw them to Green Arrow: "These are Kuangxiao's former observation subjects. We know that at least two others are on these lists."

Green Arrow took the list and quickly flipped through it like a menu: "Any recommendations?"

"Then you have to take a look at our main course, this is Bat Owl." Su Ming stretched out his finger and clicked on the menu, as if recommending a dish.

"Wait..." Oliver showed a confused expression. He looked at Diana and then at Su Ming: "Why do I remember that owl is the biggest natural enemy of bats?"

Su Ming nodded and motioned for him to read the document: "Owl is the collective name for members of the order strigiformes. It is a predatory bird that mainly engages in nocturnal activities. It is widely distributed in the world and is commonly known as owls..."

"What kind of experience is this? Joining the Court of Owls to become the dark master of Gotham, going through rigorous training to become the strongest priest in the multiverse... Are we really looking at Batman's files?" Oliver The more I look at it, the more confused I become. Is this still Batman?

Su Ming shrugged: "The name Bat Owl implies that it is a bird. How can it be a bat? You must know that the Owl Priests are die-hard believers of Barbatos and are good at using various dark abilities like magic. This He is probably the suspected spellcaster in the new Dark Knights.”

"I thought Laughter had fallen out with Barbatos." Diana bit her lip.

"It's simple, as long as he can come up with a more attractive bargaining chip than Barbatos. Even if a smart man like Batman becomes a priest, don't expect him to be very loyal to Barbatos. , it’s nothing more than leveraging your strength to achieve your own wishes.”

Su Ming answered quickly, and from the perspective of his acting style, Bruce Wayne, who has the characteristics of both a bat and an owl, is the most comprehensively developed.

Oliver scratched his head and recalled the footprints he saw in the restaurant: "Well, there is one missing. The caster may be barefoot, and there is another one wearing leather shoes."

Su Ming shook his head and put his hand on the top: "There are too many earths in the Dark Multiverse. We just need to be prepared to deal with Batman. Assassination, poisoning, digging holes... not only must these methods be used, but they must be used at the same time. , once we decide to take action, we must fight with more and less, and if we accidentally separate, we will go to Wayne Mansion to meet up, and never leave alone..."

Green Arrow narrowed his eyes. Deathstroke, who seemed the least serious, was actually the most serious...

When Su Ming saw that several people had agreed, he turned around and went to Director Gordon first to find a safe house for him.

"You have to think carefully..." I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Death Knell of American Comics". Follow "Youdu Literature" on WeChat to talk about life and find confidants~

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