The Death Knell

Chapter 857 Arkham Asylum

"Did he really shoot the enemy in the back?"

Arthur scratched his furry head and asked with a strange expression. Everyone had arranged a lot of things, and he was still struggling with the previous topics.

Oliver shrugged and showed an innocent smile: "Don't look at me, isn't it common sense for archers to shoot people in the back?"

This can be regarded as a cultural difference. Because bows and arrows appeared very early, they were first invented by humans as a tool for hunting. It is of course common sense to approach the prey from behind.

The muskets are different. In the early years, the muskets had no rifling, so they needed to be fired at a very close distance to have a slight hit rate. This is why the phalanx infantry tactic of queuing up and shooting came into being. When hunting with old-fashioned muskets, Don't even think about it.

Therefore, in the understanding of Europeans and Americans, gunfights require face-to-face combat with the enemy. Shooting in the back often has a despicable meaning.

If you haven’t seen the heroes in the movie, even if the good guy gets the gun, the bad guy has his back to them. They have to shout first to make the bad guy turn his head before shooting.

This is an ethical and heroic act.

Of course, this kind of thing born out of chivalry is of no use to Su Ming. What he emphasizes is the pragmatic spirit that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

Su Ming patted Arthur on the shoulder: "It doesn't matter whether he fired the gun from the front, because he is already dead. Everything about a dead person will go with the wind. You won't remember it in a few days."

Oliver pursed his lips and snickered. Wasn't this a disguised way of calling Arthur stupid?

But this is also true. The Cruel Knight actually shot in front of the criminal, but after Ivy's hallucinogenic pollen manipulation, the hallucination was staged according to the arrangement of the death knell.

The truth is that we win, and it doesn’t matter how our opponent loses.

"By the way, Ivy has dispelled the pollen effect. We've been walking for a long time and we're still in Crime Alley." Su Ming waved to Ivy. With the Green Platform of All Things, Poison Ivy's hallucinogenic ability is really hard to guard against. Inhale a little Pollen or mushroom spores, these things will be integrated into the blood and flow into the brain to act for you.

Everything is under Ivy's control. If she finds creatures like parasitic fungi, Su Ming suspects that she can create an army similar to remote-controlled zombies.

He can let Strangler help eliminate the pollen in his body, so he can also dispel the illusion, but there is no need to let Ivy know that hiding something is sometimes useful.

Ivy took out a smelly flower and put it in front of everyone to smell it. The hallucination immediately disappeared, leaving only the sequelae of constant retching and nausea.

"Okay, I will come back to you next time when I want to lose weight." Su Ming glanced at Ivy helplessly, and she smiled with a proud expression. He took a deep breath and looked in front of him. The morgue raised his hand and knocked on the door: "Director Gordon? Are you at home? The community is sending warmth!"

With a creak, Gordon, who was holding the pistol, opened the door a crack. When he saw Deathstroke and half of the Justice League outside the door, he relaxed a little and put the pistol back in his windbreaker.

"Your home is the morgue. What happened outside just now?"

"Ah, a crazy Batman from another world. I killed him, but we were a step too late. The police officers suffered heavy losses. Alas, please forgive me."

Su Ming told lies without any guilt. In fact, they had teleported to the corridor outside the morgue long ago, and also set up traps and other cruel knights. Only the corridor is suitable for piercing pockets one after another, so the police in the hall The members are just bait to be eaten.

But just think that they sacrificed themselves for the safety of the world. Thinking about it this way, their dead souls should feel much better...

"Hey~~~Gordon, did you miss me? Hehe."

Before Gordon could express his condolences or remembrances, a girl with two ponytails suddenly appeared from the crowd. She jumped in front of Gordon and winked at him with a strange smile.

"Harley Quinn! How did you..."

"Batman brought me back from the Sky Eye Society, but don't worry, I'm just here for a trip this time. I've recently become obsessed with the sun in New York, and I plan to find a full-time job, such as working as a psychologist in a private clinic. Doctors can make money and see patients. There is no better job than this. But it is such a simple wish, but some people are very annoying and don't want me to live happily. Now the whole world is in danger. So how could the cute, charming and smart little Harley let them go? Hehehehe..."

Gordon didn't listen much to Harley's tirade. He was wondering what would be the benefit of Batman taking a lunatic like Harley out of the Sky Eye?

Batman is the least good at rescuing people among superheroes. Almost all of his operations to save hostages failed. I don’t know how many of his friends and girlfriends died and went crazy because of this...

So let alone dealing with the Sky Eye Society, Gordon thought it would be difficult for Batman to go to Arkham to find people. Which Batman rescued Harley?

Gordon fell into deep confusion. The world was changing so fast...


Arkham Asylum, the full name of Elizabeth Arkham Criminal Asylum for the Mentally Ill, is one of the most well-known classic landmarks in the DC world. It can be understood as the 'abnormal human research center' in the Batman world, in which Most of those imprisoned are extremely dangerous and highly intelligent criminals.

It is located on the Gotham River Delta in the northwest of Gotham City. Access to other parts of Gotham requires cross-river bridges.

Across the river from it to the south is the Coventry District, which belongs to the "Three No Matters" zone, to the north is the Black Mask's territory of Belila District, and to the west is the Three Gates Bridge leading to Gotham County. There is a power station that supplies electricity to the entire Gotham City.

It is like an isolated island, floating on the wide river, but it is part of the overall Gotham. The weird-style, always-gloomy building seems to have been there since the city was built.

The Gotham Police Department is located in the municipal district on the southeast coast of Gotham City. Gordon's family lives in Triangle Point in the southwest of the city.

This inevitably made Gordon complain. Every time Batman sent people into Arkham, Gordon had to rush over to handle the finishing work, which was almost like drawing a triangle on the city map.

You must know that not counting bridges and tunnels, there are more than ten blocks between GCPD and Arkham. If there is a traffic jam, it will take at least two hours to get there. Not to mention that if you want to go home after running errands, you have to drive through a similar number of blocks and pass by the territory of many crazy people.

At this time, the castle, which was in the middle of a heavy rain, was also suffering from flooding caused by the rising river. Many criminals' cells suddenly turned into water prisons. For a while, the patients who were repatriated after the last flood were worried about the dean's plan to drown them. There is a lot of agreement with this statement.

And because of the various possible impacts, hospital guards had to start ward inspections at this time of night.

I believe that no sane person would want to walk around in a dark asylum in the middle of the night.

Not to mention that there may be clever ghosts who have successfully escaped from prison hidden in the dark corners, but even the ghostly screams that continue to reach the ears make people's scalp numb.

"Bob, we are on duty again. This is really unlucky." A guard raised his hand and nodded, and the light swept across the locks of the iron doors.

Another guard named Bob sighed helplessly. He encountered two floods and escaped from prison once in one day, which was exciting enough for any guard.

If the flood hadn't been so violent last time and the patients who were busy escaping didn't pay attention to the guards, they would have ended badly.

"Who says it's not, but I will retire in a few days. Wayne Enterprises will provide additional subsidies for people like us who work in Arkham all year round after retirement. I swear I will never come back again. Don't count on me. Will come to visit you.”

The young guard who spoke earlier showed an envious look. He is too young. Whether he can live to retire normally is still a question mark. This is definitely the preferred resort for crazy people. Every time someone wants to cause trouble in Gotham, he will often Choose to enter Arkham Asylum to find help.

This sanatorium has cultivated too many talents for Gotham, and there is no easy guy behind these iron doors.

"Wow, that's so heartless, you're so dark... By the way, I heard that the TV you bought a few days ago is broken?"

The young guard asked Bob with a smile, and the old guard patted his belly dissatisfied: "Yes, I called after-sales, and she said the refund mechanism is..."

While the two were chatting and patrolling, they suddenly felt like there was wind blowing behind them, and a subtle but still existing sound attracted their attention. This kind of sound even in a hospital full of strange screams. Very obvious.

They turned around and saw only a vague outline in the darkness, like a wall behind them.

The figure had two pointed ears on its head, and had a dark and cold aura all over its body, the smell of rain mixed with rust.

The two guards were startled, but it was just the kind of panic that someone suddenly came behind in the dark. They had done nothing wrong, and of course there was no need to be afraid of Batman.

Bob patted his chest to calm his racing heart: "Batman? Man, you are a little scary. We just checked the channel switch. How did you get in?"

The young guard also bent down to pick up the flashlight that had fallen to the ground, and patted it to make it work properly: "That's right, brother, it's scary to death."

"Sorry, my bad, uh, maybe I should send a New Year's card first? Huh? Hahahaha, ahhahahaha!"

Hearing this intoxicating laughter, the guards fell into a daze for a moment.

Batman smiled?

Is this the end of the world?

The young police officers used their flashlights to look for Batman, only to find that this Batman was not the one they knew, but a weirdo wearing a tight-fitting leather trench coat with a big smile on his face and full of yellow teeth.

Just when they were about to ask anything, a flash of sword light flashed in the darkness, and the crescent-shaped scythe chopped off Bob's head. The whole person was almost split in half, and his intestines spilled all over the floor.

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