The Death Knell

Chapter 858 Assassination

The guard's death screams echoed over the intercom, which attracted more guards.

Although not everyone in Arkham can return to work after the flood, there is no doubt that the defense capabilities here are much higher than those of the Gotham Police Department.

The Laughing Bat shrugged. He licked the corner of his mouth and swung a thick chain made of N metal. This special sickle can be linked with iron to become a lock-scythe weapon used by ninjas. Only those who have undergone rigorous training can Master this stuff.

This is naturally no problem for ‘Batman’.

So just a moment after the roar of the scythe and wild laughter came, no one else could stand in the corridor.

"La la la..."

Returning to his old place made the Laughing Bat feel happy. He remembered the joy he felt when he was running in Arkham and killing every criminal.

Although the Cruel Knight didn't even delay, he at least distracted Deathstroke.

There are more than forty earths in the Dark Multiverse, and there are even more shapeless worlds. As long as there is X-Metal and the Anvil of Doom, Batman can have as many of them as he wants.

But he is the only one who can laugh, he is so different.

Maybe it was his cheerful singing and crackling dance steps that attracted other people's attention to you, and soon someone poked his head out at the fence door of the ward.

He just happened to see Kuangxiao dragging the guard's body with an iron chain to perform a samba dance.

"Batman? No, this is not you. Although we are enemies, the doctor also asked me to imagine more to make up for the killing..."

The patient in the ward was stunned for a second or two, and it wasn't until the maniacal laughter whipped the corpse around with chains that it spun in place like a top, and he shouted loudly with a look of disbelief on his face.

Laughing crazily, he pinched his chin, raised his head and looked at the ceiling, pretending to think. After a moment, he knocked his palm with his fist: "Oh? Let me see... Oh, this is not my old friend Huo Fly man? Why did he get into the cage? "

"It's you... No, you're not Batman! Who are you?"

"Hehehehe... you are wrong. I am the real Batman. Laughing at the bleak life is what an adult should do, isn't it? I am not a child who only lives in the past."

Kuangxiao approached the fence, as if he was going to hold hands and have a heart-to-heart talk, but his huge smile that stretched from ear to ear made Firefly step back and shake his head.

"You are my fantasy, no, I can't come up with such a Batman. It's time for me to take my medicine. Where is my medicine?"

Laughing pretentiously raised his arms and made a gesture of looking at the watch, turning the corners of his mouth downwards, imitating Batman's classic serious expression, but he still wanted to laugh.

"Yes, it's time to take medicine. I have your little pill here. Here it is for you."

Kuangxiao took out a beautiful transparent ball from his belt. Inside was a brownish-yellow liquid that looked like cod liver oil.

He squeezed the small ball, let out a strange laugh, and then threw it through the cell door and onto Firefly's chest.

The moment the small ball came into contact with the fire fly, it exploded like a firework, and fierce flames burst out from it, wrapping around the fire fly and turning him into a human-shaped torch.

Firefly is a psychopath who likes to use jetpacks and flamethrowers. His favorite thing is barbecue. Because of his childhood experiences, he has a perverted attachment to flames and likes to see others burned to death.

Arkham's therapy for him was to let him imagine that he could burn others to death in his mind, but not in reality.

As long as he can restrain himself, his transformation will be complete.

But the Laughing Bat doesn't need others to correct it. Those who play with fire must be sure that it is still fake. People just need others to push them.

"Ah!!!! Ah!!!! Help!!! It's so hot!!!"

"Hahahahaha... Yes, yes, maybe if you roll a few more times, the fire will be extinguished?" The Laughing Bat clapped and laughed through the iron fence, as if he was watching a lion performing in a circus. The lion in the circle made a mistake.

He had never heard of anyone who could extinguish napalm by rolling, but if Fireflies could do it, it would be a worthwhile trip here today.

Laughing wildly held the fence with both hands and swung his head from side to side rhythmically. He watched the flames gradually stop swaying and smelled the aroma of barbecue.

He shrugged helplessly, turned around and left, with enough scorched corpses reflected in his eyes.

Perhaps the screams of the fireflies woke up more people, so more people snooped in the wards on both sides of the corridor. However, thanks to the madness displayed by the Laughing Bat, no one dared to talk to him. .

Laughing naturally didn't bother to pay attention to them.

Of course he's here for the Joker.

When Deathstroke's team appeared at the police station, it meant that the Joker had been arrested. He had seen a group of people watching Batman and the Joker through some means before, and then he watched Batman being carried away.

He didn't see where the speedster transported the Joker, but there were only two places in Gotham, either Arkham or Blackgate. With such a simple choice, of course he chose Arkham.

As for why he was looking for the clown, it was naturally for revenge and a plan.

The last time Barbatos invaded, Laughter overturned under the attack of the Joker and Deathstroke. The Joker played with his head as a toy for a long time, and it was given to Luther as a gift. It was he who convinced the bald genius with his eloquence. Escaped.

It's like this again. Batman still chose the Joker between him and the Joker. Isn't this looking down on him?

It's fine now, the woman is dead, and he's also crazy. In fact, Laughter feels that nothing will happen if Batman ignores the Joker at all.

Even if the hostage is captured by the clown, it is only for the purpose of forming a show. The audience is not here, so the clown cannot start the show.

In other words, it was Batman who gave the Joker the opportunity to perform, and it was he who made the Joker.

But that's it for today. Laughter is here to kill the clown. It's okay if others don't dare to kill him. He is an expert in the scent of clown poison.

Moreover, the Joker and Harley can guess his thoughts many times, so it is better to eliminate such hidden dangers early.

At the end of the corridor, in the darkest corner, there is one of the most heavily guarded cells. Given that the clown has escaped from prison many times, this cell is different from other wards and looks more like a bank vault with a food delivery port.

There are various verification measures at the door. Only Batman can open this door. Otherwise, not only will the alarm be triggered, but the defense facilities may also be knocked down.

But seeing this, Kuangxiao gently touched his face.

"Fortunately, I can open this door." There is a palm print copying program on his gloves, but it is not needed. He just needs to press his hand on it: "Because... I am Batman !Hehehehe......"


The door opened in front of him, and he saw the clown sitting on the single bed deep in the cell.

"Hello, my old friend." Kuangxiao dragged the iron chain and walked into the cell step by step. The smile on his face seemed to be glowing in the darkness.

"You...!" The clown pulled his hair and covered his eyes: "Are you here to kill me?"

"Well, hehe." The Laughing Bat showed him the sickle in his left hand and the chain in his right hand.

"Wait, we can still talk. How about cooperation? I can help you win." The clown waved his hand and showed a kind smile.

"You are so kind to me." The Laughing Bat approached the clown and looked at his face carefully. The clown also looked at him obediently, showing a shy smile.

Suddenly laughing wildly, he waved the sickle in his hand, and the whole blade hit the clown's head and passed out from the chin. The clown hissed, and his whole body began to twitch, and then he became motionless.

Laughing madly stepped on the clown's body, pulled out the scythe, rubbed it on his leather coat, and brought it under his nose to take a deep breath.

"Great, then my answer is...heh."

This is a fake.

How to tell whether a clown is real is actually very simple. Just find a clown, kill it, and then close your eyes and feel it.

Have you ever seen colored lights in total darkness? Do you feel happy from the bottom of your heart? Have you ever had the uncontrollable urge to... laugh?

As a Batman who has killed a clown, this is what he did, and the one he just killed could only make him make a small sound like "heh", which was very reluctant. This was a fake.

This smile does not come from the heart, it is forced out by laughter, trying to find feelings.

But no, I felt empty in my heart, without the full feeling of being filled with ecstasy.

"Oh, you are so naughty. Where did you go?" Kuangxiao rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache, and kept slapping his butt with the sickle in his hand.

But no matter what, if he didn't want to be stuck in this dead end with Deathstroke, he had to leave.

Although the task was not accomplished, it was not a loss. At least I watched the Torch Festival performance, right?

As for where the clown has gone, he can probably guess it, but it is not convenient for him to go there now, so he will wait for an opportunity.

He hummed without any hesitation, turned around and left, his footsteps getting farther and farther in the darkness, until his whole body was swallowed up by darkness.

Everything was quiet, and the patients in the cells on both sides seemed to have muted their voices. No madman was more terrifying than the crazy Batman, who not only killed the clown, but also danced away while humming Jingle Bells.

However, a smiling face suddenly appeared in the darkness, with red lips grinning widely. The head that seemed to be floating out of thin air turned left and right, and was submerged in the darkness again.

"It turns out I'm really gone. I can really run..."

Kuangxiao, who thought he had left, suddenly shot back.

But it had no effect. The corpse in the cell was a fake and did not get up with a smile.

Now I am laughing so much that I go to see how my teammates are doing. As expected, the clown is still worrying. Forget it, wait until you have the chance to seize and kill him.

But he has to let the clown know that he missed a good opportunity to die easily. The next time he really finds him, it won't be so easy...

It wasn't until several minutes later that the other guards in the backup realized that something was wrong here. When they arrived, they only saw dead guards lying on the ground.

"Quick, doctor! Check if there are any survivors! Contact Director Gordon!"

"Captain! Old Bob is still alive! The massive amount of high-calorie food he usually eats saved his life!"

"Ambulance! Hurry!"

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