The Death Knell

Chapter 859 The golden cicada escapes from its shell

Maybe everything is destined by God. Poor old Bob has been dealing with junk fast food all his life. Like the low-level patrolman, his diet is cream donuts, bacon sandwiches, fried chicken hamburgers and the like.

Eat fast food three times a day, have a cup of hot cocoa afterward, continue to sit in the office and watch the monitor, drink some wine after getting home from get off work, and go to bed to sleep soundly.

It's a calorie-filled lifestyle.

This, of course, brought him many health problems, such as being overweight, having difficulty breathing, heart disease, high blood pressure, and a lot of other disadvantages.

But it also brought him benefits. For example, like today, when someone tried to split him in half, they only cut through the fat on his chest and abdomen.

Although some intestines leaked out, the injury was not fatal.

The man was unconscious, but it was probably just shock, so the ambulance quickly loaded him and planned to send him to the hospital for treatment.

Arkham has its own doctor and infirmary, but after the flood, the doctor has not come to report. Maybe he was killed by some hero when he turned into a fish.

Fortunately, they still have a working car. The Wayne Group sponsored Arkham to undergo a comprehensive upgrade. It not only strengthened safety measures, but also provided a lot of logistical equipment.

Although I don’t know why Bruce Wayne is so kind, he has many places to donate money. That playboy just has money, how can others care about how he spends it? Besides, the guards have also benefited. At least there are fewer cases of patients escaping from prison, and they have more chances of survival...

On the speeding ambulance, you can hear the sound of the engine running and the sound of rain hitting the roof.

"The vital signs monitoring is ready! ...Wait a minute, except for his fast heartbeat, his vital signs are all stable." The nurse hurriedly put leads all over Bob's body, and put this real sign on the skin that was full of blood. It's a bit difficult.

The car was driving on the bridge. To go to the hospital, whether you were going to the new city or the old city, you had to cross the river. The doctor and nurse changed positions, and he looked at the vital sign monitor in the shaking car.

Strangely, this old guard's body can be said to be extremely healthy.

"This... hell, I have been practicing medicine for twenty years and I have never seen anyone with a broken stomach still so healthy."

"Yeah, it's really..."

While the medical duo were staring at the instruments, 'Bob' on the hospital bed in front of them suddenly sat up covered in blood.

Before they could scream, the old man punched them one by one and knocked them to the ground with a skill that was not suitable for his age.

"Surprise! Friends, although I enjoy spending time with you, the smell of medicine here always reminds me of a chemical factory, but I have other things to do and don't have time to play with you, hehehehe... ..”

He took out the dagger from his belly, cut off the straps that bound him, pushed open the door of the ambulance and jumped out.

Jumping from the high-speed vehicle made him roll a long way on the road like a ball. However, it was flood and it was midnight, and there was no danger of being hit by other vehicles, so he just got covered in mud and was very He quickly got up.

Maybe it was pain, maybe it was a successful escape, which made him lower his head and let out a chuckle, which soon turned into a laugh. The rain washed away the blood on his body, and you could see that his skin was as pale as a corpse. .

He reached out to the wound on his chest and applied slight force. After tearing open the muscles and fat, what was exposed was not his internal organs, but a purple suit.

Laughing wildly and wanting to kill him, do you think he can't guess it? Pretending to be a corpse and escaping is cliché, but it can be very useful.

The outfit worn by the clown looks like a doll costume commonly found in amusement parks, except this is a fat older man's version.

The heroes returned him to Arkham, so doesn't that mean he's back home? You have everything at home, not to mention just a fake leather case?

Anonymous is good, but she is not the only chameleon in Gotham. There are many Arkham talents, and none of them will refuse the Joker's request.

The Joker has successfully escaped from Arkham hundreds of times. He doesn't believe that Green Arrow didn't think of this, but he thinks that this may be due to Deathstroke's instructions.

The clown's physique is very special. Even if he was unconscious, his time was much shorter than others. It is possible that Arthur knocked him on the head and he woke up before he fell.

However, he pretended to be fainted to see what was going on, and at the same time to get rid of the crazy woman Harley, he and Deathstroke, two smart people, reached a deal silently.

Well, it seems that Deathstroke is still so smart. He needs his help to deal with the Laughing Bat, but he doesn't get any benefits. How stingy...

But he himself was very happy with it.

The car stopped before driving far, and a figure stepped out of the cab.

That was the real old guard Bob, wearing a baseball cap and a white coat.

Seeing the clown laughing non-stop in Yangtian, Bob was timid and didn't dare to go over. Today's clown was so crazy that he couldn't even wait to park the car!

"Come on, come on, my friend." The clown took out a bunch of bills from his pocket and slapped his face hard: "Come on and take your money! Look! They are hitting me, trying to fly to It's in your pocket! It hurts so much, please help me, hahahaha..."

"Mr. Clown, I have done everything you said." Bob took small steps forward.

"Yes, yes, my good old man, we are old friends, just call me dear clown, haha, here you go, the fifty thousand this time is a bit wet, but money is still money after all, even if it falls into Even in the cesspool, there are still people who love it, right?"

The clown stretched out his hand, the thick stack of banknotes trembling slightly from the rain.

The temptation of money outweighed the fear, and he had worked with the clown countless times.

He is one of the Joker's insiders in Arkham.

At first, the clown threatened his family. After a few times, the clown got tired of it. It was quite troublesome to let his men kidnap the guarding family members every time.

So later it was replaced with money, and Bob was indeed short of money.

Besides, this special employment relationship will only take effect when the clown goes to jail. He only needs to do things according to the clown's instructions. He is still a loyal and honest good person when facing other patients.

Without even thinking about it, the pension fund has been enriched. He has earned four to five million from the Joker over the years, and the Joker has protected him during several Arkham Riots.

How else could a fat and aging guard survive to retire properly? In every riot, as long as he got close to the clown's cell, no one would dare to come and beat him.

His mission today was to change his clothes and sit in the cab of the ambulance when no one was around. He only knew so much about the clown's plan.

There may be other insiders, but no one knows about it except the Joker himself. Everyone is just a part of the plan.

He took the banknote and stuffed it into his trouser pocket, which looked bulging: "Of course, dear clown."

"Have you got a gun?" The clown's hand that handed over the money did not retract, but moved his fingers.

Bob hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and handed his pistol to the clown.

The clown took the gun and aimed it at Bob. Seeing the old man's eyes instantly become horrified, he smiled and wiped the rain off his face.

Then he turned the muzzle of the gun, put the gun into his mouth, tried it, and put it away with satisfaction.

Some people may think that the clown will kill the guards, but he is a clown and an unpredictable person. He only does things based on his mood, and today he was in a good mood.

"As a reminder to my old friend, you'd better get out of the city as soon as possible. The bat and I are going to make a big fuss this time." The clown walked to the bridge and looked at the river water below that was swelling in the heavy rain. The turbid black liquid emitted A roaring roar.

Bob breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, he thought the clown was going to kill him, but he also figured out that the clown didn't need a gun to kill him.

If you don't give him a gun, the clown will definitely think it's betrayal, and this madman will not only kill him, but also his whole family.

Fortunately, it seems that the bet was right now.

"I know, I'll retire now." Bob nodded to the clown.

The clown showed a regretful expression: "I will miss you. Maybe I will go to your house to eat turkey on Thanksgiving night. Remember to open the door for me, hahahaha..."

After saying that, the clown didn't wait for Bob's response. He jumped off the bridge with a Chaplin-style diving action, and the angry waves instantly submerged the purple dot.


Because of Gordon's strong request, Su Ming took him to Wayne Mansion after thinking for a moment. In the Batcave under the house, he not only saw Batman who was unconscious after the operation, but also the Teen Titans. .

The children's sightseeing trip to the Batcave had just begun, and Damian didn't mean any introduction. He just stood with his arms crossed, standing beside Batman's bed, looking at the unconscious Batman.

No, it's Bruce Wayne to be precise. The Bat uniform on his body has been cut into pieces by the final machine during the rescue process. At this time, he is like a primitive man with an extra leaf.

The icon's uniform quickly transformed and returned to a crisp black suit, and Strangler also conjured a red rose in the chest pocket.

That's right, Strangler saw it. In the host's understanding, the godfather should be like this. It would be better if he had a cat in his hand.

However, Su Ming still rejected the suggestion of strangulating the transformed cat. With so many people here, would it be possible for a strong man to masturbate a cat in front of him?

Strangler is good at everything, not only is it convenient to use, it also greatly enhances his strength and self-healing ability, but it always wants to make some inappropriate actions at inappropriate times.

This is inevitable, after all, it is not a human being, and it cannot understand things like face and self-esteem.

Therefore, Su Ming often felt helpless in his heart and reprimanded it with a ferocious face: ‘Strangle! Don’t you care about the atmosphere when you do anything? ! ’

But this does not affect Strangler's constant suggestions, so Su Ming will continue to live like this. This is the trouble that being a symbiote host will inevitably face.

As the symbiosis lasts longer, the symbiosis will become more like the host. When the monster becomes more like a human, it will become more terrifying. This is the famous uncanny valley effect.

Maybe Harley should take the time to give Strangler a Turing test sometime?

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