The Death Knell

Chapter 860 Huang Liang Yi Meng

"How is he doing?"

"He's not dead yet, but he seems to have some mental problems. He's stuck in his own fantasy and can't get out."

"Let Harley help you take a look?"

"It's best not to. Unlike you, I don't trust her."

Su Ming walked to Damian's side, the conversation between the two of them was lowered, and all four eyes were looking at Batman, whose face was dull and pale.

Compared to Catwoman, he looks more like a dead person.

But the effect now is what Su Ming wants. Now he only needs to let Batman regain consciousness first, and then wait for the script to be completed.

The Joker wants to die at the hands of Batman, but the bat refuses to kill him, but Laughter is pressing on him step by step. If he doesn't want to lose, he can only take a step back.

Yes, there will always be people calling for encores in wonderful plays, and Su Ming still needs the clown to play some more roles.

But there are so many people here. He needs to hold back the Laughing and the Legion of Destruction when the Joker returns, and control uncontrollable factors to a minimum.

"I think it's better to let Alfred give it a try. I've heard stories of relatives awakening people from a vegetative state, holding hands and talking by the bedside for decades."

Damian was skeptical about Deathstroke's suggestion. It had no scientific basis at all and relied on luck and metaphysics.

More often than not, it is the hope that doctors give to patients’ families, a psychological sustenance to persist in living.

He, Damian, is not that fragile yet and needs to place his hope on a possibility. Instead of that, it is better to figure out how to deal with the current crisis on earth.

He shook his head: "I tried. I held his hand and talked to him a lot, but he didn't respond at all. Although his eyes were open, he was cut off from the outside world."

"Let Mr. Butler do it. My child, you...are not suitable." Su Ming touched his head, showed a bitter smile, and looked at Batman with dull eyes.

Damian narrowed his eyes: "What do you know?"

"I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I don't know." Deathstroke was shaken, shook his head and turned away. His back seemed a little panicked, and he walked towards Harley and Poison Ivy who were sitting on the table.

Dami stood there quietly, holding her chin, and her life experience was indeed...

In this case, let Ah Fu try it, and he will know the conclusion in a while.

Harley and Ivy were sitting in rows eating fruits. A vine sprouted from the hard stone ground with several red fruits hanging on it. Harley's chest was filled with juice after eating, and her face looked like a tabby cat. Same.

Seeing the death knell approaching, she generously picked a fruit and gave it to him. Ivy rolled her eyes angrily.

The house in New York was her and Harley's 'love nest', but this man insisted on moving in and disturbed their world.

If she hadn't still expected him to find a way to save the world, she would have definitely looked for an opportunity to drive him away.

This person is too dangerous. Harley has never been able to resist people with broad ideas. The smarter or chaotic they appear, the more fascinated she is.

"Do you want to eat it? It's so sweet."

"No, thank you, we have other things to prepare."

"Are you looking for something? I'm familiar with this place. I've been here often before."

"Can you fly a mecha?"


Harley sat on the table with her legs dangling, but the topic of Deathstroke suddenly turned in another direction, leaving her stunned for a moment.

But then, she showed a big smile, ignoring the strange look from Diana not far away, and jumped directly to Deathstroke.

"Good man, are you saying you want to give me a new toy?"

Su Ming tore her off and put it back on the table: "If circumstances permit, I would like to lend you an exoskeleton armor from the old housekeeper. Anyway, Batman has more than ten sets of armors, and he doesn't wear them."

Harley glanced at Batman who was staring at the sky in a hospital bed not far away, and her smile gradually became brighter: "I think he may have to bid farewell to the suit in the future..."

"Don't say that, I believe Batman can still be saved." Su Ming bared his teeth and motioned for her to keep her voice down.

"Pfft, okay, I'll just listen to you." Harley licked her lips, winked and smiled: "Now that technology is so advanced, things like armors are controlled by small computers. As long as you have the brain, Fast enough, any one of us can fight in that.”

Su Ming nodded and moved his chin: "Wait, I won't need it this time. I will always get it for you when I have the chance."

"Then you must remember to promise me that I will close your eyes and wait for the gift to be placed on the bedside, okay?"

Harley reached out and touched the flower on Su Ming's chest, but the rose suddenly grew a leaf and hit her. Harley suddenly showed an expression of surprise. She was actually beaten with flowers?


What is the happiest moment in life?

For Bruce, it was the first thing he could remember in his life.

He was four years old, running toward the Wayne Mansion on a warm summer night, well past his prescribed bedtime.

Thomas, Martha, and Alfred stood between him and the mansion, holding hands, playing a game.

Bruce's goal was to break through their blockade and get into the house, so he kept running, changing angles, pounding their arms as hard as he could, but he was stopped every time.

They left him there so everyone could play longer.

He remembered Thomas's strong arms, Martha's beautiful pearl necklace, Alfred's young face.

They held him in the middle and felt the warm evening breeze blowing through the fields together, making everyone smile.

Bruce used these to make himself forget how lonely he was on the other side of the door in the empty dark building.

That's the shape of a bat.

He no longer thought about bats, but turned his memory to another aspect. He remembered the smell of the lawn that had just been mowed, and the bright red sunset peeking through the leaves like eyes.

But what he remembers most clearly is their strength in pulling him back.

And the laughter of each of them, they were all laughing like crazy, and Gotham, the city was getting darker and darker...

Yes, the memory game ends here. Bruce only belongs to memories after all, and the totem in the empty house is the real him.

He got out of his parents' arms, bypassed Ah Fu's obstruction, and rushed toward the winged monster in the dark door.

The bat held him, bitten and became one with him, and he felt the pain and fear that he would become.

Gotham needs a Batman, and he is Batman!

"Master Bruce?"

His eyes focused, and he immediately recognized his current location, which was next to the final machine in the Batcave, and Alfred was holding his hand. It was his voice that brought Batman back to reality.

"what time is it?"

He sat up and clutched his abdomen. Despite the final machine's help, a long scar was inevitably left there.

Ah Fu breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the trauma was a minor matter. The difficulty still lay in the laughing gas and mental problems, but seeing Bruce return to his former self, it should be no problem.

He let go of his hand, took out his pocket watch, looked at it, and complained as usual: "You came home earlier than usual today, and I haven't had time to make breakfast yet."

Batman didn't care how many people were watching around him. Instead, he walked straight to the rock wall on the side wearing only shorts. After verifying his palm prints, he took out a uniform and put it on again.

"Order takeout for them and make enough food for the two of us."

Afu shook his head slightly, then bowed and left, revealing Damian behind him.

Damian gave Batman a complicated look. Sure enough, Deathstroke was right, he was indeed different.

But rather than being different, it's better to say that he has nothing to do with Bruce Wayne.

He had held Batman's hand and called him before, whether it was Batman or his father. Batman remained motionless in a daze.

The results of it? Not even ten seconds after being replaced by the old housekeeper, the vegetative state on the bed recovered? You don't want to talk about anything, and you still plan to go out to perform a mission?

The most outrageous thing is that he doesn't even have breakfast for himself. Doesn't this mean that he is not his biological child...

In fact, it was just Batman who didn't notice him. He had just returned from insanity and he didn't even see Deathstroke. How could he notice Damian, who was only 1.3 meters tall?

And when he turned around after putting on his Bat uniform, Damian had already turned and walked away.

"Teen Titans, assemble!" He didn't give Batman a chance to speak at all, and came straight to Su Ming's side: "Send us away from here, it seems some people are always redundant."

"Don't be sad. How about this? I'll take you to play in Poseidonis' newly built amusement park? Barry and I built it." Su Ming touched his head and looked at Arthur with questioning eyes. Neptune was also very interested. Nods generously.

Anyway, Batman's son, Green Arrow's sister, and Barry's nephew are not outsiders. They can go and play if they want, and their teammates' identity verification is also exempted.

Damian took a deep breath, took off his mask, and smiled at Su Ming: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

"Poseidonius Amusement Park." Su Ming opened the portal, and the squirming cavity appeared in front of him again: "By the way, take Harley and Ivy with you. It's time for the official reunion."

When Harley heard about the amusement park, she was impatient. One side of her heart was filled with laughter and the other side was playing. The balance instantly lost its balance and went to the amusement park, making a big hole in the ground.

"Let's go~ Atlantis doesn't cost money, right?"

While pushing Ivy into the portal, she turned to ask Arthur this question. Of course, amusement parks are good, but free amusement parks are even better.

Now that she's a stickler, it's always a bit embarrassing if she has to fight her way through an amusement park to leave.

Arthur covered his eyes and kept nodding. He really couldn't deal with such a crazy woman, so Meila was better. Although her temper was a bit stubborn, she was at least a normal person.

The portal closed, leaving only Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Arrow, Deathstroke, and Batman in the Batcave.

Batman did not participate in the discussion. He had already sat in front of his brothers to check what he cared about. The gloved hands danced out of the afterimage, and all kinds of information flowed from the screen, being captured by him and the things in his mind. Compare the information one by one.

After a moment, he stopped and turned around, looking at the people standing and sitting.

"I know the plan of the Laughing Bat, so prepare to start countermeasures."

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