The Death Knell

Chapter 888 Damian’s back-up plan

The Teen Titans sat in a row outside the door of a temple with some headaches, holding ice cream in their hands and slowly licking it. As for why they were still dejected in the amusement park? That's because Harley is so turned on all the time.

As a human being, the way she dresses is completely different from that of the Atlanteans, and Harley screams at everything she sees.

"Wow, look, the dog statue is still wearing clothes. The ancient Egyptians began to dress their pets!" Harley looked like she had discovered a big secret.

Damian: "That's Anubis, the dog-headed god of death."

"Huh? There is a cat doll made of linen strips in this small box. Xiao Hong can see that the tail is like a spring." Harley ran to the corner again, opened a gold-plated box and took out the contents.

Damian: "That's a cat mummy, a real cat. Why did The Flash keep this thing? What if a child gets it?"

In fact, Barry was busy demolishing the entire complex and rebuilding it near Atlantis, so there was no time to open every box.

At that time, Deathstroke and the others were fighting the Death God, the Ultimate Ferryman. He was constructing on the battlefield. The situation was very complicated, okay?

The most he could do was to get rid of the coffins in the pyramid. Small boxes like this were not considered at all. Then he complained that the pyramid manifested by Hecate was too real and actually contained a mummy.

So as they walked and explained all the way, Damian and the others were gradually surrounded by Atlanteans passing by.

It was not that he meant to be disadvantageous to them. After all, it was the Queen who personally received the accompanying distinguished guests, and no one would be so unkind.

But these buildings have been here for a few days, and they have come in to play, but they really don’t know that these buildings actually represent the history of the land people?

So both adults and children pestered this strange team of surface people, treating them like tour guides and asking them various questions.

Mera, who was accompanying him, did not refuse or evacuate the crowd, because she was also curious and wanted to hear what was on the surface that fascinated Arthur so much.

So instead of stopping her subjects, the Queen acted as translator with a smile on her face.

It didn't take long for everyone to feel exhausted. The people under the sea had all kinds of strange questions. Except for Damian and Emiko, everyone else was stopped.

But even smart people are exhausted when facing the enthusiastic people. Among all the people, only Harley is still full of energy.

Sometimes thoughts are also powerful motivations, and madness is definitely the most powerful.

"Ah, why didn't Uncle Barry say something about setting up some signs here?" Wally was a little unsteady in holding the cone. This was not the food here, it was a manifestation of the giant spirit: "It's like a museum or something. Like a tourist attraction.”

"This is not an amusement park at all, this is a history museum." Emiko couldn't help complaining.

Damian glanced at Wally and swallowed the ice cream in his mouth in a few mouthfuls: "Because the Flash doesn't know Atlantis, it's that simple, and we're not really here to play, Billy, monitor What’s special in it?”

Just when he was feeling the coolness and sea breeze, he saw Billy Wu holding the PSP suddenly open his mouth, as if he had seen something incredible, Damian immediately asked.


Fatty Lan's tongue seemed to be stiff. He looked at Damian with wide eyes and kept pointing at the terminal screen in his hand, but he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Damian jumped to his side and stretched his head over, just in time to see the death knell appearing as a fan as big as half a city, blowing away all the clouds.

Even now, deep in the heart of the Atlantic Ocean, Damian seemed to feel the breath of Gotham, and he took a deep breath.

"Wait, let's zoom in here."

Damian pointed to a dark spot in the alley, where a trash can had just been blown away, revealing a white object behind it that was stuck in a crack in the brick wall and did not fall into the standing water.

As for why Damian can see the situation in Gotham, it is actually very simple. Brother Eye is responsible for monitoring the entire Gotham, and he also has a password.

Although Green Arrow's satellite is a bit older and is not qualified as a spy satellite, there is no problem as a simple communication satellite.

As long as the otaku Billy connects to the satellite, transfers the Brother Eye signal, and enters a password of more than ten digits with multiple verifications, Damian can naturally use the Brother Eye remotely.

Of course it is not the highest authority, but only guest level usage rights are enough.

Crime Alley is a special place for Batman. Even if other places are hidden and there is no surveillance, there will definitely be one here.

And Deathstroke is counting on Damian and Gotham's Robin to leave like an ordinary child? Going to an amusement park?


"This... seems to be a syringe. Yes, he asked for some injections from your grandfather before and injected them into his neck." Billy zoomed in on the picture, then processed it through technical means, and finally distinguished it. What was it? "I knew that he must have taken drugs because he was so strong, just like our American swimmers."

Damian narrowed his eyes and stared at the syringe carefully: "Wally, go get that syringe for me."

"No, boss, if he has any infectious disease, the syringe he used..." Black Wally shuddered, he was very reluctant: "Think about AIDS, rabies, Sepsis, needles are bad things, that’s what my uncle taught me.”

"That's probably because he has acrophobia."

Emiko had no resistance to sharp things, and she didn't believe that a super soldier of Deathstroke's level would get sick.

Even the most difficult genetic diseases to deal with, these adults always have a solution.

"They have left. Don't you want the latest "Dead or Alive 6"? Go get the syringe for me and I will buy it for you."

Damian had already grasped Wally's weakness and brought out games to seduce him.

As a male teenager who would go to the arcade to play dance machines after school, Damian prepared various game consoles for Wally when he joined the Teen Titans, as well as some masterpieces from the past.

However, I haven’t bought any of this year’s new games. If Wally wants to play, Damian will propose some ‘deals’, something that seems to be something Wally can easily do.

New games will be released every year, but if you want to buy them all, Wally will never be able to spend the money. This is a control method like boiling a frog in warm water.

When Wally develops the habit of relying on his captain's "money power", the Teen Titans will also obey his words just like the Justice League was "tamed" by Batman.

Hearing Damian's conditions, Black Wally blushed. He really wanted to buy that game, and anyone who knew it would understand. But he was a little embarrassed to say it in front of several girls.

But it seemed that none of the girls knew what it was. He relaxed after observing their expressions.

"It's a deal?"

"Of course, there will be things I need your help with later. Once everything is done, I will buy you "Devil May Cry 5"." Damian made the promise without expression.

"Whoosh!" There was a flash of golden lightning, and Wally seemed to have never left, but he stretched out his hand in front of Damian and quietly placed a syringe: "I don't know that the credit card payment system has returned to normal. No, oh, how about we order the cassette and pick it up?"

Damian signaled him to be quiet, picked up the syringe, looked at it, and smelled it.

Familiar smell, fear toxin, and it is concentrated and refined. Although this is the injection version rather than the gas version, the uneasiness in my heart starts to spread after just a slight smell.

Damian pulled out the needle, looked at the barely detectable trace of bright red on it, took out a cotton swab from his belt, and wiped the blood on it.

Then he cut off the end of the cotton swab, placed it in a small plastic test tube, and closed the lid.

He took out the batarang again, made a small cut on his wrist, took some of his blood, and put it into another test tube.

"Wally, your Aunt Iris is still working in Star City Laboratory, right? If I remember correctly, the flood did not have much impact on Midtown."

Black Wally rubbed his curly hair. He was still immersed in the longing for the new game, and he talked more:

"Oh, yes, the last time aliens planned to flood the earth, we connected the energy defense barriers borrowed from Batman to several Speed ​​Force treadmills, and the technology from Star Lab blocked all the sewers . We used the speed force storm to form a repulsive force to protect the city. Man, you can never imagine what it would be like to see purple water walls hundreds of meters above your head in all directions."

"That's good, go and ask her to help me check these two blood samples and compare them with DNA."

"But we are in the Atlantic Ocean now. It should not be long before dawn in North America, and it is not yet work time." Wally was a little puzzled.

"Devil May Cry 5."

Damian reminded him again that if you can use your connections to get a backdoor, of course you have to take advantage of it.

And it's best if you don't go to work. This matter must be done covertly.

"Okay, seriously, what's the use of checking your own and Deathstroke's DNA? Do you think he is your uncle? I haven't heard that Lei Xiaogu has a son."

Wally stretched out his hand and asked for two test tubes. For the sake of the new game, he no longer cared about this. Anyway, that was the captain's order. Damian, like Batman, never explained things.

Damian did not answer his guess. He put the test tube down in Wally's palm without letting go, but stared into his eyes: "I believe you, Wally, you are my closest comrades, you must promise me , except you and your aunt, no one has access to the experimental samples and test reports, you left the speed force plane."

Damian said he believed Wally...of course it was a lie, he didn't trust anyone.

But that’s how good human nature is, especially for simple boys like Wally. When others say they believe in them, they often get excited and gamble on things like ‘man’s dignity’ to ensure that they don’t let others down.

Damian just took advantage of this.

Wally took a deep breath. Although he didn't think there was anything worthy of attention, he also became serious. He looked into Damian's eyes behind the mask and nodded seriously:

"I promise, no one will be able to touch them in my hands unless I die, except my aunt."

Damian let go of his hand and turned around: "I'm waiting for your good news."

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