The Death Knell

Chapter 889 Demonic Batman

In other places, DNA comparison would be a long process, but it is different at Zhongcheng Star Laboratory.

On the one hand, there are acquaintances who can rely on the relationship, and on the other hand, you can also use the speed force to accelerate the operation of the machine. The results should be available soon.

Wally is eager to get the game and tries his best to prove that he will not disappoint. The combination of these two points makes Damian feel more at ease about using Candide.

It doesn't mean that he will believe it 100% when the results come out. He just needs to find a reason for his future plan.

A reason for doubt.

"Huh? You've finished your cone, do you want more?"

Harley came over holding two cones, one in each hand, one pink and one blue. She stuck out her tongue and licked the left side and the right side.

She didn't mean to give it to Damian at all, she just came to watch the fun.

"No, that thing will lower the core temperature of the human body. Just the right amount is good. If there is a sudden battle, it will affect the combat effectiveness." Damian didn't want to pay attention to Harley at first, but thinking about the relationship between Deathstroke and her, he still explained a few words. .

"Oh, let's go play inside the Sphinx. I want to dance with the mummy." Harley looked at Damian eagerly and imitated MJ's zombie dance while holding an ice cream.

Damian covered his eyes and sighed: "Mummies are mummies and zombies are rotting corpses. They are completely different things...and even if it is an authentic Sphinx, it is not a tomb." , there are no mummies in it.”

"Is that so? How does the mummy dance? Teach me." Harley smiled and opened her eyes wide. She was really curious.

"..." Damian felt that life would be worse than death.


In Gotham, in Grant Park, the deep hole created by the explosives used by the Joker to blow up Barbara is still there, but now it is filled with water.

And countless rats were swimming, dragging the filth they found from nowhere in groups and hanging them on a tree on the side.

Except for Mackenzie and Su Ming, everyone else had turned around and walked away. Diana was not going to admit defeat, but the image and smell of those dirty things after they were soaked in water were really...

A rare Gotham sunrise, these are not the things you should see in the morning light.

"So many rats swimming together, it's so spectacular." Su Ming folded his arms and floated slightly on the water. He could see with his own eyes just now that there were dirty things falling off. He didn't want to be in the same water with them.

Mackenzie didn't care, her breathing armor squirmed slightly, and ripples of water swayed around her legs.

She looked at the black group of rats and heard the terrified screams of people in the distance, and smiled: "Yes, humans don't like rats, but we do. These smart little things can spread plague, disease, and toxins." , the speed of harvesting souls is no less than that of any killer."

"I heard that some scientists have studied that after the destruction of mankind, rats will rule the earth." Su Ming could only chat with the Queen of Pain while waiting for the ceremony to be prepared.

I can't help but keep an eye on her. What if she plays tricks?

"Science, haha, so he must not know the existence of our demons. I will interview him if I have the chance. But the idea that rats occupy the main world is very creative and I like it very much. What about you? Have you thought about it? What happens after the demise of mankind?”

Su Ming watched a bunch of rats dragging a human limb to the treetops, their wet black fur shining with oil.

He nodded: "I have thought before that the people who occupied the earth after the demise of mankind might be the 'great race of Yis', or else they might be some kind of intelligent unicorns."

"???" Mackenzie suddenly found that the topic had changed in a direction that she didn't understand at all. She had never heard of what Deathstroke said.

"Don't worry, it's not our multiplicity of things. They don't exist here, just like you don't exist in their world."

Su Ming smiled and watched quietly as the mouse on the treetop entered the water with tiny splashes, and applauded.

"Haha, you are a mystic. Hiding these things in your heart will only make people want to take your heart out." Mackenzie looked at the trees, almost ready.

"You don't need to look, I can tell you directly that my heart is dark." Su Ming saw that the big tree was almost covered with hanging trees, showed an invisible smile, took a few steps back, and said "please use it" gesture.

Mackenzie naturally did not waste time talking. She pulled out the long sword from the sewage on the ground, and the rolling magma gushes out from the crack.

The magma met the standing water but did not solidify. Instead, it was like another substance, pushing the standing water aside. They continuously spewed out from the ground, forming a burning volcano, sending Mackenzie up into the air. .

Then the fire began to spread.

These jumping flames were like ignited grease, floating and burning on the surrounding water, and more than ten meters around turned into a sea of ​​fire.

In the fierce flames, the heat wave pushed Mackenzie's long black hair flying all over the sky, and the long black sword decorated with skulls in her hand seemed to be ignited, turning into a red color that was spitting out flames.

The flames clung to the tree, and Hell accepted the tribute, then fed its power back to its King.

"I am the King of Purgatory, the embodiment of pain, humble maggot, I order you to surrender to me!"

The sword in her hand cut through the air in front of her, leaving a burning hole in the air. She flew in without hesitation, and Su Ming and others immediately followed.

At the other end of the portal, a dark, twisted sword in the shape of a bat wing blocked McGeeken's head-on strike.

Amidst the firelight, a twisted and ferocious face flashed past.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes and said nothing. He rushed out of the door at high speed, and the golden sword transformed from the God Killer also aimed at the same target.

The plan was only half successful.

They successfully locked the location of this evil Batman, and with the combination of Mackenzie, Deathstroke, Diana and Aquaman, no melee fighter could escape.

But the bad news is that Laughter and Bat-Owl aren't here.

The golden sword cut off one of the opponent's arms, but at the same time, Maizi had to leave room for the sword to dance, and the opponent took the opportunity to retreat.

He originally planned to spread his wings and escape, but the black arrow immediately shot towards his head. He had to retreat to avoid it, and the arrow passed in front of his eyes with the sound of wind.

A few drops of blood appeared on the bridge of his low nose, and the golden Vulcan sword behind him also slashed at him, completely entangling him.

"No need to hide, this is a transforming weapon." Su Ming turned the giant sword into a one-handed sword and shield, and told Mackenzie beside him: "We are allies now."

The burning long sword was spitting out fire from the skull's eyes at the hilt, and Maizi also took a few steps forward to block the monster's other direction.

"I've heard about your sword, God Killer. It's said to be a weapon specially used to kill gods. People are a little scared of it."

Su Ming let Neptune take over his position, and he went to Diana's side and used his shield to sweep the demon bat's feet while chatting with Maizi: "What? Are you afraid of pain?"

Mackenzie struck a sword at Demon Bat's head, but was blocked by the strange-shaped weapon: "It hurts? No, your sword is too fast and doesn't give people a chance to feel pain. I don't like it."

"Okay, let's stop talking. Everyone, show your true skills and don't hide them. Even if Batman becomes a demon, he will not be able to stop our absolute power. Didn't Lucifer teach you not to play with your prey?" Su Ming took a deep breath.

"Haha, I don't listen to him. I just like how he is ruthless and ruthless to me after he goes crazy. That's the real King of Hell!"

Although she said so, Mackenzie really used the full strength of the Hell Lord.

Especially the angelic power inherited from Lucifer is simply the nemesis of all demonic creatures.

Of course, using this power will also bring her endless pain, because she is also a creature of chaos, but this pain is just what she wants.

This demon Batman has no human appearance at all. He looks more like a giant bat than a man-bat, but in addition he is more like a demon. He also has eyes burning with fire and a pair of Goat-like horns.

The skin on his face was tight, and his whole body was a demonic livid color. Not only was he unclothed, but his lips had completely degraded, revealing densely packed sharp teeth like piranhas.

Except for a bat-shaped scar on his broad and muscular chest, this appearance does not look like Batman at all, but judging from the fact that the four of them could not take him down in a short time during the fight, he is not only one of them, but also one of them. Outstanding.

His four arms are as thick as ordinary people's thighs. Each of his four arms holds scimitars like giant bats as weapons. There is also a pair of huge leather wings on his back. This appearance is considered unusual among demons. .

After Mackenzie showed her true ability, the pressure on the demonic Batman suddenly increased. Even if he breathed the same air as the Queen of Pain, he could feel his lungs burning under the influence of the angelic power.

In addition to being entangled at close range by four powerful warriors, Green Arrow and another Batman continued to fire cold arrows from a distance, making his every attempt to escape the trap come to naught.

Either metal arrows or divine gold bullets, these things can hurt him. This is a hidden tomb with limited space, so he can only struggle in vain.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Su Mingyin smiled and poked out the dagger in his hand. His moves were considered despicable from Batman's point of view. Every time he made a move, he was either running down the road or intending to cut off his wings.

If he hadn't been fast enough, and his reaction speed and strength were not bad after recovering from the surprise attack, he would have probably been hit long ago.

Wonder Woman is also not easy to mess with. She is skilled in martial arts and has great strength. She also seems to be angry, and the more she fights, the more fierce she becomes. The other hell lord is so powerful that the upper-level demon can tell who is strong and who is weak just by relying on his breath.

The evil Batman focused his breakout on Aquaman.

There was also an Arthur in his previous world. He knew that this man was just a strong shield, but not a very skilled warrior.

If you use your fishing skills to kill someone, there will always be flaws.

He had to rely on his willpower and self-healing ability to hold on for a few more seconds, waiting for the opportunity.

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