The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 811: Being stopped outside (5)

Chapter 811 is blocked outside (5)

What's more, Master Hai Rong hates the fact that others do anything outside his name, that is, Huan Er is his apprentice, and there is no exception.

Let Huaner give Hairong an apprentice, only an extra guarantee, so that outsiders do not dare to envy their home.


There is no way to bring any benefits to the Mujia!


Muling snorted, his light was cold, and he licked his long sleeves and walked toward the moonlight.

Before leaving, he looked back at the brightly lit government house, with a resentful color in the depths of his eyes.


"Small dump, what's wrong?"

Inside the government.

Luo Li turned her head and looked at the girl standing beside her, with a stunned look.

The wind took the line of sight back from the gate, and the corner of the lips rose slightly. He shook his head: "Nothing, just seeing a play."


Luo Li didn't say anything more, and she had a big smile on her face.

Suddenly, she noticed that the wind was stunned, and following her eyes, she saw a boy standing under the moonlight.

The young man is long, green and beautiful, his eyebrows are gentle, and his cold face is like melting snow and ice, all over the warm sun.

"Dumping -"

The voice of the teenager is as clear as ever, and the smile is as warm as ever.

Because the other person in the opposite is the sunshine in his heart, dispelling all his haze.

"Hey, are you here too?"


Because I know that you will come, I will come.


Just then, a soft voice came from behind Qin.

The warm smile on Qin’s face disappeared after hearing the sound.

His brows were lightly wrinkled, his face was marked with an incompetent sensation, and his face was covered with coldness.

Under the help of the shackles, Qin Yuer slowly walked to the side of Qin Yu, her smile was light, and her eyes turned to Luo Li.

"Lie, are you here too?"

Lori snorted and refused to pay attention to Qin.

Qin Yaner’s face was a little stiff, and the smile on his lips was slightly reluctant.

She turned her gaze to the wind: "Girl, I didn't expect us to meet up so quickly. The last time you went in the rush of the first floor, I haven't had time to ask your name. My name is Qin Xiaoer. It is Luo Li’s best friend, Qin’s sister.”

Her voice is still fluttering, but it seems to be proclaiming her sovereignty.

After all, for many years, Luo Li has always trusted her most.

This feeling, is it that the light can be light?

Luo Li is just a little angry now, and she will be able to reconcile in a while.

"Qin Yuer, you are enough!" Luo Li's face was cold. "You keep saying that you are my best friend. Have you ever regarded me as a friend? In these years, you have been teaching me in the tone of your elders. You have suffered a lot of grievances? Xiaopen said that there is nothing wrong with it. Real friends will never let friends be wronged. You are not worthy of being my friend."

Qin Yuer’s face was instantly white and colorless, and the shocked eyes stared at Luo Li.

She only felt that her steps were awkward and she could not stand still.

"Lier, you just said... I didn't treat you as a friend?" Qin Yuer closed his eyes, and the pain was impossible.

If she did not treat Lie as a friend, she would not let Lier endure others everywhere.

Regardless of the dispute between Luo Li and others, she will only let Luo Li retreat...

That is because she understands that Lori is not angry with her in any way. Others are different. If she does not maintain her appearance, she will not be able to continue her friendship.

Ps: There will be a small explosion of 20,000 words tomorrow. The big explosion is in the middle of next month~ Today, there is wood, Mo and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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