Chapter 812 Dinner (1)

If it is not too good, too familiar, how can she... will it be?

Lori licked her lips. She used to be blind, and she felt that Qin Qin was good.

There is actually a kind of feeling that has been fed the dog for many years.

"Lolly," the wind was so lazy, and lazily rang under the night. "I am hungry. Let's find a place to rest."

"it is good."

Lori just regained her gaze.

Yes, the real friend should be like Xiao Xiao, not... let her endure others.


Luo Li just turned and left, and Xiao Yan, who was next to Qin Xiaoer, had stepped forward and said with anger: "Miss Luo, my lady is so heartbroken to you, are you not doing this to her now? Funny, my lady is still everywhere. For your consideration."

"Flowing Xia!" Qin Yuer paled and sighed, "You are not allowed to talk nonsense!"

Here is the government of the government. If you really have trouble with Luo Li, it will have a great influence on the reputation of the Qin family.

She can't condone to be so arrogant.

"Miss..." Liu Xia's grievances licked her lips and looked back at Qin Yuer. "Ming Luo is too much, and there is this woman next to Miss Luo. I don't know which small family's wild girl, Miss Luo rushed. Bringing her to the government, it is bound to offend the big lady of the house."

Qin Xiaoer’s expression was a glimpse, and she did not think of these things until now.

If the wind is like a little bit of Luo Li's little sister, but she does not know where the power comes from, Luo Li rashly took her to the house of the house, will inevitably bring trouble to the Luo family.

What's more, Gu Yiyi's temper is not very good, and his temperament is violent. In case he has angered Luo Li, Luo Li will not want to mix in Tianshen.


Qin Yuer’s eyebrows are about to continue to be domesticated in the tone of the elders, but the teenagers around him have already lost their traces.

When she came back to God, the boy had already reached the front of the shackle, and the sleeves flashed a blast, flying the scorpion directly.

A bang, instantly fell into the crowd.

The noisy government house suddenly quieted down.

Quiet to the needle to smell.

The crowd stared at the shackles that fell on the ground, and looked up again. Their eyes fell on the handsome face of the young and beautiful, and the eyes were amazed.

"Hey, you..." Qin Yuer glared at the beautiful, like some unbelievable gaze at Qin.


Why did the nephew suddenly learn from her?

Liu Xia is her embarrassment, that is, the dog has to look at the owner, not to mention the numerous forces here.

This makes her face afterwards, where is the face?

The teenager once again walked to the side of Liu Xia.

His feet slammed her mouth hard, and the cold moonlight shrouded the teenager's robes. His face was expressionless and his face was cold.

The tears of Liu Xia’s pain flowed out, but they could not make a little sound. The eyes were full of tears, and they looked at Qin Yuer with the eyes of praying.

Qin Xiaoer's face is slightly white: "Hey, what are you doing? Liuxia... is my gimmick, I know that you like Lier, if Liu Xia said something wrong, I apologize for her, you put her first. ”

Qin Yan brows light wrinkles, cold sweeps to Qin Qin children.

His eyes, the indifference of the bones, have never been seen by Qin Yuer, but also let her body tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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