Chapter 868 Xiaoya (2)

However, Gu began to want to persuade them to leave.

In this way, Gu Yiyi would like to know who is in the prison and let his father care so much.

"Small dump, I must have grabbed a good woman, go, let's go in and see."

Gu Shiyue is so, Gu Yiyi is more determined to go to jail.

Now, Gu Shi wants to stop it too late...

Gu Yiyi has already opened the door of the prison with one foot.

In the dark corner, a woman with a dirty body curled up, her hair pulled, covering the ugly face.

When this scene happened, Gu’s face was white, and his heart stunned. His best image in his daughter’s heart was completely destroyed.

In fact, from the very beginning, Gu Yiyi did not think that Gu Shizhen would do something like a strong woman.

She just said it casually.

But now, looking at the poor woman who curled up in the corner, Gu turned hard and turned his head: "Hey, you really did something wrong with this kind of animal?"

No wonder, it is no wonder that the Houshan will be forbidden.

It turned out to be... to cover up these ugly things.

Gu began to tremble with his lips: "I said that I am innocent, she is not willing to go, do you believe?"

"Hey, are you a fool when you are? Why don't you stay in this place and refuse to go?"


In fact, Gu Shi would like to say that this is not a fool?

Can face the question of her daughter, he finally could not say it.

The wind slammed forward slowly, her fingers gently licking the woman's hair, revealing a scarred face.


But in her eyes, there is no reflection, no thoughts, only meditation.

Qing Han Ming directed her to come here, but here, there is nothing more than this woman.

Obviously, the thing that summoned Qinghan is not this woman.

The woman finally raised her head.

When she looked at the face, Gu Yiyi took a sigh of relief and her face was angry.

I don’t know how much suffering she suffered, her face will become so.

If I say that my family can't stand the loneliness and grab a woman at home, she might believe it.

But her family is so embarrassed that it is impossible to do things like ruining people!

The woman’s gaze looks at the wind.

Her eyes were awkward and hesitant, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, the woman Xu felt what she was, and hurriedly grasped the wind like a leaning arm with the dirty hand.

She hasn't left this place for a long time, her hands are full of dirt, and she has left five fingerprints on the sleeves of the wind.

"Small dump!"

Gu Yi was shocked and stunned. He just wanted to go forward, but he was stopped by the wind.

The wind is as calm as the eyes, and there is no disappointment. He gaze at the woman in front of him.

"You want me to take you away?"

The woman nodded desperately, her eyes were not as stunned as the original, bright as stars.

"Your injury, is the person here hurt?"

The wind continues to ask.

The woman nodded again, and the color of resentment flowed out of her eyes.

In an instant, the wind and the eyes of Gu Yiyi looked toward Gu Shi.

Gu’s face was white: “I’m not doing it. It’s the **** of the former head of the house. I also found her presence after I received the government. I let her go and she refused to go, not me. Forced her to stay."

The wind is tilting his head and continues to look at this poor woman.

(End of this chapter)

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