Chapter 869 Xiaoya (3)

"You have to follow me. Now it's okay. You have to take a shower, change your clothes, and I will take you away later."

Although she is much softer for the women's club, she is not the kind of extremely good person.

But somehow, seeing this poor woman, her heart has already had a little movement.

Maybe she doesn't understand herself, why would she want to take her away...

The woman clung tightly to the arm of the wind, her expression was very stubborn, and she refused to let go.

"You let me go first." The wind sighed and said goodbye, "I won't leave you, really."

The woman squinted and stared at the wind, as if considering the authenticity of her words.

In the end, I still felt that her words could not be believed.

She is clear...not the one who speaks.

The wind saw the suspicion from the woman's eyes. She looked back at Gu Yiyi: "My words are not credible?"

Gu Yiyi thought about it and nodded.

"As long as there is a South string, you can never believe it."

If it is a string of Nanxian, the wind will definitely abandon them, and follow the man.

How can she believe this?

The wind brows at the corner of the eyebrows. It turns out that she is in the heart of Gu Yiyi.

She turned her head and put her eyes on the woman.

"When are you going to hold me?"

The woman sank for a moment, shook her head, still not willing to let go.

"You have to take a shower later, I am waiting for you outside, you can't let me go with you? Although we are all women, don't need to avoid it, but you pull me, do you still take a bath?"

This time, the woman Xu feels that the wind is like a thing, and she bites her lip and loosens her hand.

"The owner, trouble you to take her to take a bath, then bring me to see me."

"it is good."

Gu started slowly and relieved, this woman can finally be sent away.

What Gu began to understand is why she has been reluctant to leave the prison, but she is willing to leave if the wind seems to fall.

Women don't talk, these things, Gu Shi nature will never understand.

After he walked down the mountain with a woman, he got the attention of countless people.

No one understands why the government owner took a look at the back mountain and brought down a woman with a full face.

The women were a little afraid of those people's eyes, hiding behind the wind, and the dirty hands held her clothes tightly, with a panic in the eyes.

A woman who has not seen light for many years is difficult to adapt to the attention of the people around her.

If the wind is not here, maybe she has turned around and ran back to the back mountain.

Gu began to send a woman to wash with a woman, and then let Gu Yiyi take the wind and walk in the house of the government.

Seeing that Gu began to leave first, the wind slammed for a moment, and suddenly asked: "The owner, the back mountain of this **** shrine is a forbidden place, you know why it will be forbidden?"

Qing Han said that the woman is not calling someone.

It is also an indication that there is something that she does not know on the back hill.

"I don't know," Gu began to raise his eyebrows. "The former predecessor was killed by me too fast. I have not had time to ask these things. The dumb woman has nothing to do with me. It was the former head of the government. Come, I let her go, she refused to go, and died on the back hill."

When he said this, Gu’s tone was accompanied by grievances and full of sadness.

(End of this chapter)

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