Chapter 870 Xiaoya (4)

"I am afraid that others think that I kidnapped the girl. This will continue to make the back hill a forbidden place. Usually, even the guards are only guarding the back hill. If I don't go to the back hill, no one can go up. Fortunately, this woman. After being sent away, Houshan can finally be lifted."

"No," the wind shook his head. "You still seal the back mountain as a forbidden place, and no one is allowed to go up."


"I don't know, I always feel that there are things we don't know on the back hill."

Houshan is in the government of the government. If there is anything on the back mountain, Gu will know sooner or later.

However, she still did not say everything, let him guess.

Sure enough, the wind is like this, so that Gu is full of thoughts, even after leaving, it is also a question of thinking about the mountains after the road.

The successor of the government has sealed the back mountain as a forbidden place. It must not be caused by mood. There must be something he does not know...

Today, he still doesn't know what it is, what it is!

Sunset sunset.

The wind is leaning on the gazebo, and the posture is lazy.

She did not squint and looked at the woman who came under the leadership of her.

The woman's body is extremely good, the blue silk is like a waterfall, and she looks clean and refreshed.

The girl who can be so perfect, her face is full of scars, horrible and terrifying.

The woman was a little nervous, and when she saw the wind in the setting sun, her flustered expression finally calmed down.

Fortunately, she is still there.

"What is your name?" asked the wind as if to poke the lips.

The woman licked her lips, her eyes glowed, and she kept her eye on the wind.

"Can't you talk? So, I will call you Xiaoya, is it good?" The wind is like a smile.

The woman’s radiance was even worse, and she nodded in a hurry.

"Are you sure to follow me?" The wind stood up and walked toward Xiaoya.

Xiaoya’s eyes are firm and unquestionable.

"I will cure your injury," the wind stopped, and "after that, you will be with me."

In addition to the destruction of Xiao Ya, the strength is also abolished.

Even so, the wind is still watching, the girl's talent is not very strong.

But it doesn't matter, she wants never to be a genius, but... a person with enough perseverance.

Xiaoya raised her smile.

On such an ugly face, this smirk should be ugly, but somehow, in the sunset, it will look very bright.

"Let's go, your wounds will be treated for you, the veins you are interrupted, I will connect for you, what you want is to work hard to cultivate," the wind gazing at Xiaoya, " You have to remember that by my side, talents can be weak, but we must work harder to cultivate. There will be no natural waste in this world. If it is waste, it will evaporate more sweat than genius and surpass them."

Xiaoya’s eyes are awkward.

In that year, He recruited disciples, and countless girls from all over the world fought each other. Only by entering His hands, the family could be sheltered by the world.

He is the God of all, and she is no exception.

But she is very talented, but she still has to take the risk.

Among the countless geniuses, she was the most inconspicuous one, and she was also bullied. It was her god, bringing her out of the crowd.

She will never forget what he said at the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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