Chapter 871 Xiaoya (5)

"In this world, there is no distinction between genius and waste. I never need to be a genius who is arrogant and arrogant. What I want is someone who is willing to make countless efforts and sweat for cultivation."

Later, she would like to follow these words.

With more hard work and hard work than ordinary people, I embarked on the road of the strong.

Today... He still uses these words to warn her.

No matter how many years have passed, some things will never change...

"Let's go, you go with me."

The wind took his eyes back and walked down the steps, heading for the sunset.

Xiaoya hurriedly followed up, and followed the wind and the wind.

Her gaze is with admiration and worship, and she is brighter than the stars.

that's nice……

Her god, her monarch, is back...


The wind feels like the hot gaze behind him, and raises his eyebrows and asks: "Green Han, are you sure you really don't know this girl?"

Qing Han hesitated for a moment, still shaking his head and replied with a soul voice: "It is certainly not her to summon me, I really don't know her."

"But I always think she seems to know me... just like the big gray."

That look, too hot, almost burned her back.

Within the space.

Qing Han bit his finger and looked at Fu Chen, who was still asleep.

Although Fuchen’s brother told her, the mother may be the nine emperors.


She has been growing up in the medicinal garden. The nine emperors know who they are, and she doesn't know. After the nine emperors disappeared for many years, they will be able to leave the medicinal garden.

"Mother, I don't know, maybe I will know it?"

The wind is like a face, a serious way: "It is called big gray, not big black."

Qing Han is clever and cute: "Okay, mother."

Fuchen brother said, and women do not have to reason.

What the mother said is what it is.

The wind just walked to the home, suddenly saw a slightly familiar figure, standing under the breeze, waiting for her quietly.

The girl seems to have not seen Qin Qiner, and she walked by her side.

Qin Xiaoer’s face changed slightly, and finally couldn’t help but scream: “The girl, I have something to look for.”

The wind stopped like a door, and the back of the Qin Xier: "I am not familiar with you."

The meaning of the words, I am not familiar with you, there is nothing to say.


丫鬟流霞, cold drink, just want to anger, Qin Xiaoer's cold smack sweeped over, sighed: "Lixia, you go to wait for me, I have something to talk to this girl."

"But, Miss..." Liu Xia is very wrong.

Qin Xiaoer’s look is even lighter. Liu Xia’s recent overstepping is too much. If it continues, it will inevitably tarnish the Qin family’s face.

"Okay, I am your master. I will let you back before you let me back."

Liu Xia was unwilling to blink her eyes, her eyes flashed slightly, and did not retreat to the side, but quickly left to Qin family to find someone.

Miss character is kind, this woman is so vicious, it will inevitably hurt the lady, she must go back to inform her, lest anyone bully the lady!


Under the setting sun.

The wind was slightly sideways, and her calm, watery eyes fell on Qin's body.

"What are you looking for?"

Qin Xiaoer’s face is a smile: “You and Tan’s words, I have already heard it, Feng girl, you open a price, how can you leave your nephew? Whether you want money or medicine, My Qin family can afford it."

(End of this chapter)

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