The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 872: Suyi returned (1)

Chapter 872 Suyi is back (1)

Chapter 929 Suyi returned (1)


The wind is calm and undulating, and the tone is very flat.

Qin Yuer slowly relieved a sigh of relief.

It seems that no matter who it is, it can't resist the temptation.

After all, she still agreed.

I couldn't help but feel that Qin Xiaoer was a bit distressed by Qin Zhen, and she was distressed by Qin Yu and met a girl of this power.

"Wind girl, if so, I hope that you can abide by the agreement, don't look for a baby in the future," Qin Xiaoer sighed. "My child is my brother. I can't sit back and watch him. It’s so beautiful, there’s no nephew, you can find other good men, there’s no need to entangle, the wind girl—”

The voice suddenly stopped.

A fierce gust of wind blew past, like a huge hand, it happened that Qin Xiaoer was standing on the steps. Under this push, her footsteps were unstable and she rolled down the steps.

The body of Qin Yuer is not good. Under this fall, her stunning face is pale and coughing fiercely.


A sharp voice came from afar.

When the beginning of the wind is like a convenience, the house purchased is not far from the Qin family.

Therefore, it was not long before Liu Xia left, and Mrs. Qin’s wife Wen Yu was invited.

Not far from the warm rain, see Qin Qin children lying on the ground can not get up, she suddenly smashed, anger burning.

Since she gave birth to her daughter, she has never been pregnant, not only her, but the Qin family’s little sisters have been unable to give birth for many years.

Therefore, Qin Yuer is the only daughter of the Qin family, the only life root.

"My nephew!!!"

Wen Yu quickly walked to the side of Qin Yuer's side, and gave her a helping hand. Her eyes were red, and her angry eyes turned to the wind.

"You are a monk, you dare to do it with my family. This time, the government will mainly protect you, and I must let you pay the price!"

"Mother!" Qin Yuer shook hands with Wen Yu, indicating that she would not say anything, immediately, she turned the beauty to the wind, "wind girl, I want to be a child, but also for you, only In this way, let you leave your nephew. As long as you are willing to leave your nephew, I will not be with you. If you don't want me, I will tell your deaf children what you have done, and your face will be embarrassed. ”

For the sake of her, she has endured for a long time.

It is the wind that has moved her hands, she can not go anywhere.

But if she looks at the family of the Qin family, she insists on marrying her.

She has no other way.

She can only say what she has done.


The warm rain raging into the sky, at this time, the nephew still want to maintain this monk?

When is she going to be kind?

"Mother, I am really okay," Qin said with a chuckle. "It is for the sake of deaf children. Is it good? My nephew and my nephew are family members. I don't want him to suffer any harm?"

For this daughter who has always had an idea, Wen Yu can't say anything more, only to stare at the wind with a sly look.

"Wind girl," Qin Xiaoer's smile disappeared. She walked slowly toward the steps by warm rain. "How is your decision?"

The wind looked down at the steps under the feet of Qin Yuer.

Somehow, after Qin Xiaoer saw her eyes, her legs could not help but the foot stopped.

"Oh," the wind smirked. "I thought that my behavior had already made you understand my choice. I didn't expect that the Qin family would be so stupid. I couldn't even see this."

(End of this chapter)

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