The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 873: Suyi returned (2)

Chapter 873 Su Yiyi is back (2)

Qin Xiaoer’s body trembled and pale.

She bit her lip, as if she was humiliated, her face was even more difficult to see.

"You really... have to enter my Qin family? Can't you let go of your nephew?"

She had already planned to give in.

As long as the child is happy, let him marry this woman.

It can be clearly said that the wind is like a self-love, how can she let her brother step into this fire pit?

Now, she just wants her to get out of the fire pit if she doesn't get stuck in it.


The Qin family’s status in the Tenjin House is so high that it is now surrounded by many people.

Everyone does not know what happened, why the wife of Qin family, Wen Yu, is going to take a group of people to make a girl a girl.

But just in the next moment...

A bang!

The vines passed through the ground instantly, and like the octopus, it seemed that the body of Qin Yuer was thrown into the air, and then slammed out.

The whole world has finally recovered its tranquility.

The warm rain was stunned.

She never thought that someone would dare to hurt her daughter in front of her face. This time, Qin Xiaoer stopped her, and she would never let go of this monk.

"Come, come and grab this hoe, grab it immediately!"

The warm rain leaps like a thunder, and there is no cultivation in the past. The anger of her eyes is enough to burn people.

Qin Xiaoer coughed and coughed up a blood. Her body was crumbling, and it was easy to pull the hearts of the world.

No matter who is right or wrong, there is no need to ask any reason -

As a weak person, always let more people stand on her side!

"This little girl is so fierce at a young age, I really don't know who can afford her in the future."

"In my opinion, such a fierce girl is destined to marry in this life, and I just heard Miss Qin Jiada say that she is entangled in the Qin family."

"Qin Zhener is not wrong even if she comes to her. Who wants her own brother to marry such a fierce girl? If such a girl breaks into the door, the Qin family will not have a good life!"


The voices of the people, on the streets under the setting sun, are extraordinarily abrupt and harsh.

The wind is like a sway, but her lips are shallow and curved, and her calm eyes surround the Qin family who have surrounded her.

The whole world, like only one of her, is alone in blood, and the back is like a pine.

"I hit you, you really don't know why?" She was full of fear and smiled. "You are so bad that my reputation, I am still not qualified to beat you? Just like you are for your own face, don't hesitate to let Luo Li swallows?"

All the sounds have disappeared.

There weren't many people who could go to the house of the house at the beginning of the house. For the name of Lori, many people in the Tenjin House are still clear.

Qin Yuer is kind and gentle, she is like a ring of the Virgin Mary, shining in the world.

Luo Li is a demon, small, tempered and arrogant.

But the devil was suppressed by the Virgin. In this world, it is estimated that only Qin Xiaoer can hold Lori.

Such Qin Qiner, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. Everything she does is for the calm of the Tenjin House. If she is not her, how can Luo Li become so well-behaved?

What is it to swallow?

A generous person can accomplish great things. If it is for a little bit of small things, how can people like them get the appreciation and appreciation of the people?

(End of this chapter)

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