The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 874: Suyi returned (3)

Chapter 874 Su Yi is back (3)

Qin Xiaoer’s face was white, and she coughed up another blood again, standing up from the ground.

"Hey," Wen Yu’s eyes were distressed and angry. "Your kindness must also be divided. If you go on like this, others will only despise our Qin family. Although you are as good as you, he knows at least. The matter is no more than three. One person provokes Qin family once and for all. How can such a person endure?"

Qin Yuer died in the palm of his hand.

"I am just trying to be a child..."

If it is not for the sake of her, she will not be so reluctant to withdraw.

The wind can be stepped on her head again and again. She is also a temper. How can she tolerate her to continue?

"Is angry?" The wind is like a smile. "You know that you are angry. When Luo Li was bullied to a very bad time, did you not persuade her to complain with morality? I just let you fall twice, you are angry. ?"

Qin Xiaoer’s body trembled.

This woman is retaliating for her?


The warmth of the eyes flashed through a stern, screaming.

The people of the Qin family have pulled out their long swords and are approaching the wind...

The wind is still as light as the wind, smiling.

But under her smile, she hides the cold chill of Sen.

Just like a savage sword, you can swallow everyone at any time...

Just then, a soft voice, like the cold wind, passed through everyone's face.

It is clear that this voice is so light, but it is chilling.

"I just left the Tenjin House for more than ten years. What happened? When did this Tianshen House, when was the turn of the Qin family?"

For the people present, this voice is very strange, but in the warm rain, it has already matured into the bones, so that her body is involuntarily stiffened.

The wind is like a glimpse. She looks around and sees the sunset. A woman in white is slowly walking.

The woman's picturesque, no trace of the years, she is elegant and dusty, her eyes are plain and waveless.

Only when the wind was seen, the woman’s lips were covered with a shallow smile. Her money went to her, her fingers gently licked the girl’s blue silk, and her voice was soft.

"Hey, how do you want to go without saying a word? You still ran here without a word."

"Well, I don't want you to come back..."

She didn't want to let Suyi and Nanxian come back, so she went deep into Tianshen.

"But we don't come back, we don't know how much bullying you have to be," Su Shi's faint gaze slowly turned to Wen Yu, and smiled lightly. "Mrs. Qin, are you dissatisfied with my family?"

Wen Yu's face was white, and she stared at the elegant face in front of her.

"Niang?" Qin Yuer saw the expression of warm rain, and a horror flashed through the eyes.

Who is this woman? Why... will the mother be so fearful?

Wen Yu tightened the hand of La Qin's child, and the corner of his mouth barely showed a smile: "Mrs. Mu Shao, I didn't expect to see you for many years, you are still so young and beautiful, I almost didn't recognize it for a while, I used to I don't know if this girl is related to you, hey, let's go back."

Mrs. Mu Shao...

After hearing the name of Wen Yu, Qin Xiaoer trembled.

In the Tenjin House, there is only one lady.

Nan Su clothes that once left with the Nanzi son!

This beautiful woman is the South String... Mother?

What is the relationship between her and the wind?

(End of this chapter)

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