The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 888: The birthday banquet is soon (2)

Chapter 888 Shou Ban is soon (2)

"I don't retreat, what does it have to do with you?"

Gu Yiyi snorted.

At the beginning, it was An Cui who went to Liu Yunguo to find the South String. Later, she not only reached out and pushed her, but also wanted to blame the little dump.

However, this act of losing An Cui really made her know Xiao Ding.

An Cui's face changed slightly and quickly returned to normal.

She raised her hand and grabbed the arm of Gu Yiyi, soft and weak.

"Cousin, the former Nanxian is your fiancé, I naturally won't compete with the expression. Now you have already retired. I want to be his woman. Can you let your uncle go to talk to the master?" I am willing to be jealous."

When Nan Si was Gu Yiyi’s fiancé, An Cui naturally did not dare to make such a request.

But now, Gu Yiyi has already retired from Nanxian, and she can take this request for granted.

"Cousin, as the saying goes, fat water does not flow outside the field, I am your cousin, you will promise me right?" An Cui's eyes are pitiful, tears in his eyes, full of pleading.

Gu Yiyi never felt that a person’s tears were so disgusting to her.

She opened the hand of An Cui with force.

Under the defense of An Cui, he stepped back a few steps and stared at him with amazement.

Gu Yiyi calmed his face and looked down at An Cui. He looked proudly in his eyebrows: "Why do you think that my father will say you in the South String?"

An Cui bit his lip.

Originally, when she was in the government office, she did not need to help me one by one, and Mujia would take the initiative to let her enter the government.

But now everyone knows that she was driven out by the government. There is nothing left, and the family is too snobbish. I don’t want her.

"Cousin, you can only help me now," An Cui crying pitifully, "I beg you to help me, or I and my mother really can't live."

Gu Yiyi glared at An Cui: "Oh, if you can't live, you will die. If you can't go, I can help you."


An Cui dare not open her eyes, so she and Gu Yiyi are still bloody, why can she say this?

Gu Jia’s bodyguard took the first two steps and pulled out the long sword. The sharp eyes stared at An Cui.

An Cui subconsciously stepped back a few steps, his face white and colorless: "Gu Yiyi, are you so ruthless?"

"You said that you can't live anymore. I think you can help you with my cousin's share," Gu Yiyi smiled and walked to An Cui's side. "Do you know why I retired from Nanxian?"

"Why... why?"

"Because... he snatched my favorite woman."

An Cui turned his head in a stiff, sly look at the face of this beautiful and unpredictable face.

"So..." Gu Yiyi’s eyes bent, "Why do you think, I will help you?"

Although Gu Yiyi retired, I felt that Mu Jia deceived her.

But she will not tell An Cui about this!

She just wants An Cui to recognize the fact that she can never help others to make Xiaopeng unhappy.

"Gu Yiyi!" An Cui's face was distorted, and he refused to continue to disguise the pitiful appearance. "I am your cousin, **** dear!"

Gu Yiyi snorted: "Come and bring her blood to me."

An Cui: "..."

"You are not saying that we are **** and dear? When your blood is cleaned up, I will help you to pour some blood into it. So, you have nothing to do with me."

(End of this chapter)

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