The Divine Physician’s Overbearing Wife

Chapter 889: The birthday banquet is soon (3)

Chapter 889 Shou Ban is soon (3)

An Cui's body is shaking.

This is going to be dead!

Seeing that the two guards stepped forward to her arms, An Cui suddenly panicked. She pushed the guards away and hugged the one's thighs.

"Cousin, I am wrong, don't let them put my blood, I am afraid..."

She knows, but if she says it, she will do it!

Gu Yiyi’s face was dark and black, and when he reached out, he took Ancui to a kick and flew out.

"An Cui, you are a family, and have nothing to do with my family. I will tell you when I go back, let him send someone to send your mother and daughter back."

Originally, Gu began to give them a feeling of affection, and still let them stay in the Tenjin House, even if they were expelled from the government, they did not starve them.

This is the case, Gu Jia raised, or two white-eyed wolves.


An Cui's eyes are even more alarmed.

She doesn't want to go back and doesn't want to go back to that place -

Once she went back, she and her mother would not have a good life.

Especially the mother, will be killed!

Gu Yiyi ignored Anci and left with a group of guards.

An Cui stood in the sunset, she stared at the figure that she left, and her body was cold, like a hail.

Gu Yiyi, are you really so worried? A little sister does not care about family?

An Cui’s tears flowed from the corner of her eye, and her face was distorted.

You don't help me to enter the family, then I will ask others. At that time, when I enter the family, you will know that what you have given up is all mine!

All the women’s dream lovers in the Tenjin House have already belonged to me!


Because the old man’s birthday is just around the corner, everyone in the Mu family is very busy.

It may also be that Mu Ling did not tell the others about the news of the return of the plain clothes. During this time, no one came to disturb the plain clothes.

She also fell clean.

At the moment of the Mujia, the cold wind limped out of the hall, and I saw a wandering Muling in the distance, and my heart was excited: "Less Lord, are you coming back? This half month The young master is not in the family, Miss Tan will take care of the old man’s birthday."

Mu Ling's face is a little heavy, a woman who can't enter the table, what is the qualification for the father to arrange the birthday?

"Your legs have not been cultivated yet?" Muling brows and asks.

The corner of the cold wind has a bitter smile.

Since the day, the young master asked him to send a gift to the princess house. As a result, the bridegroom has not been able to deliver it, and he was thrown out by the wind.

The unlucky one was also seen by Nanxian Gongzi and the young lady.

Not only was his leg abolished, but he was also seriously injured. He can only come out after he has cultivated himself.

This life...

Do not!

It is a life of the world, he will never step into the flow of the country!

"Thank you for your concern. The subordinates just scrapped one leg and didn't get in the way."

"Well, joy and contempt can come back?"

When it comes to Chen Lijun, Muling’s face is soft and a bit, which is never there when he faces Tan Shuangshuang.

"Opening the Lord, the frivolous lady sent someone to send a letter back, she has found the birthday gift for the father, and will be back in the next few days."

Muling's eyebrows are full of tenderness, only to think of the sarcasm of Su Shi's scorn on Chen Lijun, his face can not help but sink.

"Right, Master Hairong can leave?"

At the moment, for Muling, the most important thing is this.

When the old man’s birthday is just around the corner, if Hairong does not leave, he will surely encounter Suyi. As a result, the lies he and the contempt will be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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