The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1053: Good trick

Gu Xiaowan nodded, covered her face with the veil that Gu Xintao had dropped, and then both of them hid away.

Madam Jiang was a little hot and dry, and she felt that the weather was so hot today. She only felt like there was a fire in her body, burning herself all the time.

Mrs. Jiang fanned the wind with the veil in her hand, but it didn't help. Her body just felt hotter and hotter!

When Madam Jiang came into the room, she immediately muttered: "Where are the people? Where are the people!"

It seems to be looking for someone.

When she heard something, her face was a joy, and her ruddy face was more like drinking wine at this moment: "I didn't expect that dead girl actually did it!"

With a smug look on his face, he looked for the broken groan!

When I saw the person on the ground, the clothes on his body had been taken off cleanly, even his belly had been taken off. I didn’t know where this hand reached. The whole person’s body, bent into a shrimp, was constantly Twisting, the sound from his mouth seemed to be eager for dissatisfaction.

Because of her sideways, Madam Jiang's sanity was also a little unconscious at this time, and she didn't even see who was lying on the ground.

There was a joy on his face. I just felt that the heat on my body became more intolerable. Unconsciously, this hand also reached into my clothes. In his mouth, he couldn't help but groaned.

Gu Xiaowan's eyes widened, and she watched as Madam Jiang could not help taking off her clothes. She lay on the ground, her whole body also arched into a shrimp. Following the movement of her hand, she kept twitching, and her mouth was broken. Moans.

It seems to be painful, it seems to be joyful!

What kind of medicine is this? It was just a cup, still mixed in a pot, this Madam Jiang just drank a cup, and the symptoms were similar to Gu Xintao.

Gu Xiaowan became more and more afraid as she thought about it. If she didn’t have any more thoughts at the time, she would just drink the cup of tea.

"They drank Huaiqing San. This medicine was originally used for boudoir secrets. I want to use this dose too much to have such an effect!"

It turns out that this medicine has an aphrodisiac effect. Some couples, especially the concubines at home, secretly buy some of this kind of nostalgia in order to keep the master’s favor, and only need a little bit each time. The dosage, there are unexpected results.

Perhaps it was because the dose of the nostalgia medicine was too much, which resulted in a pot of tea. After Gu Xintao and Madam Jiang drank it, they became what they are now.

Gu Xiaowan knew that if she had drunk it at that time, she would be the one who was ashamed.

"Girls, there are a lot of collections in this room. If you want to see, just go in and look at it. My wife will come over afterwards!" It was the voice of Mother Leng, with many girls' smiles in between. sound.

There are really many people here!

This Mrs. Jiang, can't do it once, do it again!

Such tricks of mischief are really fun!

The girls came in swarmingly, scattered around to look at the collections.

The groans of Gu Xintao and Madam Jiang were overshadowed by their laughter.

It's just that the room is so big, and there are so many girls who come in. After blinking a few eyes, some girl screamed.

Immediately afterwards, other girls screamed.

Then, Mother Leng, who was standing outside waiting, saw several girls running out with blushing faces covering their eyes, and each of them looked like red and ripe apples.

Mother Leng was overjoyed, but as if she didn't know anything, she quickly took a girl and asked anxiously: "What's the matter? What's the matter? What happened inside?"

The girl’s face was already blushing, and the red was about to bleed. Although she did not know what happened in the scene just now, she saw the two people lying on the ground without an inch. Guess what happened right away.

Although curious, after all, they were all girls who hadn't come out of the pavilion. Some of the courageous took a second look and ran out with their faces covered, while some were courageous and ran out with a shout.

The two people lying on the ground have lost the slightest consciousness and are only immersed in their own joy.

"It's so embarrassing inside," the girl who didn't question was flushed, looked inside disgustingly, and said displeasedly.

"What?" Mother Leng was delighted when she heard this, but her expression changed: "What happened inside?"

Looking at her like that, it seemed that she had already guessed what happened inside.

"There are people inside, lying on the ground, doing that humiliating thing!" One of the more courageous girls opened their mouths in shame.

"My God, who is it that dare to do such a dirty and nasty thing in my Jiang Mansion?" Mother Leng's voice suddenly became severe, and then asked the maid who had just arrived first, and asked: "Who is inside?"

"In reply to the maid, the slave and maid didn't know. When it first started, it seemed that the county owner of Anping was the only one in it!" The maid said, seemingly confused.

"What? Only the head of Anping County is there?" Mother Leng said with some horror. This Anping County is mainly in her Jiang Mansion. If it loses its reputation

Mother Leng immediately yelled: "Hurry up and find your wife! Just say that something terrible has happened here. Also, where is the girl Gu who brought the county lord here? She is the lord’s sister. It will be easier here!"

With that calm and orderly appearance, it seems that the person in it is Gu Xiaowan.

Mother Leng ordered the two maids in front of her, and the two maids got the order and immediately left.

Sister Leng looked inside the room with calm eyes, feeling proud.

Gu Xiaowan, forgive you for being a county head that the emperor personally canonized. This time your reputation has also been wiped out.

I am afraid that the reputation of doing that filthy thing under the public is gone.

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