The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1054: Who is inside

Just see if Qin Yizhi would choose such a woman?

Who would want a woman without her reputation and chastity!

At that time, he reluctantly asked the son to accept her. If it is good, be a wife, and I am afraid that it will be a sneer for a lifetime.

Isn't he just a county head? I really thought that being a county head could fly into the sky!

If you dare not put the Jiang family in your eyes, then let her have a taste, what it's like to offend the Jiang family!

Mother Leng's face was ashamed and angry, and she seemed to be worried again.

"If this really happened to the county lord of Anping, what can we do!" Sister Leng muttered, seeming to be telling everyone present, inside, the shame that these girls saw just now The person is the head of Anping County.

Some of the courageous took a second look at secretly, and naturally they could see the people inside clearly.

It's just that the people inside are not like Anping County Lord at all!

The girls onlookers look at me, and I look at you. They all seem to wonder if the shameless grandma Leng said is the county owner of Anping!

Some brave people said uncertainly: "Mother, it shouldn't be the county lord of Anping in there!"

Mother Leng was a little displeased when she saw someone refute her, but she still tried her best to endure and said: "I don't want to be the head of Anping County, as long as it is not the head of Anping County, it will be easy!" Then she said, "That If it weren't for the county lord of Anping, who would be inside? The maids can tell, there is only the county lord of Anping!"

Some young ladies looked at Mother Leng and wanted to speak, but thought of the scene they saw just now, and consciously closed their mouths, hiding behind them so that she wouldn't let Mother Leng find themselves.

Is it the one lying here?

However, no one dared to say.

Some smart girls seem to feel a strong taste of calculation.

Before seeing who was inside, Mother Leng made a rash judgment and said that the person here was the head of Anping County. Could it be that she was going to buckle the head of the head of Anping County!

The grudge between Madam Jiang and Gu Xiaowan was heard by some of the girls present. It was heard that Liu Tianci had offended the county lord of Anping and Madam Jiang had nothing to do, so Ms. Liu was sent back to the capital!

How could Mrs. Jiang give up with such a good daughter-in-law candidate!

Maybe, this time there was such an ugly thing, and it was also Mrs. Jiang in order to avenge Anping County Lord 1

However, the county lord of Anping was the fifth-rank county lord who was personally canonized by the emperor. Madame Jiang would have done such a thing, and she was too brave.

The girls onlookers were a little bit sorrowful, and they all looked at the anxious ant on a hot pot, and they kept mumbling about what happened to the county lord.

Just now those people who have seen lying on the ground with half of their clothes bare, look at that figure, she is obviously an adult woman, her figure is bloated, and the color of the clothes taken off from her body is also very dull, not at all like just now. The dress of Anping County, who is just as Jing.

The ladies who saw the person just now all looked at each other curiously, and they all saw their doubts in each other's eyes.

But seeing that Mother Leng was so sure that the person inside was the head of Anping County, they couldn't say anything!

Just wait for someone to come and determine who is inside!

The maid who went to find someone came back after a while, but she was anxious and sweaty: "Mother, I asked, but I haven't seen my wife!"

"What about the girl?" Mother Leng was a little skeptical, but she didn't think about other places. Maybe the wife was too busy to take care of her.

The maid also shook her head, saying that she hadn't seen it.

Mother Leng suddenly had a bad premonition when she saw that the two people who had come to meet here as soon as possible had not appeared, she suddenly had a bad feeling!

Turning his head to look inside the room, gritted his teeth, but dare not say a word.

"Hey, why don't the ladies go in and take a look? There are so many collections in this room!" Suddenly, a clear voice came from behind the courtyard door.

When Mother Leng heard this, her whole figure seemed to be frozen suddenly, and she couldn't say a word at that moment.

The whole person froze.

But the girls heard the sound, and turned around quickly, seeing that it was Gu Xiaowan, they all let out a long sigh of relief.

"County owner"

The girls all came up to Gu Xiaowan respectfully and politely, and Gu Xiaowan also smiled and responded politely one by one, as if she hadn't noticed Mother Leng's ice-like face at all.

After Gu Xiaowan greeted the ladies with a smile, she saw Mother Leng who was silently silent, and asked curiously: "What are the ladies discussing just now? It's so lively? What happened to Mother Leng? Why didn't she move? Don't speak!"

One of the girls guessed what happened to Mother Leng. With a smile on her mouth, she covered her mouth with a veil and said with a smile: "Mother Leng is afraid that she is thinking about something wrong, this time she is thinking about it!"

Gu Xiaowan pretended to be puzzled and asked what was going on.

What the lady wanted to say, she heard Mother Leng yell: "Anping County Lord!"

Gu Xiaowan's attention was immediately drawn by her.

Mother Leng saw that Gu Xiaowan hadn't learned the truth of the matter, so she wanted to let these people leave!

When I heard Gu Xiaowan’s voice just now, Mother Leng had no idea how many times she had turned her mind.

The person doing indecent things inside is not Gu Xiaowan?

Didn't she drink that cup of tea with nostalgia?

She didn't drink tea, so who did it?

The ladies saw someone inside with their own eyes!

Sister Leng changed her thoughts, could it be that Gu Xintao is the person here?

When she thought of this, Mother Leng felt a little scared in her heart, but she immediately recovered her expression.

If the person inside is really Gu Xintao, then her reputation is really stinky and rotten this time.

Madam didn't like this person at all, and now seeing her doing such unsightly things under the public, I was afraid that she would never agree to her entering Jiang's door.

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