The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1061: Always follow you

Zuo made a pot of tea and took it in directly. Ah Mo was helping Gu Xiaowan to grind it inside.

After putting down the things, Zuo was about to go out.

Although Gu Xiaowan was doing the calculations, she had been looking at Zuo's body all the time. Seeing her swift hands and feet, she suddenly asked, "Zuo, how do you know how to work?"

After such a long period of observation, Gu Xiaowan was also very satisfied with this Zuo.

This girl, not because she was arranged by Gu Xiaowan to come in, was just showing off in the kitchen, but she was very low-key.

All dirty and tiring work are rushed to do.

After finishing her own business, she helped others to do it. She has a good reputation in the whole restaurant.

Thinking of what Qin Yizhi said to herself, Gu Xiaowan looked at Zuo, but she also had this thought.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan asking herself, Zuo quickly said respectfully: "I know a little bit, my father used to open a martial arts gym, and I also learned a lot of kung fu with my father!"

Gu Xiaowan was also very satisfied when she said that she knew martial arts.

At that time, when Zuo saved the little girl in front of such a fast carriage, he must have two brushes!

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Yes, I lack a girl by my side, would you like to be by my side?"

Gu Xiaowan's words really shocked Zuo.

Missing a girl?

Isn't it a maid?

"Miss?" Zuo was a little dazed, not understanding what Gu Xiaowan meant!

Seeing what she didn't understand, Gu Xiaowan explained with a smile: "I am a person, and I don't like people who call themselves servants or servants. This girl is just by my side and serving me, but you are still free. , Anytime, anywhere, go and stay at will! You are a good girl, like Ahmad. If you are not in your family, you will not show up if you want to come. So I want to ask you, would you like to follow me?"

Gu Xiaowan's words really surprised Zuo!

Go and stay freely? Moreover, she is still free?

Thinking of the maids in the capital, their deeds of selling are all held tightly by the ladies, and they will be slaves for the rest of their lives.

Now he is a slave, and when he grows up, he will marry a slave, and the children he will have later will remain a slave.

The first time Ah Zuo heard someone say that he should not treat the person beside him as a maid, but as a free person.

Go and stay freely.

Ah Zuo glanced at Ahmad indefinitely, but saw Ahmad looking at her with a smile and said, "A Zuo, don't you thank you girl? If you have a good place in the future, the girl will definitely not stop you, on the contrary , The girl will support you."

Ah Mo has been with Gu Xiaowan for a long time, and Gu Xiaowan never treats him like a slave.

Zuo had always obeyed Qin Yizhi's orders, and was very puzzled when he heard that Qin Yizhi wanted to come to Liujia Town by himself.

As requested, Zuo came to Gu Xiaowan's side.

She has been with Qin Yizhi since she was a child, learning martial arts and practicing martial arts. Although her martial arts is not as good as Ahmad, she is also very powerful.

Regarding Qin Yizhi's affairs, she would all obey and obey unconditionally. To be Gu Xiaowan's maid, she also obeyed unconditionally.

But there were more or less complaints in this heart.

Ahmad has been with Gu Xiaowan for several years, but seeing that all his thoughts are now on Gu Xiaowan's body, sometimes, even the words of the master are placed behind Gu Xiaowan.

The master not only does not blame, on the contrary, he is satisfied.

Zuo was a little surprised. She had already heard of Gu Xiaowan.

From the time the master left the capital for a long time, she intermittently learned about the movements of the master and Ahmad from Ah Wei's mouth.

When he knew that Ahmad was completely loyal to Gu Xiaowan now, Ah Zuo didn't know how surprised it was.

Ahmad Ahwei, Ah Zuo Ah You had been training for more than ten years before they followed Qin Yizhi.

It can be said that Qin Yizhi's right and left arm, these four people, martial arts and strong, loyal.

But now, Ahmad has completely become Gu Xiaowan's. So in the future, should he follow Gu Xiaowan unconditionally?

Zuo was a little suspicious. He always had a faint smile on the face of the man in front of him who was younger than him. Gu Xiaowan, who was calm and clear, became more curious about this person!

What kind of person is it that makes the master so arrogant, full of hers, and even the people around him have to follow Gu Xiaowan's loyalty.

After this time of getting along with Zuo, he also learned a little bit about who Gu Xiaowan was.

This time, I saw Gu Xiaowan asking if she would like to follow her. Zuo just thought about it, and he agreed: "I am willing to follow the girl forever!"

Gu Xiaowan listened to her saying forever, she covered her mouth and smiled, and said: "I can never tell. If you have a good chance in the future, I will let you go. Plus, girls always have to marry. If there are people in the future, I will definitely help you find a good family! It also saves you that you have been wandering outside, no one is safe."

Zuo didn't think that Gu Xiaowan would marry her, so he was stunned.

She is already sixteen. Logically speaking, at this girl's house, when she is sixteen, children can run away.

Suddenly hearing Ahmad's soft laughter, Ah Zuo came back to his senses, and suddenly felt his cheeks flushed and he was a little at a loss.

Gu Xiaowan didn't expect that the ancient girl's reaction was so strong when she heard about the marriage, and she didn't expect Ah Mo to laugh out loud. Seeing Ah Zuo a little embarrassed, Gu Xiaowan was familiar with Ah Mo, so she didn't expect it. Start him: "Ahmad, you are older. If you want to, you should first help you find a good girl!"

When Ah Mo heard that Gu Xiaowan said about herself, her face suddenly blushed.

Zuo knew that Gu Xiaowan was trying to relieve herself, and she immediately understood her heart and laughed scornfully.

Suddenly, laughter continued in the wing.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. It was a guy in the restaurant, saying that it was the son of the Zhao family who wanted to see the county owner.

When she heard that it was Zhao Zicong, Gu Xiaowan frowned slightly.

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