The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1062: I love Miss Gu

This Zhao Zicong is still lingering, even after saying a few words to him outside last time, this person really stuck to her.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to get involved with the Zhao family in any way. Without thinking about it, she said, "Go and tell him, just say I'm gone!"

But the guy still didn't leave, and said embarrassingly: "Girl, I told him, but he didn't believe it. He said that the girl must be still in the restaurant. He wanted to see the girl and even said it."

The guy glanced at Gu Xiaowan with a little horror, and stopped talking.

Seeing his cowering look, Ahmad shouted, "What else did he say? Don't hesitate!"

The guy shuddered, a little scared, and quickly said everything he had heard and saw.

"Girl, the son of the Zhao family said that after listening to the girl's words last time, he gave an initiation, saying that from now on, he must change his mind, change his wrongs, and correct all previous bad habits. He also said that the girl belongs to him. If you look at the benefactor, thank you girl in person!"

The guy looked at Gu Xiaowan's face from time to time and saw that there was no discomfort on her face. Only then did he say everything he heard.

"Is this Zhao Zicong really different from his mother?" Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded. This Zhao Zicong and Gu Xiaowan had long heard of it.

You can do all the messy things, but you can't be a good person!

Let Gu Xiaowan believe that a person who has always been looking for flowers and asking Liu has suddenly become Liu Xiahui. It is better to tell Gu Xiaowan that this person has become an **** and is more real.

Gu Xiaowan didn't think that fishy cats would change to vegetarianism, but she was suddenly curious about how Zhao Zicong suddenly changed her personality!

At that time, Gu Xiaowan frightened Zhao Zicong, who was about to get angry.

But afterwards, he managed to endure it, thanked Gu Xiaowan, and apologized to Zuo. I have to say that this person is not a idiot who knows nothing.

Gu Xiaowan didn't want to see Zhao Zicong, so she shook her hand and said, "Shoot that person out, and don't let him enter Jinfu Tower from now on."

Ahmad couldn't ask for it. This person, who is still lingering, can get a good lesson today, otherwise, he really thinks that the girl is a good talker.

Zuo became Gu Xiaowan's person, so naturally he didn't have to stay in the kitchen, so he talked to several masters in the kitchen.

Everyone heard that Zuo was going to be taken back by the girl and served the girl, and everyone was happy for Zuo.

"A Zuo, the girl is a good girl. She must have seen you work hard and decided to take you by her side. Since the girl was named the county lord, there should be a caring person by her side. You follow the girl and work hard, the girl will definitely not let you suffer!" "Isn’t it, Zuo, the girl is a true temperament, you must serve the girl wholeheartedly, you must not give birth to two hearts, if you have any two hearts Serve Gu Xiaowan well, a little bit dumbfounded, but also impressed by the popularity of Gu Xiaowan.

After talking to the kitchen, Zuo went back to the lobby and planned to go upstairs.

Suddenly I heard a voice: "Ms. Xiaowan, since I saw it last time, I have been like a man. I love the girl in my heart and think about it. A day is not like three autumns. Girl, please, please be merciful. Let me take a look!"

Zhao Zicong's voice.

As soon as Zhao Zicong's voice fell, he heard whispering voices from the entire lobby.

Is this Zhao Zicong really lingering?

Seeing that this person dared to slander the girl's reputation here, Zuo frowned and was startled.

As soon as I wanted to deal with Zhao Zicong, I saw a person flying on the second floor, and pointed the sword in his hand directly to Zhao Zicong's neck: "What nonsense are you talking about! You slander the reputation of my girl, you will die!"

The voice was as cold as the ice of the twelfth lunar month, and the sword in his hand moved a little over his neck, pressing tightly on his neck.

However, Zhao Zicong was not afraid of the heavens. He was afraid that the girl would not see my infatuation. He was not afraid of the sharp sword Ahmad put on his neck. He said affectionately: "I want to see Miss Xiaowan since last time. No, the girl is already deeply rooted in my heart. I will never leave without seeing the girl! Even if you kill me, it's useless."

"You" Ahmad didn't really think that he would encounter a rogue. The sword in his hand was directly pressed, and traces of blood were visible on the snow-white neck: "Don't think I dare not kill you!"

"I adore girls, girls and me, male and unmarried women are unmarried, I want to see a girl, what can't you do!" Zhao Zicong looked like I didn't see a girl if you killed me and I wouldn't be afraid of it. Sword, that sharp blade has cut through his skin!

Zhao Zicong looked affectionate, looked at the wing where Gu Xiaowan worked on the second floor, and looked affectionate: "Girl, when I saw you last time, the girl is like a fairy in the sky in my heart, making me sleepless at night and thinking about it. Twilight

Zhao Zicong's affectionate look made everyone a little embarrassed.

"When did Young Master Zhao become a lover, it was an eye-opener!" someone said with a smile.

"Why is Miss Gu being entangled by this disciple!" Someone worried about Gu Xiaowan.

"What are you worried about? Zhao Zicong will look at all kinds of women. Hmph, maybe she is a girl who robs people. This time, I am interested in living in Anping County, and give him a hundred courage. It's just taking advantage of his Zhao family's century-old reputation to add trouble to Girl Gu!" Someone has already seen Zhao Zicong's plan.

Gu Xiaowan was calculating the accounts in the wing, and she had already heard the voice outside.

With a sneer, since you want to destroy her reputation, let's see if the Zhao family has that ability in the past century.

At this time, Zuo also stepped forward, pointing at Zhao Zicong, who was pretending to be affectionate, and cursed: "Zhao Zicong, how can you slander my girl casually!"

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